The Journey Through The Chambers of the United Hearts: The Pursuit of Holiness

Chapter 14


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Chapter 14.

Unitive Love: Perfection in the Chambers of the United Hearts

To fully understand the soul's spiritual motivation and desire to fully accept God's Deciding Will for him with deep humility in every present moment so as to reach and remain in the Sixth Chamber, we must come to understand (in the Messages of Holy Love) the concept and experience of the grace God provides, which He calls Unitive Love – the highest and purest form of love that exists, which is manifested by the unity that exists within the United Hearts. This concept of Unitive Love and its relationship to the Sixth Chamber – the Heart of the Eternal Father – will be explored and discussed in this final Chapter.

At the very end of the Monthly Message to All People and Every Nation He gave on May 5, 2007 – 10th Anniversary of the Feast of Mary, Refuge of Holy Love, Jesus had revealed a glimpse of what Unitive Love is in relation to the Chambers of the United Hearts, when He stated:

"Time is passing quickly as you know it now. So, I invite you urgently to pray that the love you have in your heart for the Holy Trinity be increased by the power of the Holy Spirit, for it is the Holy Spirit who inspires every virtue and leads you deeper into the unity of Our United Hearts."

The term, 'Unitive Love', first surfaced in the Holy Love Messages in a Message given on July 31, 2003, in which Jesus said:

"I have come today to further help you understand the Chambers of Our United Hearts. The door to My Mother's Immaculate Heart is the doorway to conversion. Her Heart is the Gateway to the New Jerusalem. It follows that My Divine Sacred Heart is the New Jerusalem. I will explain. In the New Jerusalem, My Victory will be complete. My Divine Love and Divine Mercy will reign united to Holy Love My Mother's Heart. But this will not come into the world until it first comes into hearts. So then, as each heart experiences conversion, it is necessary that it take the next step which is passing into My Divine Heart. After conversion, if the soul desires an ever-deepening relationship with Me, he will experience an illumination of conscience which will reveal to him his smallest imperfections. If he makes the effort to overcome his imperfections and flaws in love, he will move freely into Unitive Love which is one with the Divine Will of My Father. This Unitive Love is the New Jerusalem which is attainable to each one in the world. How I desire to be united in love with each heart! How I long for this victory!"

In another Message given the next day, August 1, 2003, Jesus further explained the grace of Unitive Love as He stated:

"How can I describe this Unitive Love I call you to? The length and breadth and depth are greater than human understanding. And yet, it is attainable in this life, but enjoyed by so few. It is a love of such profound measure that it transforms every present moment. It brings the Kingdom of My Father's Divine Will to reign in the heart so that the soul accepts everything as from the Hand of God – as well victory as defeat. How can I make you understand the measure of peace that this Unitive Love brings to the heart? How can I express to you the depth of joy? It is Heaven on earth. In Unitive Love, everything in the present moment is shared with Me. There is no trial or tedium you face alone no anxiety, for in Unitive Love everything is given over to Me. I desire every soul reach for the brass ring of the Unitive Love. I will help you if you ask Me."

These generalized explanations as to what Unitive Love is and how it relates to the spirituality of the Chambers of the United Hearts was described more specifically by God, the Father in a Message that was given on March 17, 2008:

"Today, I come to speak to the world about Unitive Love. This is the love shared between Me and the souls that abide in the Fifth and Sixth Chambers of Our United Hearts. Unitive Love does not exist on its own, but always when My Heart and the human heart unite. Unitive Love is the highest and purest form of love that exists. It is the melting of our two hearts together to form a new and perfect love that is only shared in the hiddenness between us. Only free will can separate us, just as only free will can excite such a union into being. Few attain this lofty, elusive love. But each time Mary Immaculate visits earth, Her purpose is to draw souls into Unitive Love. You will kindly make these words known."

A few days later, on March 20, 2008, in a Message that was given, God, the Father further described Unitive Love as follows:

"Unitive Love is the ultimate love. It is the New Jerusalem. This Love can only be experienced by the few who are perfectly united with Me. Such souls have been purged of their faults and perfected in virtue through many trials. These souls desire sanctification. It is to such as these that I hold nothing back, but minister every grace upon them. Aspire to be perfected in virtue, that I may use you more profoundly."

When God, the Father finished His Message from March 17, 2008, and the Flame in the shape of a heart disappeared with a puff of smoke, the Visionary, Maureen Sweeney-Kyle, then received a vision in the form of the following diagram pointing out the soul's progression in the process of sanctification from Holy Love into Divine Love and then into Unitive Love through the Chambers of the United Hearts:

With this diagram, Jesus provided a few Messages describing how the soul is able to move forward into the Chambers of the United Hearts so as to attain to the perfection that is Unitive Love (represented as the deepest Chambers of the United Hearts – the Fourth, Fifth and especially the Sixth Chamber).

Jesus began this description of how the soul progresses along the journey of holiness and sanctification in attaining to the perfection of Unitive Love through a separate Message He gave on the same day as God, the Father's Message – March 20, 2008:

"See that My Father is calling each soul into a love paramount to all other loves. He is calling souls into Unitive Love to be one with Him immersed in His Divine Will. This requires the surrender of free will in all matters – in every present moment. There is no greater call – no higher or more prestigious ambition. Unitive Love can only be reached through childlike littleness. Realize that anything you surrender to Me or to the Father delights us. Nothing – no sacrifice of love – is unworthy. Never rejoice in being esteemed in the eyes of man. Only rejoice in appealing to Me and in pleasing the Eternal Father. If My brothers and sisters realized how important littleness is towards advancing deeper into the Chambers of Our United Hearts, they would be ambitious towards only one thing – hiddenness. Gone would be the temptation towards recognition – importance in the eyes of the world – power or control. Whole sections of the Church would be renewed. Consciences would be illuminated for self-love; self-importance would no longer dim the Light of Truth. But, the lure of the world and of the temptations it holds are too strong today. This Mission must continue, for we are winning one soul at a time. Do not be discouraged. In littleness – continue."

Jesus provides us some encouragement in striving to reach the state of perfection that is Unitive Love and He assists us by modeling for us how He was immersed in the Divine Will every present moment even in the midst of the most difficult sufferings He underwent. Thus, in a Message He gave on Good Friday March 21, 2008, Jesus said:

"During My hours of Passion, I kept foremost in My Heart My love for My Father's Adorable Divine Will. This is the foundation of Unitive Love. Unless the soul knows the Father by knowing Me, he cannot hope to love the Father's Will. I have entrusted to you the path which leads to Unitive Love. I speak to you now beseeching you to help Me to inspire souls to pursue this path I lay bare."

In a Monday Night St. Michael Shield of Truth Prayer Service held on March 24, 2008, Jesus gave a Message referencing the diagram provided to the Visionary, Maureen Sweeney-Kyle, on March 17th (above), and providing details on how the soul can enter into the perfection of Unitive Love. He said:

"I desire to lead each one into Unitive Love. First you must enter My Mother's Heart and be purged of your greatest sins and faults through the Flame of Her Heart. Through the perfecting Chambers that follow, (Divine Love), your consciences will be illuminated as to the ways you must change to come ever deeper into personal holiness. It is those who persevere in all of this, that come into Unitive Love in the Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Chambers."

On March 25, 2008 the Feast of the Annunciation, Jesus gave a Message on behalf of God, the Father, further describing what Unitive Love entails and how to attain it. Thus, Jesus said:

"I come to you today on behalf of My Father, Who desires and wills that He be recognized under the title of 'Father of Unitive Love'. It is under this title that My Father desires to reconcile all people and every nation by drawing them through the Chambers of Our United Hearts. Oh, how He longs for this union with mankind; how He longs that souls be united in love! This spiritual journey is Truth itself given through the Light of the Holy Spirit. As I opened the Gates of Heaven for you with My Passion and Death, the Father now opens the door to union with His Divine Will through this spiritual journey. Alleluia!"

The next day, March 26, 2008, St Thomas Aquinas came to give a Message to help souls further understand this new title that God, the Father wished to be known as – 'Father of Unitive Love'. In this Message, St. Thomas said:

"First of all, Unitive Love is the Heart of the Father. This title describes His Character – His Makeup – the Essence of His Being. Second, the Father, in His Paternal role, extends Unitive Love to all His children. In this role, He extends a foretaste of Unitive Love through each Chamber. The deeper the soul travels through the Chambers, the more he is drawn to the goal of Unitive Love, and the greater the foretaste of Unitive Love."

As a follow-up later that same day, St. Thomas gave another Message providing more detail on God, the Father's title, stating:

"As 'Father of Unitive Love', God the Father has Paternal Hope in His Heart for the conversion of the heart of the world. It is under this title He is tirelessly calling all people into His Divine Will. The title itself is His Divine Will. His Heart is a Vessel of Unitive Love. Now He is extending that Love over all the earth – extending with it the grace to accept His Will."

St Thomas also provided this explanation of the title – 'Father of Unitive Love' – so as to help us understand God, the Father's call to all mankind to enter into His Paternal Heart (Unitive Love) and to see the relationship with Jesus' Divine Love and Divine Mercy, which Jesus explained to the world in the Divine Mercy Sunday Message He gave on March 30, 2008, during His apparition in the United Hearts Field:

"My Father desires that a bond of love be established between His Heart and the heart of all mankind. This is the goal of all these Messages, of all the graces given here, and of the journey through the Chambers of Our Hearts. This cannot take place until the heart of man is cast into the Ocean of My Divine Mercy. To do so, each soul must open his heart to self-knowledge recognizing his own iniquity. In order to reach the pinnacle of Divine Love, the soul must first seek out My Mercy, for My Mercy is intrinsic to Divine Love. In the First Chamber, My Mother's Heart, which is Holy Love the soul is tendered the grace to acknowledge his sins and turn with a repentant heart to My Mercy. Then, through Divine Mercy, he is led through the subsequent Chambers. I tell you, Divine Love and Divine Mercy come together in Unitive Love. Both Love and Mercy are sorely tried by a generation that opposes Creation itself. Each time God's Divine Will is opposed, the whole world suffers. Every time a prayer rises to Heaven from the heart or a Message is received from Heaven or an apparition from Heaven takes place, the negative force of sin is opposed. I am much offended by mankind's rationalization of the Truth. He rationalizes sin to be good even a right. This is nothing more than Satan's lies which are freely accepted by a generation devoted to self-love."

To help souls understand the "fullness" (as He called it) of God, the Father's call for all souls to attain Unitive Love, Jesus gave a Message on April 2, 2008, in which He stated:

"This call (to Unitive Love) begins in the First Chamber of Holy Love My Mother's Immaculate Heart. This is so, for in this Chamber, as the soul begins to be purified, he is being called to unity through love with God and neighbor. The more intense his effort to be united in and through love, the quicker his journey through Our United Hearts. The soul's free will is the obstacle Satan tries to use to discourage this Unitive Love."

Based on this Message, we can readily see the intimate relationship between Holy Love and Unitive Love in the journey of personal holiness through the Chambers of the United Hearts as described by Jesus in a Message He gave on April 3, 2008:

"Perfect Unitive Love is the deepest Chambers of Our United Hearts – the Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Chambers. Basic Unitive Love is the foundation of personal holiness. This is the love that first encourages love of God and neighbor. Basic Unitive Love builds on the desire to love God and neighbor. If the desire is missing, then the foundation of Holy Love is missing. The more the soul desires to live in Holy Love, the more he desires union."

To help the world better understand the mystical nature of Unitive Love, St. Thomas Aquinas also gave a Message on April 3, 2008, in which he stated:

"Unitive Love is not a mystical experience that stands far away from everyone, and so, is elusive. Although mystical union is reserved for a few and is a very real mystical gift, the nature of Unitive Love is a gnawing at the soul, constantly drawing him to come closer to God. Even the greatest sinner may feel Unitive Love urging him to repent, convert and to make God the focus of his life. Unitive Love, then, is God's call to come nearer – to enter the Chambers of the United Hearts – to begin to live in Holy Love. Unitive Love opens the heart to conversion. It is God's Mercy in action."

Then, to help us further understand this mystery known as Unitive Love, St. Thomas Aquinas came and gave a Message the next day as well – April 4, 2008, in which he gave the following analogy:

"If Holy and Divine Love were a beautiful bouquet of flowers, Unitive Love would be the sun and the rain that urge them to bloom. If Holy and Divine Love were a key that opens the door to contentment and sanctification, Unitive Love would be the hand that turns the key. This love, that is the Heart of the Eternal Father, is the motivation – the impetus – that urges the soul into a deeper, ever deeper, relationship with the Divine. The Holy Spirit is One with Unitive Love – One with Divine Love – One with Holy Love. But, it is Unitive Love that calls the soul into union with God's Divine Will."

From this analogous description given by St Thomas Aquinas, we may realize why Jesus stated in a second Message given on that same day, April 4, 2008:

"Just as Divine Love and Divine Mercy are one, I tell you that My Father's Divine Will and Unitive Love are one. These two, My Father's Will and Unitive Love, are present in every Chamber. The deeper you go into Our Chambers of Love, the deeper you are in My Father's Divine Will."

Hence, the deepest state of Unitive Love – immersion in the Divine Will of God – lies in the Sixth Chamber.

Now, these Messages of Holy Love, as Jesus had said in a Monthly Message to All Peoples and Every Nation on April 5, 2008:

"...have given the world a path to follow and a worthy goal of personal holiness, and even sanctification. But the world listens with a cold and doubting heart as though what I say is useless and unneeded. In this country (U.S.A.), laws have been passed making prayer in schools illegal in order to 'protect' the rights of a few. If My Name offends a few, are these same few also offended by the acts of violence and moral crimes that have replaced prayer? Right reason has been abandoned and misplaced compassion has taken its place. At the heart of every issue today is man's inability to recognize and accept the Truth. The Truth, according to My Father's Divine Will, is Holy, Divine and Unitive Love."

This, of course, is the major stumbling block toward the heart of the world being united in the Divine Will, which is Holy, Divine and Unitive Love. And in this same Message of April 5, 2008, Jesus gave us the reason why Unitive Love, (which is Truth), is so hard for the heart of the world to accept and attain:

"Whatever opposes this Love is from the Prince of Darkness. As I continue to call you to conversion through these Messages, Satan distracts individual journeys through the Chambers of the United Hearts by means of concern for temporal, passing things. Mankind's distraction from all that concerns his own salvation has led to the apostasy, even heresy, that is now present within the Church itself. For these reasons, My Remnant must pray for discernment to distinguish what is true according to the Tradition of Faith, and what is (evil being) fabricated by man's error. The Remnant will always recognize the Truth when it is based upon Holy and Divine Love. Do not be swayed by mere power or title, but search always for My Truth. My flock, pray this way:"

Search for Truth According to the Tradition of Faith

"Father, Son and Holy Spirit, grant me – Temperance not to accept everything at face value; Prudence to search out the Truth; Wisdom to recognize the Truth. Amen."

(Jesus – April 5, 2008)

On July 15, 2008, St. Thomas Aquinas gave a Message to the Remnant Faithful to help them overcome some of these distractions Satan presents that lead souls away from living in the Truth of Holy, Divine and Unitive Love; and thus, in progressing through the Chambers of the United Hearts:

"I have come to help you see that in order for the soul to make progress in his journey through the Chambers, he must leave behind anxiety and unforgiveness. These two things alone cause more souls to slip out of the Fourth Chamber where they are desperately trying to accept and conform to the Divine Will. If the soul should reach unity with the Divine Will, the Fifth Chamber, he is less likely to succumb to anxiety and / or unforgiveness, for he is now falling in love with the Father's Will, which comes into his heart as trust. In the Sixth Chamber, which is immersion in the Father's Will, the soul does not succumb to any bad fruit spawned from lack of trust."

Obviously, we see that any lack of trust in God within the soul will immediately lead to the separation of the soul's free will from God's Will – thus, sin, which is a separation or disunity from God. Jesus discussed how the soul's lack of trust can lead to this separation of the soul from the Divine Will in a Message He gave on May 2, 2008, at a Friday Rosary Service:

"I tell you truthfully that love, mercy and trust are intertwined like a golden cord binding the soul to My Sacred Heart. When one of these is in conflict, the others are loosened, as well. The soul begins to be separated from the Divine Will and from Unitive Love. See, then, that anxiety and fear are not a part of My call. My dear brothers and sisters, the hallmarks of lack of trust are fear, anxiety, worry and the loss of peace. When these are present in your heart, you need to cling even tighter to My Sacred Heart and allow Me to help you."

Once again, as in every aspect of the soul's journey through the Chambers of the United Hearts, the key to the soul's progression of living in Holy, Divine and Unitive Love is a progressively deeper trustful surrender of the soul's free will to the Divine Will. In a Monthly Message to All People and Every Nation given on the 11th Anniversary of the Feast of Mary, Refuge of Holy Love May 5, 2008, Jesus said:

"I tell you, through the Providence of the Eternal Now, mankind has been given everything he needs to live in peace and harmony with the Divine Will of God. But what has been given has been compromised and convoluted. Technology is used towards an evil end – to destroy life and even nature itself. Satan imitates the gifts of the Holy Spirit, and out of pride these false gifts are discerned as genuine. When Heaven intervenes, as is happening in this Mission of Holy Love, the very ones who should encourage and support such an effort – vehemently oppose it. So it is, I come to lay bare the Truth once again. Holy Love – nurtured in the heart – is never wrong. It is even wrong to think against Holy Love, for when I was with you I commanded you to live in Holy Love. Here you have the spirituality of these Commandments of Love which I gave you, enfleshed with the Chambers of the United Hearts. Because this Mission is the standard bearer of Truth and the harbinger of My Second Coming, Satan is causing a whirlwind of controversy to swirl around it from the most unlikely sources. Once again, I tell you, Holy Love is the path of your salvation; Divine Love the path of personal holiness; Unitive Love is your sanctification."

In all that we have learned about the spirituality of the Chambers of the United Hearts and the soul's journey of personal holiness through the Chambers, the ultimate goal for mankind and the Divine Will of God has been, continues and will always be to strive toward unity with one another and with the United Hearts. This is especially expressed in the portion of the Our Father prayer Jesus gave His disciples, in which we pray: "Thy Kingdom come, Thy Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven."

God, the Father, Himself confirms this is His desire in a Message He gave to the Visionary, Maureen Sweeney-Kyle, on February 23, 2007:

I (Maureen) see a large Flame form around the tabernacle and then advance towards me. I understand that It is the Heart of God, the Father. He says: "Let us give praise now to Jesus, My Son, ever-present in the tabernacles of the world. Realize, My child, that it is by My Hand and through My Divine Will, every grain of sand is formed, every drop of water is put in the ocean, every ray of sunlight brightens your day. I control the movement of the waves upon the shore. It is I Who regulate the formation of every cloud and their place in the sky. If I can do all of this, understand that there is no present moment in its passing that I have not created and given to you. As I give you each moment, I design the circumstances, the crosses and the graces that come with it. Knowing all of this now, see how foolish it is of mankind not to trust in Me. Further, I tell you, while there is much talk about living in My Divine Will, most do not understand how to accomplish this goal. This is why the Revelation of the United Hearts has been given to the world. The Chambers of the United Hearts are a step-by-step journey into My Divine Will and the Flame of My Heart. You cannot jump from the ground to the top of the ladder without climbing the ladder. You cannot jump into My Divine Will by saying you are there without surrendering to the spiritual journey first. Today, there is too much talk about the goal and not enough talk about how to attain it. The spiritual journey through the United Hearts must become familiar to all."

As we conclude this discussion on the spiritual journey of holiness through the Chambers of the United Hearts, we come to realize that the desire of God, the Father of Unitive Love is for the Kingdom and the Will of God to be one on earth – in union with mankind – just as it is in Heaven. This unity of all mankind on earth with God, the Father of Unitive Love, however, requires all of God's creation on earth to live in the Truth that is Holy Love. This was expressed by God, the Father in a Message given on April 7, 2011:

"I am the Eternal Now. I Am Who Am. I have come to help all to realize that there is strength in unity. When evil forces unite, good is weakened. Satan does all in his power to bring disunity amongst good people – good nations. As Father of Unitive Love, I am calling all God-fearing people to unite. I have sent into the world the means by which you can achieve unity – it is Holy Love. No longer be divided in your opinions about Holy Love; (but) seize the opportunity to believe! Seize the opportunity to unite in Holy Love and to oppose evil! Once again, you have in the world evil aligning with evil. One leader will emerge and strengthen the evil agenda that is just now beginning to show itself. You do not have a strong, competent leader of the righteous cause. Abortion has eliminated many. You, as a God-fearing people, must unite and stand for Holy Love. Holy Love must color all your decisions – Church leaders notwithstanding. This is not a time for guile or deceit but for Truth. If you are not living in the Truth, you have sided with evil. This is not the hour for one apparition to oppose another or false discernment to cloud the Truth. Do not let love of power or money taint the Truth. The Truth is your weapon. The Truth is your victory. Place it in your hearts and act upon it. The Truth is Holy Love. My Divine Will is with you."

We must all realize that to be united in the Truth that is Holy Love requires that we all strive toward the perfection that is Unitive Love, which can only be achieved through the journey of personal holiness through the Chambers of the United Hearts. In that regard, may we each and all take to heart the Message Jesus gave on May 3, 2017:

"The way to go deeper into Divine Love is to be perfected in Holy Love. This, too, is the way into the Divine Will of My Father. Every effort at perfection in Holy Love more closely unites you to the Divine Will. The journey through the Chambers of the United Hearts is the way of perfection in Holy Love and the road map to union with the Divine Will. No one reaches union with My Father's Will apart from Holy Love."

Keep Making the Journey…

Mary, Refuge of Holy Love says: "Praise be to Jesus."

"Dear children, please treasure the journey you are given through these Messages. It is the missing link to all other Messages given to other visionaries. While many others deal with living in the Divine Will, the Journey through the Chambers of Our United Hearts gives you the way into the Divine Will. You cannot reach any destination without first making the journey."

"This is not a sophisticated journey, but one that takes simplicity of heart and inner acknowledgment of one's shortcomings. Never presume you are in any Chamber, but keep making the journey."

(May 10, 2017)