The Journey Through The Chambers of the United Hearts: The Pursuit of Holiness

Chapter 1


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Chapter 1.

Making the Spiritual Journey through the Chambers of the United Hearts

The journey described in the pages of this book is unlike any other journey we have ever made, for it is a 'mystical' journey, which God, the Father, invites all peoples and all nations to go on with Him, with the ultimate goal or destination being intimate union with Him; as He is united with His Son, Jesus Christ, through the Holy Spirit. This mystical goal or destination of union with the Holy Trinity is essentially the goal of reaching Heaven – also known as establishing the Kingdom of the Divine Will within hearts (souls).

The route or road map that we use on this journey is known as the Chambers of the United Hearts of the Holy Trinity and the Immaculate Mary. The Chambers of the United Hearts are really a spiritual blueprint or guide of how we are to progressively surrender our free will if we are to move deeper into the Divine Will toward the goal of union with God. Hence, unlike any trip we would make in the world, God tells us that ifwe are to make this mystical or spiritual journey, we cannot bring any baggage with us. In fact, we must leave everything behind – especially our free will. If we are to reach union with God and His Divine Will in our hearts, the only vehicle that can take us there is trustful surrender of our free will to the Divine Will of God. The Chambers of the United Hearts, then, are really a study of how to give up our will so that we can move deeper into the Divine Will and ultimate union and immersion as one with God. The Chambers of the United Hearts specifically provide the way of salvation, holiness, perfection and sanctification needed to reach Heaven – union with the Divine Will.

The Journey Through the Chambers

"The Journey through the Chambers of the United Hearts is the way of perfection in Holy Love and the road map to union with the Divine Will."

(Jesus – May 3, 2017)

Making this spiritual journey through the Chambers of the United Hearts involves being perfected more and more in holiness so as to "be holy, as I, the Lord your God, am Holy" (Lev. 19:1-2); and to "be perfect as your Heavenly Father is perfect" (Matt. 5:35).

We are going to look at the process of how to progress deeper in this spiritual journey of personal holiness; and what obstacles keep us from progressing upon the path toward our goal of union with the Divine Will. But what exactly is the connection between being holy and our goal of reaching Heaven – union with the Divine Will? Typically, we think of holiness in terms of being good, doing good things for others, and avoiding sin. This is not exactly what holiness means, however; for any good person can be good, do good and avoid evil. There are many people who perform good works, but do not pursue personal holiness.

What constitutes being holy and perfect, (as God is Holy and Perfect), means conforming our lives and our will to God's Will. The bridge between God's Will and man's free will is love and mercy. It is only through God's Divine Love and Divine Mercy that we are offered the opportunity to begin this journey of personal holiness. In a similar way, the soul must open his heart to love God at least a little to begin the journey; otherwise his free will carries him in a whole different direction. The soul must also realize that God's plan for him may not be what his free will wanted, but that God's plan is perfect and thus worth choosing. Being holy, then, is about perfecting our relationship with God – not about our goodness.

To be holy means that we are to set aside our selfish desires and to make loving God and serving Him, (and then our neighbors), the top priorities of our lives. It means to strive to learn from God how to be gracious and merciful, slow to anger and most loving (Psalm 86:15). This involves us accepting the gift of humility in order to be conformed to God's Will. Flaws in our humility are always what cause us to slip and fall off the path of holiness that leads into the Chambers of the United Hearts. Throughout the spiritual journey of holiness, from the First Chamber to the last, we must pray for humility.

It is necessary as we begin this journey that we always distinguish between God's Will and our own free will. God told us what His Will was when He gave Moses the Ten Commandments. Jesus encapsulated the Ten Commandments into the Two Great Commandments of Love: love God above all else and your neighbor as yourself. This is what Our Lord and Our Lady refer to as Holy Love. Holy Love is the Immaculate Heart of Mary – the First Chamber of the United Hearts. Holy Love is God's Will for us. It is, then, God's Will that we surrender to Holy Love in every present moment. The amount of Holy Love in our hearts is no small matter, for it is a measure of our perfection in holiness, as Blessed Mother is perfectly holy. The degree of our holiness in the present moment is best expressed in our adherence to the Ten Commandments and in following Jesus' teachings through His Life, Death and Resurrection; for Jesus' purpose in coming among us as a man was to show us the way toward union with His Heavenly Father, and to bring our hearts to perfection through His Sacred Heart that is perfectly in communion with His Father's Heart – the Heart of Unitive Love.

(Drawing of Jesus by the Visionary, Maureen Sweeney-Kyle)

On March 25, 2008, Jesus said in a Message: "I come to you today on behalf of My Father Who desires and wills that He be recognized under the title of 'Father of Unitive Love'. It is under this title that My Father desires to reconcile all people and every nation by drawing them through the Chambers of Our United Hearts. Oh, how He longs for this union with mankind; how He longs that souls be united in love! This spiritual journey is Truth itself given through the Light of the Holy Spirit. As I opened the Gates of Heaven for you with My Passion and Death, the Father now opens the door to union with His Divine Will through this spiritual journey."

Jesus' command to us to "be perfect as your Heavenly Father is perfect" (Matt. 5:35), is His call to all humanity to follow His way of perfection in holiness through the Chambers of His Sacred Heart, beginning in the First Chamber, which is the Immaculate Heart of Mary. The perfect example of holiness of the Heart of our Blessed Mother, (united to the Sacred Heart of Jesus), is the entrance or gateway toward our union with God. It is, then, God's Will that we enter the Immaculate Heart of Mary – that we surrender to Holy Love – first and foremost and in every present moment.

We were told at Fatima that the peace of the world has been entrusted to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. The peace of our hearts and, thus, the peace of the world depends on our surrender to Holy Love. As Moses had led the Israelites out of Egypt into the promised land, Blessed Mother now leads her Remnant Faithful children through their trials and tribulations into the peace of the New Jerusalem by taking them into the safe Refuge of Her Immaculate Heart. To enter this Refuge, however, the soul must seek holiness always.

In the next Chapter, we will look at some of the Holy Love Messages which focus on beginning this journey of personal holiness through the Chambers of the United Hearts. ♥

Apply Each Message to Your Own Journey

Jesus is here with His Heart exposed. He says: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."

"My brothers and sisters, when I come to you, as I am now doing, and imparting to you a Message, take the Message into your hearts; apply it to your own holiness and journey through the Chambers of Our United Hearts. It is in this way, the heart of the world can be transformed."

"Tonight, I'm imparting to you My Blessing of Divine Love."

(January 2, 2015)