God The Father’s Triple Blessing

The following Messages were given by God the Father to Visionary Maureen Sweeney-Kyle regarding His Triple Blessing – which consists of His Patriarchal Blessing, Apocalyptic Blessing and Blessing of Light – and also His Triple Blessing Relic Card.

Holy Love Messages About God The Father’s Triple Blessing and Relic Card

 God the Father's Patriarchal Blessing, Apocalyptic Blessing and Blessing of Light

July 2, 2019 – "Children, when I come to you on August 4th, I will, once again, impart to you My Patriarchal Blessing. This is the Blessing that carried Noah across the dense water to finally arrive on dry land. It is the same Blessing which supported Moses as he awaited the Ten Commandments. It is a Blessing which brings peace and strength in the midst of great crosses. You cannot find anywhere in the world the solace of this Blessing. It is the same as My Paternal embrace."

September 10, 2019 – "To assist you in the changes you need to make in your personal journey in holiness, My Son will impart to you His Apocalyptic Blessing on Monday nights when My Messenger (Maureen) is able to be present. This Blessing makes change something to be sought after… It is a Blessing which prepares the soul for changes as yet untold or experienced in life. It places a desire in the heart to come closer to Me in every way. What is missing in My Call to conversion is the soul's desire to convert. This grace - this Blessing - opens the heart to the desire of conversion and to casting off all attitudes, habits or goals which are in the way. While many blessings have been and are offered here, this is the most important one and the core of what My Call to conversion is all about…”

January 3, 2020 – "Today, I wish to familiarize you with My Blessing of Light. It is exactly as it indicates. It illuminates the soul as to where he stands before God. My Apocalyptic Blessing does this also, but not to the degree as does My Blessing of Light. The soul who receives this Blessing with faith will know what he must do to avoid condemnation, and in many cases Purgatory."


Once again, I (Maureen) see a Great Flame that I have come to know as the Heart of God the Father. He says:

July 5, 2020 – "Children, I am establishing new guidelines for the outpouring of graces here at My Prayer Site. This is due to the pandemic and social distancing… I will bless with My Triple Blessing a large volume of material or paper privately which will be freely given out to those who come on pilgrimage. People can take a small amount to others who cannot come here. This will be given out through the Bookstore on site, always… Whether or not you receive the Triple Blessing, a trip here is enormously worth it. There are so many graces poured out here - not to mention the Spring Water."

July 7, 2020 – "This, children, is how to receive My Triple Blessing. Make it part of a prayer. Pray to have faith in your hearts. Faith is the foundation of a profound experience when you receive My Most Powerful Blessing… This Blessing is a place of refuge in a storm of anarchy. When you carry an item with you which has been touched by this Blessing, I promise My Strength is with you, when you believe. With this Blessing, I seek to unite what Satan tries to divide.

July 9, 2020 – "The Triple Blessing will bring profound peace to the heart and joy to the soul. Some physical ailments will be alleviated. This Blessing will be a kiss from Heaven. It is with joy I tell you these things. This Blessing is My Medicine for the soul."

July 11, 2020 – "There are questions already about the Holy Card. I can tell you some ask questions only to find fault. The Card itself is an aspect of the Triple Blessing. This is how I choose to distribute this Blessing during these troubled times throughout the world. You will see its effects."

July 12, 2020 – "Remember, the Blessing can be carried with you on the Card, for I will have blessed the Cards Myself. Treat the Cards with reverence… You do not have to come to the property to receive the Blessing - you do need to have the Card, however. This Card is not your salvation, but a profound Blessing to be treasured. It is best received with a heart steeped in Holy Love."

July 13, 2020 – "When you begin to pray you will receive the Blessing. When I speak of the Card, I am speaking of the Blessing. These are coming into your life when the times have confused good and evil. After the blessing, you will be at peace and better able to discern right from wrong. The Card is only special by merit of My Blessing upon it."

July 16, 2020 – "As time passes, My Triple Blessing in the form of this prayer Card will reach worldwide. Do not be anxious as to when and how you will receive yours. If you desire it in your heart, it is already yours. My Triple Blessing can and must change hearts starting today. Therefore, pray with hopeful trust in your hearts. My Triple Blessing will travel with your petitions to Heaven along with the peace and joy in your hearts."

July 17, 2020 – "The Card which carries My Blessing is at work in hearts... My Triple Blessing is worth seeking out. Once you receive it, cherish it. Depend on the grace it carries. Call upon My Intercession through this Blessing."

July 19, 2020 – "Now, My Triple Blessing has been released in the world in the form of the Holy Cards which I have blessed. Given all the restrictions in the world in regards to travel, this is the best way to spread My Triple Blessing around the world. What I give you, carries the responsibility with it to be passed on. You are now My disciples of this Blessing - knowing this is a grace. Part of your duties as My disciple is to pray that the Card becomes plentiful and available to as many as possible. People need a visible sign of My Loving Care for them in this tangible form of My Blessing Card."

July 20, 2020 – "Children, see the Blessing Card as just that – a blessing. It is the prayers that you yourself add to it which activates the graces attendant to this Card. It is a special vehicle to the Paternal favors of My Heart… The Blessing Cards are My Way of bringing hearts back to Me."

July 22, 2020 – "You will be given the grace to believe and accept all I offer through My Triple Blessing, if your faith is genuine. Do not come with the attitude of an unbeliever, that is 'prove it to me' that all this is real. Acceptance must come first and foremost. Accept that I am your Omnipotent God and can do all things according to My Paternal and Divine Will, then your heart will be open to belief."

July 23, 2020 – "Just as My Triple Blessing grants the soul clarity as to the state of his own soul, today, I tell you, those devoted to My Triple Blessing will also receive clarity as to the state of world affairs. Many Truths heretofore hidden will be brought to light."

July 27, 2020 – "Children, when you look upon the Blessing Card which I have imparted to you, contemplate the great power which has humbly transcended from Heaven to earth in an effort to reconcile mankind and his God. In humble thanksgiving, place the Card close to your heart as you appreciate My Omnipotence which does not leave you stranded during these troubled times. Confusion is the bylaw of the day and Satan's calling card. Therefore, I give to you this means (the Blessing Card) to clear the air of the evil lies he spreads with earthly authority and assist you in bearing witness to the Truth. I leave My Mark upon these times through these Blessing Cards. The more faith you have, the greater the effects of My Blessing upon you."

July 29, 2020 – "If you have faith, you will receive the deepest graces from My Blessing. I will touch your hearts in a profound way. My Triple Blessing is on the fabric attached to each Card. Never before have I taken such steps to reach the souls of earth. However, never before has it been such a necessity to touch so many. There are consequences coming as a result of man's arrogance and love of sin. Those who accept My Triple Blessing will be strengthened and better prepared to endure what lies ahead."

July 30, 2020 – "Children, today, I invite you to find your peace in your surrender to My Triple Blessing. Your surrender is in your acceptance that My Triple Blessing is real. Then, you will feel the full and profound effects of My Power through this powerful gift of My Blessing. Our hearts touch in this Blessing. We are then able to work in unison towards the acceptance of the Truth between good and evil. Once you are able to discern, you will be at peace."

July 31, 2020 – "The greatest danger, these days, is that people do not recognize the Truth. They cannot be faithful to the Truth between good and evil if they do not recognize it. This is the thread that Satan weaves around the soul of the world. This is why people discount the validity of My Messages here. I continue to reach out to every soul, especially now, in these times of confusion that weigh upon the world. This is why I offer My Prayer Card complete with the relic of My Triple Blessing. Through it, and by it, I offer to the world discernment which is most important during these days - use it as you pray for discernment."

August 2, 2020 – "The purpose of My Triple Blessing is to shore up the Truth and to reveal Satan's lies for what they are… when you accept My Blessing Card, you accept My Triple Blessing. The deeper your faith the deeper My Blessing in your heart. It is up to each individual to accept or reject this, My Great Triple Blessing. No other generation has had such a great need for such a profound grace, a grace which counters the attacks on Truth in the world today."

August 9, 2020 – "I am entrusting through this Mission My Blessing through this Blessing Card. It can make an impact on the heart of the world if it is seen as the Truth that it is. See it as a lifeboat upon the sea of hypocrisy. Treat it as such."

August 13, 2020 – "You can achieve much by propagating the Blessing Cards. Hearts can be changed in this way. I am always reaching out and blessing those who have faith in the authenticity of these Cards. This is the hour of heroic faith."

August 20, 2020 – "I have given the world My Blessing Card as a means of deflecting untruth and underscoring the Truth. My Blessing is a means of discerning good from evil and arriving at the Truth which is righteousness. I bless all who have faith in My Blessing."

(March 22, 2021)