The Journey Through The Chambers of the United Hearts: The Pursuit of Holiness

Chapter 12


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Chapter 12.

Fourth Chamber of the United Hearts: Union with the Divine Will

At the conclusion of Chapter 11, some of the Holy Love Messages had shown that the key to progressing from the Fourth Chamber of the United Hearts, (also known as Sanctification or Conformity with the Divine Will), deeper into the United Hearts to the Fifth Chamber, (also known as Union with the Divine Will), and finally to the Sixth Chamber, (also known as Immersion in the Divine Will), is the submission of the soul to an ongoing trustful surrender to the Divine Will just as it is with the other Chambers of the United Hearts.

In a Message given on August 20, 2001, Jesus says:

"The innermost depths of My Heart are only attainable through trust. The reason so few souls are admitted to the Fifth Chamber of My Heart, that is – union with the Divine Will – is that in some small way they fail in trust. They may perfectly conform to the Will of God in every way possible and reside in the Fourth Chamber of My Heart, but in the end, there is some area of their lives they have failed to surrender to Me... I reserve this Final Chamber for the ones who are resigned to accept everything as from My Father's Hand. These souls do not struggle against God's Will, but accept what comes, waiting to see what good will come from each situation."

The importance of a willing trustful surrender to the Divine Will, which is Holy Love, when progressing through the Chambers of the United Hearts, was in a Message given on July 29, 2000, in which Jesus says:

"My brothers and sisters, each soul decides himself how far he will come into My Heart; for each one is given the grace to come into the elite Fifth Chamber of My Heart, which is Union with the Divine Will. What determines advancement in the Chambers of My Heart... is your surrender to the Commandments of Love."

As we come ever closer to the end of 'making the spiritual journey' of personal holiness through the Chambers of the United Hearts, we will focus on those Messages revealing the deeper spiritual nature of this elite Fifth Chamber of the United Hearts, (aka, Union with the Divine Will) as it lies within the Fourth Chamber of Jesus' Sacred Heart. In revealing the spirituality of the Fifth Chamber, we will focus more specifically on the characteristics that distinguish it from the Fourth Chamber while also being a state of logical progression in the depth of holiness the soul attains as it surrenders all of its own will striving toward its eternal destiny of union with and immersion in God.

We begin the discussion with the same Message given by Jesus on April 10, 2000, (which was introduced at the end of Chapter 11) in which He says:

"The Chambers of My Heart are a progression in surrender to the Divine Will. There are the Four Chambers of My Heart. But, and this is what I desire that you understand, there is also a Fifth Chamber. The Fifth Chamber of My Heart is secretly hidden within the Fourth Chamber. It is the Kingdom of the Divine Will within your own heart. It needs to be discovered by the soul as he dwells within the Fourth Chamber. Some souls in the Fourth Chamber do not discover this inner Kingdom, which is My Heart within them. Though they are in union with the Divine Will, this discovery of the Fifth Chamber remains elusive. The souls who do discover My Kingdom within them are already in the New Jerusalem. The Fifth Chamber, then, is not your heart moving deeper into My Heart, but the discovery of My Heart within your own."

The first characteristic that distinguishes the Fifth Chamber from the Fourth Chamber has to do with this discovery by the soul of the 'Kingdom of God,' (represented by the Hearts of the Holy Trinity), lying within his own heart. This was first discussed by Our Lady in a Message She gave on June 15, 1995, in which She said:

"Jesus calls souls into the Flame of My Heart (the First Chamber) to be purified and perfected in holiness. He asks that once a soul surrenders to this Flame of Love that they no longer seek external graces here, there and everywhere. My Son desires that souls find the 'Kingdom of God' within their own hearts and pray for the interior grace they need to become more holy. All will be given that is needed for each soul to reach perfection (in holiness)... I give you this example: A soul comes to My Son in adoration and receives many consolations during adoration. Instead of returning there often, he looks for another chapel of adoration hoping to find even more grace. Such a soul could easily lose his way because he does not look within himself but looks outside himself seeking perfection, (by) seeking more exterior grace."

This discovery, Our Lady says, that souls make of finding the 'Kingdom of God' to be an interior grace within their own hearts is represented by the Fifth Chamber of the United Hearts. However, this cannot be discovered until the soul goes through the other Chambers of the United Hearts first – beginning with the First Chamber (Our Lady's Immaculate Heart).

This is why in a Message given on October 30, 2000, at a Monday Night United Hearts Confraternity Service, Jesus says:

"My dear brothers and sisters, no one among you can discover the Kingdom of God' within, which is the Fifth Chamber, until you first discover your own faults and failings. Therefore, understand that such self-knowledge is My Grace in action and My Love for you."

The discovery of one's faults and failings takes place in the First Chamber of the United Hearts – Our Lady's Immaculate Heart. Jesus, the Blessed Mother and the saints all tell us that in order to live or be in the Kingdom of God, all souls must first surrender their hearts totally to God recognizing those faults and failings that need to be purged before God's Kingdom can reign in the soul. As we have seen, this all takes place in the First Chamber of the United Hearts, which is the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

In a Message Jesus gave on October 3, 2000, He tells a parable to help us more easily understand the necessity of the complete journey of personal holiness through the Chambers of the United Hearts beginning with the First Chamber and striving to reach the goal of the Fifth Chamber in which the soul will realize the Kingdom of God residing within his heart. In His Message, Jesus says:

"I am going to describe for you in simplistic terms the journey into the United Hearts. In this parable, the United Hearts are represented by a great house. The soul who wishes to enter the house (the First Chamber) must use a key. This key represents the soul's free will. When he uses the key (that is surrender to the call to love) he enters the antechamber of My Heart which is My Mother's Immaculate Heart – Holy Love. Once inside this 'vestibule' the soul is curious about the rest of the house (that is, the Chambers of My Heart – Divine Love). He finds another door in front of him. Once again he must turn the key and surrender more deeply to Me – this time to holiness. Within the house finally the soul is anxious to explore the other rooms (Chambers of My Heart). Each Chamber remains secluded behind a locked door. Each room (Chamber) the soul seeks entrance to requires a deeper submission of his own will. If he is sincere and perseveres in his efforts he will reach the most secluded room – the Fifth Chamber of My Heart. Here is pure peace, love, and joy. It is in this, the tiniest room of all, that the soul finds complete union with the Divine Will of My Father. Such a soul settles into this little Chamber not wishing to be found or noticed. His only pleasure is in being there. (Here) he is in the present moment always. Take time to meditate upon this house I have shown you. The smallest Chamber of My Heart is the one in which the soul realizes the Kingdom of God within. I sit down next to the guests who come into the Fifth Chamber and they are always in Me."

Later that same day, October 3, 2000, Jesus provided an addendum to this Message as He says:

"The soul does not exist in this (Fifth) Chamber for himself, but for the Will of the Father. His desire is never to be found by temptation never to be drawn away from the Divine Will and so, into a lesser Chamber."

In a Monthly Message to All People and Every Nation, Jesus emphasized the absolute necessity of souls, (by their free will), to allow the Kingdom of God to reign in their hearts and for those souls to embrace the Fifth Chamber of the Sacred Heart in order for the Reign of the Kingdom of God and the Triumph of the United Hearts to take place in the heart of the world. In this Message given on February 5, 2004, Jesus says:

"Do not be shocked or dismayed when the evil that is around you – the evil that is in the hearts of so many – is revealed by the Light of Truth. This is part of My Victory. I must take up My Reign in hearts before My Triumph can come into the world. For this reason I tell you, do not forsake the Message of Holy Love. Allow your hearts to be convicted in love and humility. It is in this way My Reign will begin within you. Let nothing stand between us – not affairs in the world, worry for the future or any flaw in virtue. Allow the Fifth Chamber to consume your heart and your heart to embrace the Fifth Chamber (union with Divine Will). The soul that strives after this, yields a blow to Satan that he cannot recover from."

This remains an encouraging Message to the Remnant Faithful even today from the vantage point of the amount of evil that lies within the hearts of so many in the world is being exposed to or revealed by the Light of Truth, the Holy Spirit.

As far as can be determined from what Jesus tells us, there seems to be a complementary exchange of possession of love between the Divine Will and the human will that takes place when a soul trustfully surrenders everything to the Divine Will, which results in a union or unity of the two into one; and it is at that point the soul discovers the Kingdom of God residing in his heart. Jesus discusses this in a Message given on October 18, 2000, in which He says:

"Everything you need will be given you; but the center of your being needs to be given to Me. Only then will you find true peace. Only then through union with the Divine Will shall you discover the Kingdom of God within. When the Will of My Father consumes your heart, then shall you partake and share the Kingdom of His Will – the Fifth Chamber. Today you see the beauty of His Will all around you in the autumn colors. If His beauty in nature is such, consider the ultimate beauty He desires to share with each soul – the beauty of the Kingdom of His Will. Such depth of beauty cannot be painted in nature nor replicated by any artist, for it is Divine – Divine Love. You cannot know the brilliance of this Love until you possess it and it possesses you."

In order for the soul to experience this depth of beauty that is Divine Love (the Kingdom of God residing within the heart), he must first realize his own responsibility in his salvation, which Jesus talks about in a Message given on May 23, 2000, in which He says:

"I have come to help you understand the gratuity of My Heart lies forsaken until the soul realizes his own responsibility in his salvation. For every Chamber that the soul enters in My Heart of Hearts is opened only by the efforts the soul makes in opening the matching chamber in his own heart. Just as My Heart holds Five Chambers, each soul has a coordinating chamber in his own heart. He opens the door to the chamber of his own heart first by further surrender of his own will to the Divine Will. When proper abnegation has been accomplished, the next Chamber of My Sacred Heart opens. In finality, the Fifth Chamber of My Heart, the Chamber where the human will and Divine Will are one, the soul recognizes that all along the Kingdom of God dwells within."

Notice it is only when the soul experiences the unity or union that is the Fifth Chamber of the United Hearts that he recognizes how the Kingdom of God dwells within his heart for the Kingdom of God is the Kingdom or Reign of the Divine Will of the Father. This recognition by the soul and its union with the Kingdom of the Divine Will are some of the factors or characteristics of spirituality that distinguish and separate the Fourth Chamber of the United Hearts from the smaller Fifth Chamber which lies deeper within.

In a few Messages given in late April and early May of 2000, these distinguishing factors which also revealed the basic spirituality of the souls that come into the Fifth Chamber were provided in greater detail. In a Message given on April 12, 2000, Jesus says:

"My sister, you ponder the Fifth Chamber. It is the smallest, most elite Chamber comprised of the most humble and loving souls. The souls that dwell herein are part of My Heart. They no longer are part of the world, but I am in them. They only exist to accomplish the Father's Will. Such as these give to Me every present moment. They disappear only to be replaced by the Will of My Father."

Then, in a Message given on April 17, 2000, Jesus says:

"I have come to help you understand the depth of the Fourth Chamber of My Heart. Within this Chamber is an Inner Sanctum – some may term it a Fifth Chamber – which few souls have entered from the beginning of time. The hearts that enter this sanctuary never think of self. Their will is completely annihilated and the Divine Will of My Father reigns Supreme. The Will of God is the height and breadth, indeed the substance of this sanctuary of peace, as is every soul admitted... Say that the soul is a snowflake. It is created by God and comes into being in the world. It falls as an individual flake, but as it reaches earth unites with many, losing its individuality in a snowdrift. In the spiritual life the soul is created, has its own will, but unites to the Will of God. The journey of our snowflake continues. It evaporates and returns to the heavens. Thus in the spiritual realm, the soul loses itself (evaporates) and becomes one with My Father in Heaven. Each soul is capable of this journey, but few there are that choose it."

Jesus further describes the spiritual nature of the Kingdom of the Divine Will, which is the Fifth Chamber, in a Message given on April 26, 2000, in which He says:

"How can I explain the Fifth Most Intimate Chamber of My Heart? In this Chamber the soul exists and is completely absorbed in the Divine Will. The person no longer lives, but the Will of God lives through him. He accepts everything as from the Hand of My Father, knowing everything is a grace and all things turn to the good of his salvation. Every virtue has been fine-tuned. The Kingdom of the Divine Will reigns within his heart. This Kingdom is the Triumph of Our United Hearts! It is like food which is assimilated and disappears. It becomes part of the body. This is what the Kingdom of the Divine Will is like. This is the Fifth Chamber of My Most Sacred Heart."

Providing us with these varying descriptions of the spiritual nature of the Fifth Chamber of the United Hearts, Jesus went on to say in a Message He gave on May 3, 2000:

"The principal difference between the Fourth and Fifth Chambers of My Heart is the difference between conformity and union. Conformity to the Divine Will implies there are still two entities. One who seeks to imitate God's Will is making himself conform. In the Fifth Chamber, however, there is no more effort, but the two wills (human and Divine) are united as one. There is no more effort to be as one, for in perfect union there is only one entity."

In a Message he gave on February 14, 2004, St. Thomas Aquinas further explained this difference between conformity (Fourth Chamber) and union (Fifth Chamber) in terms of the progression from being conformed to the Divine Will toward being in union with the Divine Will, so much so that the soul discovers the Father's Divine Will within his own heart. Thus, St. Thomas says:

"Child, sequester your heart in the Divine Will of the Eternal Father. At first this may take profound effort as you struggle to conform your free will with the Divine. But as you grow more and more united to the Divine Will, the flame of conformity in your own heart will grow bigger and brighter until at last you need no effort at all – there is union! Then discover within your own heart the Will of the Father. This is the Fifth Chamber."

As we saw in Chapter 11 in discussing the Fourth Chamber of the United Hearts, St. Thomas gave a Message on July 24, 2002, at the end of which he said that the final goal of the soul is to be always living in unity with God's Will every present moment.

As we have seen in previous Chapters, St. Anthony of Padua had described in a Message given on May 20, 2000, five steps the soul takes in proceeding along the way of salvation toward the goal of unity with God's Will. Four of these steps were already discussed here: Step 1: Salvation, in Chapter 8; Step 2: Holiness in Chapter 9; Step 3: Perfection in Chapter 10; Step 4: Sanctification in Chapter 11. In Step 5, (the last step) which he calls Union with the Divine Will, St. Anthony says:

"Few reach this Inner Sanctum of Our Lord's Heart. There is now only one entity. Self is no longer present. The soul is one with God and His Divine Will. This is the New Jerusalem."

This last step – Step 5 is the Fifth Chamber of the United Hearts, as St. Thomas Aquinas had said above.

This description by St. Anthony of what is essentially the Fifth Chamber was reiterated by the visionary in a talk she gave on May 10, 2003 at a conference in Maine (see the Foreword), in which she said:

"Some souls (in the Fourth Chamber) comply with the Divine Will with such ardor and depth that Jesus draws them into the Fifth Chamber of His Sacred Heart which is union with the Divine Will. In the Fifth Chamber is but one Will. The human will becomes one – united with the Divine. Few reach the depth of this union, but it remains an eternal goal. In Heaven, all the souls that are in the Fifth Chamber live out most perfectly the Will of God."

In the Message Jesus gave on February 5, 2004, He stated that in order for the United Hearts to come into the world, Jesus must first take up His Reign in individual hearts. That means each of the Remnant Faithful must allow his / her heart to be convicted in Holy Love and Holy Humility, and not allow the affairs of the world, any worries about the future or flaws in the virtues come between his / her heart and Jesus' Sacred Heart. This means that each and every soul must trustfully surrender all of his / her will to the Divine Will in order to embrace the Fifth Chamber.

Now, as was mentioned in Chapter 11 regarding the Fourth Chamber, there were a few Holy Love Messages given by Jesus in late August, 2000, which He called a Primer on the Chambers of the United Hearts. This Primer provided us with some basic bullet points summarizing what takes place within the soul in each of the Five Chambers. Regarding what takes place in the Fifth Chamber, Jesus tells us in a Message He gave on this Primer, on August 26, 2000:

"This then is the Fifth Chamber (union):

• Union with the Divine Will;

• No longer two entities, but one;

• The soul accepts all things as from the Hand of God."

Thus, because there is only one will that is recognizable – the Divine Will – the soul who abides in the Fifth Chamber trustfully surrenders his human will to God's Divine Will because the soul loves God's Will for him every present moment, which is Holy Love.

In helping us to understand more fully what it means for the soul to abide or live in the Fifth Chamber of His Sacred Heart, Jesus describes for us, once again through the Messages of Holy and Divine Love, how total trustful surrender is the key to living most perfectly in union with the Divine Will. In one of His many Messages entitled a 'Conversation with Divine Love', on December 2, 2000, Jesus says:

"I have come to help you understand what it is to be in union with the Will of My Father – that is, dwelling in the Fifth Chamber of My Heart. My Mother gave Her 'Fiat' easily for She dwelt in union with My Father's Will. In the Garden at Gethsemane, I was able to submit to the Divine Will even though I knew every detail of what awaited Me. That is why I did not call the angels to defend Me. That is why I did not come down from the Cross. To live this way is to accept all things as from the Hands of God. See, then, the depth of love and humility this requires. The soul is thus able to focus only on the Will of God amidst the greatest trials, and never upon himself. How few there are who are capable of this, that they allow the Flame of Divine Love to devour any semblance of selfishness."

Jesus thus explains for us what the disposition of the heart should be in order for the soul to be residing within the Fifth Chamber; and as was previously mentioned in Chapter 11 with regard to living in the Fourth Chamber, besides referring to the Primer on the Chambers of the United Hearts which Jesus gave us in August 2000, later in January and February of 2001, Jesus also dictated a series of Messages in which He revealed what He called the "Secrets" of the Five Chambers of the United Hearts (prior to the revelation of a Sixth Chamber in 2003). These Messages were published in a small booklet called, The Revelation of Our United Hearts: The Secrets Revealed.

In this booklet regarding what occurs in the soul while residing in the Fifth Chamber, on January 31, 2001, Jesus reveals the following:

"I have come to describe to you the Fifth and most intimate Chamber of My Divine Heart. In this Chamber the soul is consumed with the desire to love Me – to please Me. In this love the soul is taking a giant step beyond conformity to the Divine Will. In conforming to the Will of God there are still two wills – God's Will and the human will. The soul is making the effort to accept all things as from the Hand of God. But in this most elite and intimate Fifth Chamber of My Heart, the soul not only accepts, but loves God's Will for him. It is in this love that has been perfected in the greatest degree possible that the soul comes to union with the Divine Will. Few reach this Fifth Chamber of My Heart. See then that it is love that invites you into the First Chamber – the Immaculate Heart of My Mother. It is love that invites you into the Second Chamber seeking greater purification and holiness. It is love that desires perfection in the virtues – the Third Chamber. It is love that takes the soul into the Fourth Chamber conforming the human will to the Divine. It is love which brings the soul into union with God in the Fifth Chamber. It is the depth of the soul's surrender to love that determines his eternity."

Jesus then continued the next day, February 1, 2001, with this Revelation of Our United Hearts Message encouraging us to strive to reach the Fifth Chamber by saying:

"And those precious souls who reach the Fifth Chamber of My Heart, live in union with God's Will. God lives in them and they in Him. My Father establishes His Kingdom within the hearts of those who enter the Fifth Chamber of Our United Hearts. Pray this prayer:"

Prayer of Surrender to Holy and Divine Love

"Dear United Hearts of Jesus and Mary, I desire to surrender to Holy and Divine Love in all things, in all ways and in every present moment. Send me the grace so that I may do this. Help me as I try to respond to this grace. Be my protection and provision. Take up Your Reign in my heart. Amen."

(Jesus February 1, 2001)

Later on in the year, Jesus gave a Message on October 4, 2001, in which He described what the spirituality of the soul is who lives in the Fifth Chamber of His Sacred Heart. In this Message, Jesus says:

"I will describe for you the one that has advanced to the Fifth Chamber of Our United Hearts; for when you understand perfection, you will have before you the goal to reach for. The soul in the Fifth Chamber accepts all things as from the Hand of God. There are no longer two wills, but one. He is just as able to celebrate the cross as the victory. The soul in union with the Divine Will does not fear humiliation or being unjustly accused. He does not take others to task for their errors, but constantly searches his own heart for his own errors. He receives and responds to correction with a gentle, loving heart. He does not pout nor lay blame or flare up at others. He is approachable – always being open to questions and suggestions. He freely shares his time and space; in fact, is openly generous in all ways. He considers all others holier than he himself. There is no self-righteousness in his heart. He does not presume to know more or to have a better opinion than others. He states his opinion and lets go of it. He has a good sense of where he stands before God, not congratulating himself on graces or gifts received, but always seeking a deeper conversion of heart. This, then, is the state of holiness each one needs to pursue."

Jesus tells us that it is within the soul who reaches this state of holiness – this type of spirituality – that the Fifth Chamber of His Sacred Heart provides the soul with a foretaste of Paradise Itself. In a Conversation with Divine Love Message He gave on April 25, 2002, Jesus says:

"You ponder the atmosphere of the Fifth Chamber – union with the Will of God. Every moment is like the first step into Paradise (Heaven). Every moment is like being reunited with loving memories – loving souls who await on the other side of the veil between life and death. Every moment in the Fifth Chamber radiates love, joy and peace to the souls who enter herein. These souls know no fear, anger or unforgiveness. They have no enemy. They only have knowledge of souls who oppose God's Will and need prayer. If you can imagine the joy with which I mounted My Throne when I ascended into Heaven, you can taste then the flavor of the Fifth Chamber."

Jesus desires all of us to experience this atmosphere of peace and joy that is the Fifth Chamber of the United Hearts within each of our lives. That is why Jesus says in a Message He gave at a Monday United Hearts Confraternity Service on December 9, 2002:

"I desire to draw you deep into the Chambers of Divine Love where you will be transformed through the grace Heaven gives. Please understand that My Remnant is only as strong as you are holy. My brothers and sisters, I long to embrace you in the Fifth Chamber of Divine Love."

In this particular Holy Love Message, Jesus alludes to the grace Heaven gives that makes it possible for the soul to be transformed to the state of perfection in holiness which reaching and living in the Fifth Chamber entails. This was made known in a Message given on July 11, 2008, by St. Michael the Archangel who says:

"The deeper the virtues of Holy Love and Holy Humility, the deeper the soul can surrender to Holy Trust. The more the soul trusts in Divine Providence, the easier it is for him to love God's Divine Will. The greater the soul's trust in Divine Providence the more perfect his union with the Divine Will."

A chart inspired by this Message from St. Michael was formed showing the progression of the soul from the Fourth Chamber of the Sacred Heart (acceptance of the Divine Will) into the Fifth Chamber of the Sacred Heart (love of the Divine Will which is union).

St. Michael reveals to us that complete trust in Divine Providence leads to perfection in holiness as represented by perfect union of the soul with the Divine Will, which also describes the atmosphere of Paradise / Heaven in the April 25, 2002 Message.

In reaching and then living in the Fifth Chamber of the United Hearts, the soul thereby recognizes that his spirituality is representative of a higher state of the saints and angels in Heaven. The closest thing on earth in the soul experiencing this state would be in the reception of Holy Eucharist at Mass. This was revealed in a Message given on February 8, 2003, by St. Thomas Aquinas, who says:

"Through the Eucharist, the Will of God is present in the world – completely, perfectly and eternally. Then, understand that the Fifth Chamber – union with the Divine Will – is offered to each one who partakes of the Holy Eucharist."

At this point, in looking at the soul's interaction with the Fifth Chamber of the United Hearts and achieving his ultimate goal of Heaven – of being in complete union with God in His Divine Will – one should be reminded of the importance that living in Holy Love and Holy Humility every present moment has in attaining this ultimate goal in the soul's spiritual journey of personal holiness.

In a Message given on July 27, 2007, St. Thomas Aquinas reminds us as he says:

"Today, Jesus sends me to further help you understand the spiritual journey through the Chambers of the United Hearts. The Father and the Son are the only Ones Who can determine what Chamber the soul is interacting with in any given moment. The truth is that in any present moment, the soul may be interacting with more than one Chamber. He may be increasing in virtue (Third Chamber), while at the same time he is being purged of some fault (First Chamber), which is contrary to the same virtue. All the strengths of the First, Second, Third and Fourth Chambers unite in the Fifth and Sixth Chambers. So you see, very often the soul may be cooperating and advancing in many Chambers at once. The truly humble soul does not see himself of even being worthy of the First Chamber, however. As I tell you this, realize that the spiritual journey is multifaceted. What determines each one's depth of holiness is the amount of Holy Love in his heart in every given present moment. Knowing this, you must understand that every present moment finds the soul in a different challenge towards Holy Love and, therefore, a different depth of holiness."

In discussing the soul's progress in his journey of personal holiness through the Chambers of the United Hearts, St. Thomas mentioned two things that can thwart that progress toward reaching the Fifth Chamber. In a Message he gave on July 15, 2008, St. Thomas Aquinas says:

"I have come to help you see that in order for the soul to make progress in his journey through the Chambers, he must leave behind anxiety and unforgiveness. These two things alone cause more souls to slip out of the Fourth Chamber where they are desperately trying to accept and conform to the Divine Will. If the soul should reach unity with the Divine Will, the Fifth Chamber, he is less likely to succumb to anxiety and / or unforgiveness, for he is now falling in love with the Father's Will, which comes into his heart as trust."

The key to reaching and living in the Divine Will of God – the Fifth Chamber – is the Holy and Divine Love the soul has in his heart that leads to complete trust and union with the Father's Will. Again, this is described by St. Thomas Aquinas as the soul achieving his goal of reaching Heaven. Yes, the soul in the Fourth Chamber would be assured Heaven if he were to remain in the Fourth Chamber at death, but this still would not be the state of perfection that union with the Divine Will achieves through love and complete trust as experienced in the Fifth Chamber.

In a Message given on April 13, 2005, St. Thomas Aquinas attempted to explain what he describes as the Highest Heaven each soul experiences in an individual way when the soul is graced to reach eternity. Thus, St. Thomas says:

"This is how the Highest Heaven is experienced by souls in the Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Chambers. The Highest Heaven in the Fourth Chamber is experienced in a different way than it is in the Sixth Chamber. Say you are listening to a symphony. The symphony is perfect. The musician appreciates it in a much more complete way than the ordinary person. Yet, they both appreciate it to the fullest of their ability. It is the same with Heavenly reward. The soul that is conformed to the Will of God (Fourth Chamber) is living in the Highest Heaven possible for him. The soul united to the Will of God (Fifth Chamber) or even immersed in the Heart of the Father (Sixth Chamber) experiences an even more profound Highest Heaven." Maureen: "You are telling me this. I am not a theologian, St. Thomas." St. Thomas: "No one said you are. Just write it as I tell you. Ask our Heavenly Mother for understanding."

This state of Highest Heaven is certainly not an easy concept to try to understand in the context of the Chambers of the United Hearts, but St. Thomas tried to explain further in a Message he gave on February 24, 2006, in which he says:

"I have come to further explain the reality of Heaven to you. Everyone who enters Heaven is living in the Divine Will. Some need to suffer Purgatory in order to reach this goal. But the Sixth Chamber – ah yes, the Sixth Chamber – is reserved for the greatest saints. Purgatory does not prepare souls for this Chamber, but stops just short of immersion in the Divine Will. The saints in the Sixth Chamber earned this coveted place while on earth. It is such a jewel of a Chamber that not even every saint is admitted to its sanctuary. There are martyrs and other saints who are in the highest place in the Fifth Chamber – for there are certain priority levels within each Chamber – all according to merit. Yet, these saints, while standing very close to the Sixth Chamber, are not allowed entrance. You cannot understand this unless you comprehend that every present moment counts towards your eternal reward. In God's Mercy, which is one with His Love, sins are forgiven when the heart is contrite. Punishment is also obliterated through certain plenary indulgences. However, it is how deeply the soul immerses his heart and becomes one with the Divine Will while on earth, that determines admission to the Sixth Chamber. In other words, the heart must be immersed in the Divine Will while on earth. There are so few that have accomplished this, and very few in the world today."

In the next Chapter, we will explore the Holy Love Messages that reveal the spiritual nature of the Sixth (and last) Chamber of the United Hearts in the soul's journey of personal holiness.

Review Your Journey Daily

"I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."

"My brothers and sisters, accept the Image of Our United Hearts as the visual of My Father's Divine Will. It is He who sent Me to tell you this and to give you this Image. The Sacred Chambers of Our United Hearts lead the soul on the journey into union and immersion in the Divine Will. All that is needed is the soul's 'yes'. This 'yes' is your surrender to Our United Hearts. Your surrender is your protection from the evils of these times."

"You must, with courage and holy boldness, be willing to choose this path – this surrender. Not to do so is to reject yet another grace. So many are rejected these days."

"This Revelation of Our United Hearts is Heaven's Intervention during these troubled times when so many cannot discern good from evil and most do not choose to. You should review the Journey through the Chambers daily as a reminder of where your efforts should be spent."

(March 12, 2017)