The Journey Through The Chambers of the United Hearts: The Pursuit of Holiness

Synopsis - Fifth Chamber


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The Fifth Chamber of the United Hearts

Union with the Divine Will


The Fifth Chamber is the smallest, most elite and intimate Chamber of Jesus' Divine Heart comprised of the most humble and loving souls. It is the Kingdom of the Divine Will within the soul's own heart - an inner sanctum secretly hidden within the Fourth Chamber. In the Fifth Chamber is but one Will. The human will becomes one - united with the Divine.


This Chamber is reserved for the souls who are resigned to accept everything as from His Hand and needs to be discovered by the soul as he dwells within the Fourth Chamber. The soul will not discover the Kingdom of God within, until he first discovers his own faults and failings.


When the Will of God the Father consumes the soul's heart, the soul partakes and shares the Kingdom of His Will. The soul needs to be deep into trust of Divine Provision - this trust is built on love, humility and perseverance in order to love God's Will. When you pray, ask Jesus for the grace of loving His Divine Will.


The soul's will is completely annihilated and the Divine Will of God the Father reigns supreme and only exists to accomplish the Father's Will. The soul loses itself (evaporates) and becomes one with God the Father. Every virtue in the soul has been fine-tuned and he is consumed with the desire to love God and please God.

These soul's live in union with God's Will - God lives in them and they in Him.

The soul never thinks of self and does not wish to be found or noticed. His only pleasure is in being there. He is in the present moment always.

The atmosphere is like this: Every moment is like the first step into paradise. Every moment is like being reunited with loving memories - loving souls who await on the other side of the veil between life and death. Every moment in this Chamber radiates love, joy and peace to the souls who enter herein.

The soul, consumed with a depth of love and humility, accepts everything as from the Hands of God and knows everything is a grace and all things turn to the good of his salvation. The soul is thus able to focus only on the Will of God amidst the greatest trials, and never upon himself. He is just as able to celebrate the cross as the victory. He allows the Flame of Divine Love to devour any semblance of selfishness.

The soul does not struggle against God's Will, but accepts what comes, waiting to see what good will come from each situation. He does not fear humiliation or being unjustly accused. He does not take others to task for their errors, but constantly searches his own heart for his own errors. He receives and responds to correction with a gentle, loving heart. He does not pout nor lay blame or flare up at others. He is approachable - always being open to questions and suggestions. He freely shares his time and space; in fact, is openly generous in all ways. He considers all others holier than he himself. There is no self-righteousness in his heart. He does not presume to know more or to have a better opinion than others. He states his opinion and lets go of it. He has a good

sense of where he stands before God, not congratulating himself on graces or gifts received, but always seeking a deeper conversion of heart. He knows no fear, anger or unforgiveness. He has no enemy. He only has knowledge of souls who oppose God's Will and need prayer.


There is a place in the Fifth Chamber for each soul. As you grow more and more united to the Divine Will, the flame of conformity in your own heart will grow bigger and brighter until at last you need no effort at all - there is union! Do not be discouraged if you find yourself slipping backwards from one Chamber to another, for in the next moment you could advance rapidly into the Fifth Chamber.

Let nothing stand between you and Jesus - not affairs in the world, worry for the future or any flaw in virtue. Allow the Fifth Chamber to consume your heart, and your heart to embrace the Fifth Chamber - union with Divine Will. The soul that strives after this yields a blow to Satan that he cannot recover from.


Through the Eucharist, the Will of God is present in the world - completely, perfectly and eternally. Then, understand that the Fifth Chamber - union with the Divine Will - is offered to each one who partakes of the Holy Eucharist.

When the soul reaches the Fifth Chamber, he becomes the Divine Will himself and God the Father establishes His Kingdom within the heart - it is like food which is assimilated and disappears. It becomes part of the body.

The souls who do discover God's Kingdom within them are already in the New Jerusalem. If you can imagine the joy with which Jesus mounted His Throne when He ascended into Heaven, you can taste then the flavor of the Fifth Chamber.

Everyone is given the grace to reach the Fifth Chamber, but few there are who abide there. This is because they do not respond to the small graces along the way. They await a colossal grace that may never come.