The Journey Through The Chambers of the United Hearts: The Pursuit of Holiness

Chapter 2


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Chapter 2.

The Five Steps to Holiness

In beginning our journey of personal holiness through the Chambers of the United Hearts, we mentioned in Chapter 1 how our holiness is best achieved by following the perfect example of Mary, whose Immaculate Heart is the entrance, or gateway, toward our union with God. At Fatima, mankind learned that God had entrusted the peace of the world to Our Lady's Immaculate Heart; which is Holy Love. Hence, the peace of heart mankind achieves by becoming holy, (like Blessed Mother), depends upon surrender to Holy Love.

On October 17, 1993, Our Lady came as Our Lady of Fatima and said in a Message:

"Dear children, I have come tonight to invite you to understand that My invitation to holiness is not singular, but from moment to moment. You must surrender your will to the Will of the Father and, in so doing, proceed along the path that I call you upon, that leads to My Immaculate Heart, the Refuge of sinners."

Also, on October 19, 1993, Our Lady came in gray and gold and said:

"Let us glorify God through this prayer!..." (After praying the 'Glory Be,' She said:) "Dear children, the path I call you upon moment to moment, the path of holiness that leads to My Heart, is the path of Holy Perfection. The tool and the measure given to attain this Holy Perfection is Holy Love. You will only be as perfect and as holy as you love. The obstacle to Holy Love and, consequently, Holy Perfection, is always self-love. Therefore, My dear children, in order to progress along the path of holiness – the path of Holy Perfection – you need to ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to you all the areas of selflove in your lives. Perhaps you love your reputation. Perhaps you love your ideas and opinions. Perhaps you love your appearance. None of these are lasting. Only Holy Love is eternal. Surrender to the Father all that is self-love, so that He can fill you with Holy Love. Then you will be given a greater love of God and of souls. Then you will progress along the path of holiness to Holy Perfection."

As Moses had led the Israelites out of the oppression and dangers of Egypt and into the peace of the promised land, so today, (through the Mission of Holy Love), Blessed Mother also leads her Remnant Faithful children into the peace of the New Jerusalem by taking them into the safe Refuge of Her Immaculate Heart, which is the path of holiness to Holy Perfection.

Hence, to enter this spiritual refuge, the soul must seek holiness every present moment. A 'Prayer for Holy Love' helps us to do this:

Prayer for Holy Love

"Dear Jesus, through the Immaculate Heart of Your Mother, perfect me this day in Holy Love. Keep me mindful that every thought, word, and action should come from and lead to Holy Love. Bring me along the path of holiness by means of this Love, so that by loving God and my neighbor, I will attain Holy Perfection. I ask this in Your Name, Lord Jesus. Amen."

(Our Lady – October 23, 1993)

Along with this prayer, Blessed Mother gave a Message on November 4, 1993 inviting us to travel the path of personal holiness:

Our Lady comes in gray. She says: "All praise be to Jesus! My little daughter, I come once again to invite you along the path of holiness. To choose holiness is to begin to practice holiness, which is Holy Love. When you once begin to turn to holiness, God will give you the grace that you need to succeed. Holy Love, My daughter, is God's Will for you, and His Divine Will is Holy Love. They are one and the same. God will always extend to you the grace you need to cooperate with His Will, and so with Divine and Holy Love… Let this be the moment you begin your 'yes' to Holy Love, and so, God's Will for you. Say 'yes' in a way that you are able to choose Holy Forgiveness. Forgive your own imperfections and forgive others' faults, as well. If you begin to choose this, God will help you through the grace of My Heart." (Read John 4:34-38; 15:1-17)

Our Lady then outlined for us five (5) major steps in the journey or path to holiness as follows:

First Step: "The first step in any journey is the person's choosing, (in free will), to take the journey. And so it is with My call to holiness. The soul must choose holiness. This decision is a progressive choice and yet it begins anew each day, each moment, indeed, with each breath the soul takes. This decision for holiness is the umbilical cord that links the soul to My Heart, which is Holy Love. My Heart is Holy Love (holiness). My Beloved Son's Heart is Divine Love. When the soul chooses Holy Love, he chooses to be in the Refuge of his heavenly Mother's Heart." (November 21, 1993)

Second Step: "Understand,… the guardian of the soul is free will. Through free will the mind, heart, senses and members make decisions from moment to moment for or against holiness. When the soul chooses to be holy, he must at the same time choose to abandon sin. Sin is anything contrary to Holy Love. It is Holy Wisdom that enables the soul to see the value of holiness and to choose for Holy Love. I am opening the grace of My Heart upon humanity that more will choose for salvation, and sin will be purged from their lives." (November 25, 1993)

Third Step: "I want to take you deeper into My Heart to renew your soul and refresh your spirit… My daughter, to choose holiness is to choose God's Will and to abandon your own will. The soul abandons his own will and chooses God's Will when he chooses to love in thought, word and deed. It is one step, and yet it is many steps each day. Every grace of My Heart comes from and leads towards the Will of the Father. For I am the gateway to holiness and to the Will of the Father." (November 28, 1993)

Fourth Step: "When the soul is able to surrender his will to the Will of God, he is on the path of holiness. Then the soul makes his will one with God's Will. He accepts everything in the present moment as the Will of the Eternal Father. He views the past and the future only in terms of Holy Love, trusting in Divine Providence which is perfect in God's Will. Every sin opposes Holy Love and God's Will, and distracts the soul from the path of holiness. Therefore, ask for the grace of seeing your sins more clearly and you will better be able to avoid these pitfalls." (December 1, 1993)

Fifth Step: "The ultimate step towards holiness – one few reach – is that of perfect union. Here the soul has no obstacle between himself and God. He has passed from the Refuge of My Immaculate Heart, which is Holy Love, and is embraced and illuminated by the true light of Divine Love that is My Son's Heart. Seldom is a soul so graced." (November 30, 1994)

These Messages, as given by Our Lady, are designed to lead us on the path of holiness and, ultimately, to union with God. On October 17, 1993, Our Lady came dressed as Our Lady of Fatima and said:

"Dear children, I have come tonight to invite you to understand that My invitation to holiness is not singular, but from moment to moment. You must surrender your will to the Will of the Father and, in so doing, proceed along the path that I call you upon, that leads to My Immaculate Heart, the Refuge of sinners."

By consecrating our lives to Our Lady's Immaculate Heart, She will bless us with the graces we need to become holy (perfect), as our Heavenly Father is Holy (Perfect). This is why we should always accept Our Lady's invitation to enter into the safe Refuge of Her Immaculate Heart.

On August 20, 1996, Our Lady came in shimmering white and said:

"My daughter, as I always come, I come to give praise to Jesus. I desire that those souls truly consecrated to the Flame of My Heart live as witnesses to My victory in their hearts. These are the ones that must draw others into this Purifying Flame, and so, into the Refuge of My Heart. Here are the steps to entering this Refuge:"

1.) "First, as with any conversion, the soul must choose to enter My Heart."

2.) "Next, the soul must die to self, putting others and God ahead of himself. In so doing, the soul is living the Holy Love message."

3.) "The soul needs to recognize that choosing and living this way makes him a target of attack. Satan (always) places such souls under siege. Knowing this, the soul needs to persevere through much prayer and sacrifice. This is the third step."

4.) "All of My children, who choose, live, and persevere in being purified in the Flame of Holy Love, that is the Refuge of My Heart, must practice living, (in Holy Love) in the present moment. The fourth step is to trust in this solemn Refuge in the present moment which embraces your salvation."

5.) "The fifth step is all-encompassing of the other four steps. My dear children must pray for the grace to love God's Will. This is your choice, your living the Holy Love Message, your perseverance, and your trust. God wants all of these things for you – in the present moment. God's Will is My Heart. God wills that you come into and abide in this Immaculate Refuge, a Refuge He has created for you."

"I desire all of My children know and understand this."

In pursuing the journey of personal holiness, Jesus and Blessed Mother have emphasized the importance of the heart being steeped always in the three theological virtues of faith, hope and love. On July 16, 2007, Jesus came with His Heart exposed and said:

"Tonight, My brothers and sisters, I have come to extend to the heart of the world – hope; and through hope, the (faithful) desire for personal holiness. It is only through personal holiness that the spirit of the world can be changed – changed from self-love to Holy Love, and then peace."

In the next Chapter, we will look at some of the Holy Love Messages that highlight the importance of faith, hope and love in pursuing this journey into the Chambers of the United Hearts.

The Devotion to Mary, Refuge of Holy Love

Once again, I (Maureen) see a Great Flame that I have come to know as the Heart of God the Father. He says: "My children, decades ago, I gave the world the devotion to Mary, Refuge of Holy Love. At that time in history, your path to salvation and personal holiness was clearly defined. Each Chamber in your progression of holiness was described to you. These days and during these times, this devotion is more important than ever before. The journey into Holy Love is a journey into the embrace of My Commandments. The First Chamber in Our United Hearts is Holy Love. It is a Chamber of purification, for Holy Love purges the soul of all iniquity. All of the subsequent Chambers in the United Hearts are hinged upon this First Chamber Holy Love. So, when I introduced Holy Love into the world, I was giving souls the first step in holiness – the First Chamber of the United Hearts."

"Now, I am reminding you that the Light of My Divine Love surrounds and embraces the United Hearts. The entire journey into holiness does not exist apart from My Divine Will. Therefore, understand that the 'Refuge of Holy Love' is a title that embraces My Divine Will."

"I rejoice with you, today, as you celebrate this title."

Read Ephesians 5:15-17

Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise men but as wise, making the most of the time, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Will of the Lord is.

Read 1 Timothy 4:4-5

For everything created by God is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving; for then it is consecrated by the word of God and prayer.

(May 5, 2019 – Feast of Mary, Refuge of Holy Love)