The Journey Through The Chambers of the United Hearts: The Pursuit of Holiness

About The Apparitions


The Visionary, Maureen Sweeney-Kyle, was born on December 12, 1940, on the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe. She resides with her husband, Don Kyle, at the site of the miraculous Maranatha Spring and Shrine in North Ridgeville, Ohio, the home of Holy Love Ministries.

Our Lady first appeared to Maureen in January 1985 at St. Brendan Catholic Church in North Olmsted, Ohio. Shortly after the first apparition, Maureen began receiving frequent Messages, first from Jesus and then from Our Lady.

Our Lady gave nearly daily Messages through December 1998. Then, Jesus gave daily Messages from January 1999 to May 2017, with God the Father giving daily Messages since June 2017.

To date, Maureen has received over 30,000 Messages from God the Father, Jesus, Our Lady, many saints and angels, and some of the Poor Souls in Purgatory.

Spiritual Directors:

Over the years, Maureen has been guided by various spiritual directors and spiritual advisors who have been experts in Marian Theology.

Archbishop Gabriel Gonsum Ganaka (1937-1999) from Jos, Nigeria, was one of Maureen's spiritual advisors in 1998-1999. Archbishop Ganaka arranged for an audience with Pope John Paul II on August 11, 1999.

The following picture was taken on the joyful occasion of the visit by the Visionary, Maureen Sweeney-Kyle, with Pope John Paul II. Maureen's husband, Don Kyle (bottom right), Archbishop Ganaka (top left) and Rev. Frank Kenney (Maureen's Spiritual Director from 1994- 2004 – top row, middle position) accompanied her on the visit.

Archbishop Ganaka passed away in November of 1999 and his cause for sainthood was begun in March of 2007.


During the early years of the apparitions, Our Lady gave Maureen a series of missions to accomplish:



(Promotion of the Title and the Devotion)



(Nationwide Anti-Abortion Rosary Crusades)


The combined Revelations of MARY, REFUGE OF HOLY LOVE and the CHAMBERS OF THE UNITED HEARTS. In 1993, Our Lady asked that this Mission be known as Holy Love Ministries and then requested that the Ministry procure property for a shrine in Lorain County, Ohio. This was accomplished in 1995. This 115-acre shrine is now known as Maranatha Spring and Shrine, the home of Holy Love Ministries, an Ecumenical Lay Apostolate to make known to the world the Chambers of the United Hearts through the Messages of Holy and Divine Love.


We are an ecumenical Ministry seeking personal holiness in and through the Message of Holy and Divine Love. We seek perfection through the Chambers of the United Hearts. We spread the Revelation of the Chambers of the United Hearts whenever and wherever we can, thus ushering in the triumphant victory of the United Hearts.


Jesus: "This Mission and the Messages of Holy and Divine Love are the culmination of all the Messages Heaven has given to earth." (May 20, 2005)

Mary, Refuge of Holy Love: "Dear children, please treasure the journey you are given through these Messages. It is the missing link to all other Messages given to other visionaries. While many others deal with living in the Divine Will, the journey through the Chambers of Our United Hearts gives you the way into the Divine Will. You cannot reach any destination without first making the journey." (May 10, 2017)

God the Father: "Children, if you are privy to these Messages, then you are invited to propagate them, as they lead you along the path to Heaven. It is like discovering a treasure. In Christian joy, you should be anxious to share the treasure you have found. These Messages mold your heart in such a way that perfection in holiness is something to aim for." (May 21, 2019)


On March 4, 1997, Blessed Mother took Maureen’s hand and assisted her in drawing the Image of Mary, Refuge of Holy Love, in order to depict how She looks to the Visionary, and to grant to the world a new source of grace.

Blessed Mother: "Promulgate the Image you have before you. In this Image is the culmination of all My apparitions during this century. It is the Refuge of the Immaculate Heart spoken of at Fatima. It is the promise of an era to come spoken of at Garabandal. I speak of the crown over My Heart, which foretells the victory of the United Hearts and the triumph of the Church over evil. The cross on My Hand represents a dogma which is coming – Co-Redemptrix. I am pointing to My Heart, calling humanity into this safe Refuge. This Refuge is Holy Love." (July 30, 1997)

Jesus: "For many years you have pondered My Mother's words to you that this is the culmination of all Her apparitions in the world. Mistakenly, you thought She meant the last of all Her apparitions. Not so. By the words 'culmination of all My apparitions' My Mother was revealing a deeper thought. The Message of the Chambers of Our United Hearts is the ultimate path each soul is created to pursue, for this spiritual journey leads to personal holiness and sanctification. Further, since this journey leads the soul in pursuit of living in the Divine Will, there is no other message from Heaven – no other 'new apparition', no other type of spiritual journey which should encourage the soul in a different direction. All directions from Heaven – if genuine – should eventually culminate in pursuit of My Father's Divine Will. Through the Message of these Sacred Chambers, the soul has been given a virtual road map." (May 17, 2003)


God the Father: As I (Maureen) was praying in my prayer room, a large Flame appeared. Then I heard a voice that said: "All praise be the Blessed Trinity. I am God the Father. You see My Heart before you as a massive Flame. It is the Flame of My Eternal, Divine Will which burns before you. It is this Flame that is the embodiment of Perfect Love and My Divine Will. My Heart is a Flame which engulfs the United Hearts of Jesus and Mary – of Holy and Divine Love – melting Them into Divine Union with My Will, never to be separated. So you see, I present to you a new Image – the Complete Image of Love – the Union of Holy and Divine Love completely immersed in the Flame of My Fatherly Heart, which is the Divine Will." (January 18, 2007)

Jesus: "My Father has revealed to the world that the Light surrounding Our United Hearts is, in fact, the Holy Spirit Who inspires and enlightens souls to come into Holy and Divine Love, and to pursue only the Will of My Father. The Holy Spirit desires that when a soul enters Our Hearts, he be held captive, so to speak, always desiring a deeper Chamber, a greater understanding of this mystery and deeper union with the Divine Will." (February 25, 2007)

Jesus: "My brothers and sisters, accept the Image of Our United Hearts as the visual of My Father's Divine Will. It is He who sent Me to tell you this and to give you this Image. The Sacred Chambers of Our United Hearts lead the soul on the journey into union and immersion in the Divine Will. All that is needed is the soul's 'yes'. This 'yes' is your surrender to Our United Hearts." (March 12, 2017)


St. Thomas Aquinas: "The Chambers of the United Hearts represent the various levels or depths that the soul embraces of God the Father's Will. So you see, the entire spiritual journey that Heaven has revealed here is a journey – beginning to end – into the Divine Will of God." (June 27, 2006)


The Home of Holy Love Ministries

Our Lady: "Please understand, My children, that the layout of this property represents the soul’s journey into holiness and Our United Hearts.

1. The soul is first drawn into My Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart (represented at the Lake of Tears), where he is purged of many of his most flagrant faults.

2. Then he travels along guided by the angels – as is represented on the property by the Lake of Angels.

3. He receives many graces to move deeper into My Heart and into Divine Love, the Heart of My Son. This is represented by Maranatha Spring on the property.

4. Finally, in conformity to the Divine Will of God, he arrives at the Field of Victory, Our United Hearts and the Triumph.

5. Understand that every triumph and victory is surrounded by the Way of the Cross. And thus you have at the back of the property – the Stations of the Cross."

(December 12, 1999)

Mary, Refuge of Holy Love: "What I offer on this property and through these Messages can transform your heart, if you allow it. Do not pass up this opportunity of grace. Let the Truth find you. I speak of the Truth of where you stand before God. I speak of the Truth of Holy Love. If you come to the property you will receive the Truth of the state of your soul. You will receive in your heart the essence of the importance of living in Holy Love. You will begin your journey through the Chambers of Our United Hearts. All that the world has to offer will become unimportant to you. This is the grace of wisdom I offer to you through the Holy Spirit." (June 5, 2017)

Jesus: "This entire Ministry, the Messages of Holy Love, the journey through the Chambers of Our United Hearts, and the graces attendant to the property are all an extension and an outpouring of My Divine Mercy." (April 7, 2013 – Divine Mercy Sunday)