The Journey Through The Chambers of the United Hearts: The Pursuit of Holiness

Chapter 4


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Chapter 4.

Obstacles and Distractions

In Chapter 3, we outlined some important Messages from Jesus and Mary, who directed us toward the goal of perfection in Holy Love so that we can love everyone unconditionally, just as God loves us. Indeed, becoming perfect as our Heavenly Father is Perfect is God's Divine Will for us because only by being purged, purified, and perfected in Holy Love, (through the Chambers of the United Hearts), can we achieve our inheritance of Heaven, which is conformity with God's Divine Will.

Perfection in Holy Love, however, is not accomplished on our own, but only by God's grace, (as passed through Our Lady's Immaculate Heart); along with an ongoing deeper surrender of our will to God's Will by consecrating our lives – (through membership in the Confraternity of the United Hearts) – to an increasing personal holiness, and by us becoming more childlike in faith.

The process of moving toward perfection in Holy Love and, thus, the increasing of personal holiness toward sanctification, first involves loving God. When we truly love God, we trust God. The more we love God, the deeper our trust in Him. The more we trust God, the deeper our surrender to God's Will. The deeper our surrender, the more we are at peace because we are in greater conformity or union with God's Will.

The process toward sanctification (perfection in Holy Love) is then: Love – Trust – Surrender – Peace. This process is necessary in the journey of personal holiness through the Chambers of the United Hearts; and the key to entrance into the Chambers of the United Hearts – (the First Chamber being the Immaculate Heart of Mary, or Holy Love) – is trustful surrender of our own will (disordered self-love) to the Divine Will of God: the perfect example being the Blessed Mother because of her fiat ('yes') in obedience to God in every present moment.

What, then, could hold us back on this process – this noble spiritual journey of personal holiness? What obstacles or detours does our own will (disordered self-love) create that would keep us from entering the First Chamber of the United Hearts, where our greatest faults are purged in the Flame of Our Lady's Immaculate Heart? Sometimes when we travel along a road going up a mountain, we may see a sign that says "Beware of Falling Rock." These falling rocks in our spiritual life are the temptations that can become obstacles (sins) that pull us off the path of holiness and away from Holy Love in the present moment. Hence, whenever we put ourselves ahead of the love of God and neighbor, we are guilty of disordered self-love and we slip away from the path of personal holiness Jesus calls us to.

One example of an obstacle or distraction could be an inordinate concern for our reputation that would cause us to defend and protect it at all cost when we should only be concerned with what God thinks of us, for He alone is the Just Judge. Another obstacle to the journey of personal holiness could be fiercely hanging onto our own opinion; in fact, making a god or idol of our ideas which never acknowledge that all good comes from God alone. In addition, many obstacles can come about through inordinate self-love, such as focusing many present moments on our physical appearance or being distracted by our physical well-being – our health, comforts and pleasures of the body. Because of self-love, we would not be able to see any cross or suffering as a sign of God's Redeeming Will. These and many other obstacles and distractions toward making the journey of personal holiness constitute pride, which is the father of all sin and takes the form of inordinate self-love.

Jesus, Blessed Mother, and the saints, in the Messages of Holy Love, illuminate our hearts as to these various obstacles and distractions; and, by grace, help us to overcome them. For example, on February 1, 2000, Jesus says:

"You have heard Me say many times that inordinate self-love is the instrument Satan uses to oppose Holy Love. Let Me detail in its entirety this obstacle to personal holiness. Inordinate means disordered or excessive. When the soul does not pay much heed between wants and needs, it is a sign of this disordered love. This would be evident in how the soul makes use of and regards the goods of the world, such as clothing, housing, food and the like. But there are other signs of inordinate self-love. Fear is one. This is why. The soul caught up in fear, whether it is fear of the future or worry over past sins, in effect is telling Me 'I don't trust you. I only trust myself.' The more the soul withdraws from Me and places confidence in his own efforts, the more I withdraw from him and My grace eludes him. (Hypochondria and scruples are signs of this fear.) Another area of inordinate self-love is unforgiveness. This is a grave sin. It draws the soul's attention in on himself ('poor me') and away from Me. Such a soul is not living the law of Holy Love. He is deflecting the gift of My Mercy in his own soul through his own lack of forgiveness towards his neighbor. As you judge, so shall you be judged. Here is another sure sign of self-love. It is self-righteousness. This person is in love with his own opinion. More than that, he believes everyone else is wrong. Perhaps you are leading a good and holy life according to Holy Love. But, I tell you, self-righteousness reflects another sign of disordered love which is fear of the loss of reputation. Such a soul is not simplistic, but cares very much about his reputation. He loves esteem and honor. He is tempted to say and do many things which compromise the law of love so that others may have high regard for him. If you meditate on what I have said to you today, it will become easier to make the 'Consecration of Divine Love', giving to Me your health, your appearance, and your comforts."

And, again, in another Message given by Jesus on March 24, 2000, Jesus says:

"I have come to lay bare the obstacles most common to the soul who first decides to choose Holy Love. Sometimes these are obstacles that remain with the soul all along his spiritual journey, as the soul does not recognize them. The first is unforgiveness, which bears the evil fruit of a bitter heart. Thus when you first choose holiness you must forgive everyone. If you do not, the virtuous life will elude you. The next obstacle is that of judging others. This is an open entrapment of Satan and stems from self-righteousness – a form of spiritual pride. This error has a sister, which is spiritual envy. A soul should never compare his spiritual progress to another. Yet another obstacle to the spiritual journey is discouragement. When the soul's faults are revealed to him, instead of overcoming them in the present moment, he may be tempted to live in the past or the future. But sorrow for sin belongs in the present where the soul understands the fullness of My Mercy. Therefore, in the present the soul trusts that My Mercy over his past removes his guilt forever. Understand that Satan does not want your holiness. He is eager for the soul to choose any obstacle through self-will. Be aware of his actions and pitfalls. Discover them and avoid them."

Because these obstacles to personal holiness are so pervasive in the world, Jesus reiterated some of them again on March 24, 2003. Jesus says:

"These are some ways Satan divides the heart and takes the soul away from Holy Love. The first is unforgiveness which leads to bitterness. Such a heart cannot love with an unencumbered effort. Impatience and anger are other obstacles which also has its roots in too much self-interest – 'poor me – look what happened to me.' Jealousy and love of worldly goods presents another obstacle. Everything the world offers is permitted by God – some good, some evil. The good is there to appreciate but not to love. The evil must be renounced if the soul seeks holiness. Too much self-love (pride) leads to love of worldly reputation and love of one's own opinion. I do not judge according to what others say or think about you, but by the effects of Holy Love in your heart and in your life. Remember, the Commandment states 'love your neighbor as you love yourself.' Then understand that self-hatred is never justified in My Eyes. It is only when the love of self takes on more importance than love of God and neighbor that it becomes inordinate self-love. In every heart lies the potential for holiness. Every present moment is an opportunity to practice Holy Love."

We are beginning to see how various obstacles and distractions to personal holiness, (such as Jesus discussed in the Message from February 1, 2000 above), may hinder or prevent the soul from entering and remaining in the Chambers of the United Hearts. We will now focus on some of the Holy Love Messages regarding the obstacle of unforgiveness.

On November 11, 1993, the Visionary, Maureen Sweeney-Kyle, received a vision of St. John Bosco delivering a sermon, who said:

"My brothers and sisters in Christ, it is only through forgiveness that we are led on the path of holiness and brought deeper into the Heart of Jesus. Forgiveness summons forth God's Mercy and so His Love. Then He is pleased to lead the soul according to His Divine Will since there is nothing to hinder Him. Unforgiveness is like a cloak of darkness, shrouding the soul from passing into light and truth. Pray that the Holy Spirit leads you in forgiveness of others and forgiveness of yourself, so that this foreboding obstacle to holiness be forever removed from your life."

Jesus tells us that unforgiveness is one of the greatest obstacles to holiness. On November 1, 2003, Jesus says:

"I have come once again to speak to you about obstacles on the journey through the Chambers of Our Hearts. Unforgiveness is the greatest obstacle for it spawns bitterness and hatred… Once again I tell you, love and trust are the portion I ask of each heart. Watch out for Satan's snares and pay heed when your heart stands convicted of any error. Ask for the grace of My Most Holy Mother's Heart as a protection and guide."

Jesus spoke about the importance of forgiveness on July 31, 2004. Jesus says:

"I have come so that you will know that the soul who forgives all his enemies, his persecutors and detractors is a soul who is blameless in My sight. It is such as these that advance quickly through the Chambers of Our United Hearts. This is Holy Forgiveness and can only be accomplished through Holy Love. When the soul asks with a sincere heart, he receives My assistance in reaching forgiveness. This is not to say that he no longer holds unpleasantmemories about certain people in his past, but he can recall these people and situations without anger. Anger and unforgiveness go hand in hand. Upon this journey of forgiveness, the soul begins to pray for the ones who have in some way injured him. The more unforgiveness is overcome in the heart, the more I fill the heart with My Divine Love – Divine Mercy. The soul must realize that this inner healing cannot take place in his heart apart from Holy Love, for it is love which must replace bitterness and anger. Tantamount to forgiving is to recognize the need to forgive."

On July 23, 2011, St. Thomas Aquinas said:

More Obstacles and Distractions

We have been looking at some of the obstacles or distractions, which disordered self-love can create for us; and which Satan encourages in us, so as to cause us to detour away from entering the First Chamber of the United Hearts, where we can begin to be purged of our greatest faults and failings in the Flame of Holy Love. To be sure, entrance into the First Chamber, (The Immaculate Heart of Mary), is a painful process, for it is in this purifying Flame of Holy Love that we would be shown what thoughts, words, and actions block our way toward spiritual progress in personal holiness.

On November 13, 1994, Blessed Mother says:

"I know before you speak what is in your heart. It is so in every instance. Every fault stems from pride, which opposes Holy Love. This is why perfection in Holy Love takes much courage and introspection. Any fault can be overcome when it is met head-on, dressed in the grace of My Heart. In the same way, you can come to accept the faults of others. Satan tries to bring division by intolerance of other's faults. But you cannot change others. You can change yourself and the way you respond to others. Think of it as a contest between you and Satan, for this is what it is. Satan points out to you the aggravating traits of others. You know you are commanded by God to love everyone, and your peace is destroyed. Do this: Cover yourself with the Precious Blood. Command the pride of perfectionism to leave in the Name of Jesus. Then look for the good in that person. Everyone has positive characteristics. When the malefactor sees you no longer harbor negative thoughts about others, he will gradually withdraw. Then there will be unity through love. Pray for the grace of patience with the path of perfection in Holy Love. It is a path I call you upon. Not all answer or have the courage to answer."

The blockages or obstacles that can hold us back from progressing in this noble spiritual journey of personal holiness are many, for any present moment we place ourselves ahead of the love of God and neighbor, we are guilty of disordered self-love (pride), and we slip away from the path of personal holiness Jesus calls us to.

As we saw from the Holy Love Messages of February 1, 2000; February 15, 2000; March 24, 2000; and March 24, 2003; Jesus addressed, in detail, some major obstacles to and distractions away from personal holiness that inordinate self-love can create in the soul, such as: unforgiveness of others and of self, (which can lead to impatience, holding grudges, bitterness, anger and hatred or self-hatred); not distinguishing between wants and needs, (which can lead to love of worldly goods, jealousy and envy); self-righteousness a form of spiritual pride, and its sister, spiritual envy, (which can lead to boasting, gossiping, and judging others); and discouragement, (which can lead to lack of trust, abandonment and despair.) We will now focus on some of the Holy Love Messages regarding the major obstacles of self-righteousness and discouragement.

On March 28, 2000, Jesus says:

"Take down these words. There are many in the world today who, through Satan's deceit, have formed false consciences. A false conscience is the fruit of a self-righteous heart. Such a soul allows the opinions of others to make decisions for him, i.e. 'everyone does it'. Or he may regard himself as above others spiritually and incapable of error in judgment; even incapable of sin. There are many such as these who will have a rude awakening at the illumination of consciences. But all of this is so easily remedied if they ask My Mother for the grace to look into their own hearts and discover the Truth. Holy Love must be the measure by which Truth and error are discovered. Holy Love must be the maxim by which all live. A soul with a false conscience is inasmuch as trying to ascend the staircase of holiness (see page 100) without touching the steps. The hallmarks of such are pride, unforgiveness, and self-righteousness. If the soul views himself as holy, humble, and living in the Divine Will perfectly, it is a sure sign of a false conscience."

Many times, obstacles, that can keep us from progressing in the spiritual journey of personal holiness, combine together to make it very difficult, if not near impossible, to enter into the First Chamber and to move even deeper into the other Chambers of the United Hearts. Such is particularly the case with the obstacles of self-righteousness and unforgiveness. For example, on February 19, 2001, Jesus says:

"Understand that this spiritual journey is traveled through willing surrender of free will. The more the soul surrenders, the deeper I carry him into My Heart. The soul accepts and creates his own obstacles on this spiritual journey. It may be a disordered love of the world, of his own opinion or his reputation. It most often is unforgiveness, which springs from secretly judging others. Such a one very often holds a checklist in his heart of wrongs he convicts others of. This unforgiveness is very often the companion of self-righteousness. The soul sees himself as quite holy and perfect, but can enumerate the faults of others. This unforgiveness and judging closes the Door of My Heart. I cannot admit a soul who will not know himself look into his own heart and, in humility, correct his own faults. It is as though his spirit is a great balloon, but cannot fly into the heavens because it is tied down. If My Heart is All-Love and Mercy, you must imitate Me. Love one another as I love you. Forgive always, then I will carry your soul into the Highest Heaven and the deepest Chamber of My Heart."

Self-righteousness, therefore, is a particularly difficult obstacle to overcome if one is to progress in personal holiness. In a Message given by Jesus on October 10, 2011, Jesus says:

"I desire to seal every heart in Truth – the Truth of Holy Love; then even the ones who consider themselves pious, religious and holy will see the Truth and the error of their ways. It is often the ones who are self-righteous that are the most difficult to convert. They are unwilling to look into their own hearts for any error, for they are too self-satisfied. These are the same ones that see errors in everyone else. Often the self-righteous are also self-seeking – holding in their hearts hidden agendas. They may not mind destroying reputations or transgressing laws to achieve self-oriented goals. In all of this, recognize disordered self-love as the culprit, for this is how the obtuse conscience – the false conscience – is formed. Furthermore, self-righteousness is the weapon of choice Satan uses against souls that are climbing the heights of personal holiness. It is an insidious weapon that most often goes unrecognized by the soul who does not examine his conscience. The soul that is unsuspecting of self-error has already succumbed to Satan's sneak attack. Therefore, always be on guard. Examine your conscience in regards to thought, word and deed often throughout the day – always, always trusting in My Mercy."

(See page 56 for a Nightly Examination of Conscience.)

The obstacle of discouragement, (which can lead to lack of trust, abandonment and despair), is also a particularly difficult obstacle to overcome, as evidenced on August 30, 2004 at a Monday United Hearts Confraternity Rosary Service, in which we hear Jesus say:

"My brothers and sisters, I desire that you understand that discouragement is a temptation – a temptation that you must avoid and not give in to. The soul that gives in to discouragement shows a lack of trust in My Divine Provision and the Eternal Will of My Father. All of this comes from a flaw in Holy Love. So, you must see that Holy Love is the support you need in the face of every temptation, especially discouragement."

In the face of the temptation to the obstacle of discouragement, then, Jesus offers us hope as He did in a Message of May 9, 2005 at a Monday United Hearts Confraternity Service. Jesus says:

"My brothers and sisters, never allow discouragement to be a part of your heart; rather, have hope always, for hope comes from the Lord. The Father desires that you unite your will to His, and this is only possible if you overcome the obstacle of discouragement that Satan sets upon you. Every moment holds precious grace with which to be victorious. Therefore, live in joy, hope and peace, and always trust that victory is ours."

Saint Thomas Aquinas explained the factors that may lead to discouragement and its connection to self-pity or even despair, when on June 10, 2005, Saint Thomas Aquinas says:

"Praise be to Jesus. I have come to help you understand discouragement. The human heart has to willfully open to this spirit of its own accord. In doing so, the soul rejects the cross that God wills for him in the present moment. That present moment will never return. Once it passes, it is gone forever. The same cross may be offered to others, but surrounded always by a unique set of circumstances. These circumstances are as varied as the person's state of mind – his temptations, his health and his environment, and so on. Discouragement is kindred to self-pity which carries the heart into the past and / or the future. The soul is tempted to think, 'look how long I have waited,' or 'how much more can I do to accomplish such and such?' Accept both cross and grace alike in each present moment with a heart of Holy Love. Then, and only then, will you have peace."

We begin to see, then, in these obstacles to the journey of personal holiness, Satan's motive of keeping the soul out of Holy Love, thus instilling a lack of trustful surrender and finally, lack of peace in the soul in the soul in any present moment. Jesus and St. Peter expose these obstacles as a design of Satan, when on October 22, 2009, Jesus says:

"I am never in the voice of discouragement, fear, unforgiveness or procrastination. Satan presents all of them to the human heart, attempting to usurp the present moment. The soul needs to use the present moment in trust – trust in My Love and Mercy. When the heart is saturated in trust, Satan cannot enter and misdirect (the soul's) thoughts, words and actions. Trust is the clothing of My Father's Divine Will. The soul that is thus vested is at peace, no matter the events of the present moment."

And on April 13, 2010, St. Peter says:

"Praise be to Jesus. Do not give in to discouragement, lack of trust or impatience. These are all temptations which pull you out of the present moment and into the future. Always remember, God reveals His plan in His way and in His time. Neither worry nor presumption can change God's perfect plan. To be a more perfect instrument, hang on to the present moment in Holy Love. The greater your effort in the present (moment), the more God uses you to introduce His plans to the world."

Next we will look at obstacles that can block entry into the Sacred

Heart of Jesus through the Immaculate Heart of Mary; and then begin to explore, through trustful surrender, how the Revelation of the United Hearts can help overcome such obstacles through the goal of conformity with and union in the Divine Will.

Overcoming Obstacles to Entering the Chambers of the United Hearts

We have laid bare some major obstacles or detours Satan presents, (and our free will accepts), that can result in: 1) preventing the soul from entrance to the Chambers of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, (starting at the threshold of the First Chamber – the Immaculate Heart of Mary); and, 2) the soul, once within the Chambers of the United Hearts, being prevented from advancing.

As we have seen, the major obstacles / detours that hold back the soul from its progression in the spiritual journey of personal holiness are: disordered self-love (pride), fear, unforgiveness (of others and self), not distinguishing between wants and needs, self-righteousness and discouragement.

We will now review specific Messages on how these obstacles/ detours prevent a soul's entrance into the Sacred Heart of Jesus through the Immaculate Heart of Mary; and then begin to reveal the remedy a soul can employ to overcome these obstacles – namely, humble and trustful surrender of free will to the Divine Will.

A Message was given on January 28, 2011 by St. Thomas Aquinas, who says:

"Praise be to Jesus. I have come to help souls to see that Jesus longs to draw all souls into His Sacred Heart. To do so, the soul needs to embrace Holy Love. There is no other port of entry. This portal of Holy Love is clothed always in the Truth, for Holy Love is the Truth. Let's look at the ways that this Truth can be compromised, thus making entry to the Sacred Heart less accessible. The first is any form of vanity. Vanity concerns itself with how others perceive the individual, either in importance or physical appearance. The soul loses sight of what really matters, and that is how God sees him. Then there is the unbridled love of pleasure, which takes the soul off the path of Truth. This may be too much attention to comforts, sexual pleasures or forms of entertainment. These all appeal to disordered self-love when taken out of (the) context for which God desires. Perhaps the soul depends on other people more than he depends on God's Divine Will and Provision. This is a snare of the fowler and a trap for many on the road to personal holiness. If the soul does not lend his heart to prayer, he is not in serious pursuit of the Refuge of the Sacred Heart, and must look with honesty at what is obstructing the way. Truth must win out in hearts in order for souls to abide in the Heart of Jesus."

As St. Thomas says here, we must desire to live in the Truth that is Holy Love, in order to overcome all obstacles that prevent one from entering the Chambers of the United Hearts.

As was mentioned previously, the process of living and being perfected in Holy Love every present moment involves: Love – Trust – Surrender – Peace. As love of God consumes our hearts, we begin to trust God as never before; for, with the grace of faith, we know God wants the best for us – our salvation.

Trustful surrender of self-will, in favor of the reign of God’s Will, occurs whenever we develop an attitude of Holy Indifference as to what takes place every present moment and in every situation. Holy Indifference involves not wanting anything different from what God offers us in the present moment with His Ordaining Will. In other words, we let God be our Problem Solver, Who looks always for what is best for us, as St. Paul says in Romans 8:28 – "We know that in everything, God works for the good of those who love Him; who are called according to His Purpose."

On September 17, 1999, Jesus says:

"I have come to help you understand the Divine Will of My Father. The Father has a Providing Will. When His Permitting Will and Ordaining Will are not acknowledged by mankind, He provides another way, another plan to take form. Think of the Will of God as a needle pulling a thread. The human heart blocks the path of the needle and so God the Father reroutes the needle (His Will) along another path. He provides another plan. If evil throws the human heart off track, God provides a way to pull the soul back on track. The Father never wearies of providing new avenues of grace – new detours back to the path of His Divine Will. When the heart is in harmony with the Will of My Father, it is at peace. It experiences Heavenly love, peace, and joy that do not exist apart from His Will or in the world. I will tell you again. The Divine Will of God is Holy Love in the present moment."

Thus, it is to our benefit when we give up what we think is best for us, or what we think should be the outcome of any situation; and let God take over our lives and our self-will. This is trustful surrender to the Divine Will. Everything we do should be from a heart living in the Truth that is Holy Love; and, to overcome all obstacles to living in the Truth, means having a humble attitude of complete, trustful surrender to God at all times.

On August 2, 1999, Jesus says:

"Come into My Heart of Divine Love. There is but one way. It is surrender to the Flame of Holy Love My Mother's Heart. I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. The soul that tries to come to Me with many encumbrances and attachments due to self-love finds the way obstructed through his own will. Today, I invite you to see that the Divine Will of My Father is always perfect. Cling to it. Those who have not surrendered to Holy Love completely, have difficulty discovering God's Will in the present moment. This is because they do not love Me enough and without attachments. Because their love is imperfect, their trust in Me is imperfect. Because they do not trust Me completely, they cannot surrender completely. Therefore, see… that much depends on each one's choice in the present moment. Let your hearts be purified in the Flame of Holy Love. My Immaculate Mother will swiftly deliver you to Me. This is God's Will for you. Ask to understand where your attachments are…Surrender to Me. I will lift you up and make you whole."

As Jesus tells us, then, having a humble disposition and loving desire to be united to God at all times is important in a trustful surrender to the Divine Will. This is affirmed in a Message from Blessed Mother given on December 10, 1998:

Today in the chapel, Maureen turned over many problems to the Blessed Mother. Maureen heard Her say:

“Trust in My grace and the fervor of My love for you. Praised be Jesus."

She comes as Refuge of Holy Love. "My daughter, the path to peace, the path to trustful surrender is Holy Humility and Holy Love. Souls who try to solve every problem without dependence on God's Provision are full of self-centeredness. Remember, everything is a grace – even the Cross. As My Son's Cross was redemptive, so too can every present moment be redemptive, if you will it so. Give everything to My Son through My Immaculate Heart – your joys, sorrows, victories, and defeats. Through Holy and Divine Love, everything can be transformed into grace."

Jesus reiterates that trustful surrender every present moment – like the "fiat" (yes) of Blessed Mother – can overcome all obstacles to entering the Chambers of the United Hearts.

On December 19, 1998, Jesus says:

"The Flame of My Heart is Divine Love. It is perfection. It is union. This Flame is the Kingdom of God's Divine Will. It is the New Jerusalem. Once again, I draw you into the present moment. In this moment, realize your sanctification. Surrender to Me your heart. How I desire it! Within the present moment is every grace you could ever desire, every virtue, every blessing. All it takes is your confident surrender – your 'yes.' Your trust, My little one, is everything. The soul that loves Me, trusts in Me. Thus, the soul believes in My Mercy. He forgives himself and others, and there is no barrier between us. The soul that succumbs to doubt and fear distances himself from My Heart. Such a one has lost the reality of the present moment. Such a one is given over to self-love beyond reason. I desire the unencumbered heart. Then I can fill it and mold it to My needs. My need, My little one, is always and foremost love. Love Me! Oh, I desire it! My Benediction will then enfold you. Do not long for anything but Me."

This disposition of an ongoing, humble, trustful surrender of self-will in obedience to the Divine Will is the major thrust behind the many Messages Jesus – (coming in His exposed Sacred Heart along with His Mother in Her exposed Immaculate Heart) – gave to the Visionary, Maureen Sweeney-Kyle, primarily between the years 1999 and 2002; the majority of which focused on what Jesus termed: 'The Revelation of Our United Hearts' and followed by an understanding of the spirituality of the Chambers of the United Hearts.

On January 3, 1999, Jesus appears. He says:

"Child, today I have come to help you along the journey into My Sacred Heart. Your journey begins and ends in the United Hearts. Understand the fullness of this Revelation for it is here you are drawn. The first step in entering the abode of My Sacred Heart is Holy Love. As well, the last step is Holy Love. My Mother's Heart is Holy Love. The Immaculate Heart is wholly and perfectly united to the Sacred Heart of your Jesus, both spiritually and emotionally. The Two are inseparable. Thus you can see that the deeper you journey into Holy Love, My Mother's Heart, the deeper you come into My Sacred Heart as well. Today, I invite you to imitate Me. My Heart is the apex of every virtue. Go deeper into the virtues through your will. This way you cooperate with the Divine Will of God. The Will of God is embodied in My Sacred Heart. It is embodied and indeed enthroned in the United Hearts… Because My Heart is perfectly united to the Heart of My Blessed Mother, both spiritually and emotionally, it bears out that My Mother is Co-Redemptrix… As We are one in the United Hearts, My Mother suffered with Me. Spiritually, She felt abandoned and desolated as I took on the sins of mankind. Emotionally, She grieved for Her loss and separation from Me. She was able to endure (it all) through grace. Thus, I come to proclaim to you, the United Hearts are your Refuge in adversity. Pray for confidence – trust – in all I ask of you. But most of all, trust in this eternal, unalterable Refuge of Our United Hearts. Always, always, I am with you. Make this journey into Divine Love. I travel with you."

In making the spiritual journey of personal holiness through the Chambers of the United Hearts – starting at the entrance to the First Chamber, (the Immaculate Heart of Mary); and then, advancing deeper into the Second, Third, and Fourth Chambers of the Sacred Heart of Jesus – the importance of a trustful self surrender or self-abandonment of one's own will to the Divine Will is consistently emphasized in the Messages on the Revelation of the United Hearts. Just as Jesus and Mary surrendered their wills to the Father's Will every present moment, (even to Jesus' dying on the Cross for our salvation); so, too, in the journey of personal holiness and sanctification through the Chambers of the United Hearts, we are called to increasingly surrender (i.e., die to) self-will and inordinate self-love for the goal of union with the Divine Will, which is Holy Love.

In a Message of August 21, 1999 in Atlanta, Georgia, Jesus says:

"My dearest child, I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. I have come to enlighten you and advise you. This is what the United Hearts represents. The United Hearts are:

• The embodiment of the Divine Will

• The embodiment of every Marian Dogma

• The embodiment of every Commandment, especially the Law of Love

• The doorway to the New Jerusalem and your salvation

• The terror of Satan and his defeat."

In the next Chapter, we will begin examining some of the Messages Jesus gave on the Revelation of the United Hearts (beginning in May, 1999); and focusing specifically on the importance of trustful self-surrender or self-abandonment in our entrance to and progression through the Chambers of the United Hearts. This will then lead us to understanding the key to the entrance into the First Chamber, (the Immaculate Heart of Mary); which is the prayer to Mary, Protectress of the Faith.

Spiritual Pride

"I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."

"This is a list of the characteristics of spiritual pride, for this is very often the obstacle Satan places on the path of personal holiness:"

1. "The soul believes he is very holy with few virtues that need improvement."

2. "He believes his rash judgment to be discernment."

3. "He believes any idea that he has is inspired by the Holy Spirit."

4. "He will not consider others' opinions on spiritual matters, but holds fast to his own."

5. "He sees much error in others' hearts – not his own."

6. "He takes pride in his prayer life and his sacrifices – this leads quickly to self-righteousness."

7. "He is not open to spiritual correction."

"Watch out for these signals that you might fall into through Satan's trickery."

(May 15, 2012)