The Journey Through The Chambers of the United Hearts: The Pursuit of Holiness

Chapter 10


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Chapter 10.

Third Chamber of the United Hearts: Perfection in Virtue

At the end of Chapter 9, mention was made of how, as the soul progresses in being purified and perfected in holiness (moving through the First and Second Chambers of the United Hearts), he becomes acutely aware of the power of God's grace offered every present moment to help draw the soul in his journey of personal holiness through the Chambers toward the ultimate goal of conformity and then union with God's Divine Will. The soul recognizes the absolute necessity of surrendering to this grace of the Divine Will in order to move forward into the Third Chamber.

As was stated in Chapter 9 on the spirituality of the Second Chamber, Jesus says at the end of a Message given on January 26, 2001 – The Revelation of Our United Hearts:

"The souls in the Second Chamber of My Heart are becoming more aware of the Eternal Father's Will for them and most accepting of My Father's Will. Then as they surrender more and more to the Divine Will in the present moment, they prepare themselves for entrance into the Third Chamber of My Sacred Heart."

Jesus also mentions how the provision of His grace to souls is in perfect proportion with the soul's desire to progress through the Chambers of the United Hearts.

At the end of a Message given on October 20, 2000, to explain to the world the meaning behind the United Hearts Revelation, Jesus says:

"My grace is attendant to and in perfect proportion with the soul's efforts to pass through the Chambers of My Heart. The Second Chamber represents pursuit of holiness; the Third, perfection in virtue; the Fourth, conformity to the Divine Will; and the Fifth, unity with the Divine Will. All this I give to humanity as a teaching in the spiritual life."

Heaven has labeled the Third Chamber of the United Hearts, Perfection in Virtue. In this Chapter, we will examine those Messages Heaven has given that explain the spirituality of this Third Chamber and why perfection in the virtues is so important in the soul's progression in holiness toward union with the Divine Will; for such progression is primarily dependent upon the depth (or lack of depth) of the virtues in the soul, especially the virtues of Holy Love and Holy Humility.

In a Message given on October 16, 2002 – Feast of St. Margaret Mary Alacoque, this saint of the Sacred Heart of Jesus described the importance of the virtue of Holy Love in the progression through the Chambers of the United Hearts. In that Message, she stated:

"My little sister, years ago on my feast day (October 16, 1999), Jesus revealed to you the many Chambers in His Heart of Hearts. Today, I have come to help you understand that as the soul progresses through the Chambers, spiritual growth in each one is ongoing; for the soul can only advance as his depth of Holy Love deepens. He cannot embrace holiness or perfection in virtue unless he begins to love more. As the First Chamber is conversion and Holy Love, it is also the introduction and key to all the other Chambers which are Divine Love."

Jesus explains this point further in a Message He gave on January 31, 2000, in which He discussed the soul's transition from the Second to the Third Chamber in his progression of holiness (see Chapter 9 for the entire Message given for the Second Chamber). In that Message, Jesus says:

"It is during the soul's stay in this (Second) Chamber that My grace comes to him, enticing him to a more devout life (in Holy Love). When the soul's spiritual desires become spiritual needs from a more pure love, the soul moves into the Third Chamber of My Heart. It is in this Third Chamber of My Heart that I inspire souls to sanctity through a more perfect union and conformity with the Divine Will. The soul can move as deeply into My Heart as he desires. The more he strips himself of self-love, the deeper he grows in virtue and into the Chambers of My Heart. I am opening the door to the sanctuary of My Heart to every soul."

Regarding the desire of the soul to grow in virtue, and thus grow in sanctity moving forward through the Chambers of the United Hearts, Jesus told us in a Message He gave on February 26, 2014:

"To live in Divine Love is to comply to the Divine Will of My Father. This is only possible by success in Holy Love. Holy Love is the embrace of the Ten Commandments and of all the virtues. This embrace is only possible through self-illumination as to the soul's own strengths and weaknesses. The basis of all holiness, therefore, is the desire to improve in virtue and in obedience to the Commandments. This is the desire to improve upon destructive behavior which opposes holiness. No one can be virtuous or holy if he does not first desire it."

The main importance of the virtue of Holy Love in the determination of the perfection of all the other virtues of the soul was explained in a Message given by St. Thomas Aquinas on June 27, 2005, in which St. Thomas says:

"I have come to help you understand that Holy Love is the mirror which reflects the state of your soul. In this mirror the depth of Holy Love in your heart is reflected along with the reflection of all other virtues for love is the light that shines through all virtues. It is self-love that clouds this mirror and does not allow the soul to see clearly the depth of virtue in his heart or his errors and faults. Holy Love is the mirror all souls need to gaze into to see their inner beauty which reveals how they appear in God's Eyes. This is the appearance and beauty that needs careful attendance continual attendance. The depth of every virtue in the soul is reflected in the depth of Holy Love in the heart; for instance, the soul can only be as patient as he is loving. He can only be as humble as he is loving. To pretend otherwise is false virtue, and not a reflection of Holy Love. This is why the soul must continually weigh and measure his thoughts, words and deeds on the scale of Holy Love. Only then will he be a more perfect image of Holy Love for all to behold."

The other main virtue (together with Holy Love) that determines the perfection of all other virtues in the soul is Holy Humility. Jesus tells us that the only way a soul can come into union with the Divine Will is by totally surrendering his self-will. This means that the way to perfection in the virtue of Holy Love can only occur by being open and trusting in God alone – never others or even oneself – and this involves heroically practicing the virtue of Holy Humility.

In reference to being perfected in the virtues as the soul progresses along the journey of personal holiness and sanctification, Jesus tells us the importance of the virtue of humility. In a Message He gave on March 18, 2000, Jesus says:

"While many prefer to believe they have all the answers and that they know best the way, I tell you, even the Pharisees believed in such a way. But the path I show you leaves no room for spiritual pride only humility. The Chambers of My Heart open to nothingness, for herein lies no arrogance, self-righteousness, or unforgiveness. Approach this door in littleness and I will clothe you in virtue. I will feed you with the milk of many graces. I will support you in your crosses. The proud are the wayfarers, wandering the way of Satan. But those who will make themselves My little martyrs of love, I will lift high."

Jesus shows us the means by which we can proceed quickly through the Chambers, especially the Third Chamber of His Sacred Heart – humble surrender to the Divine Will. In a Message given on July 26, 2000, Jesus says:

"I have come to share with you the secret for hasty and certain advancement through the Chambers of My Heart. It is humble acceptance of all things as from the Hand of God. Thus, it is surrender to God's Divine Will. In this surrender, every virtue comes into play. In this surrender, self-will is annihilated. The soul does not need to take account of which Chamber he is in. He only needs to accept the moment in the way My Father wills it. You may think this sounds too easy to be the key to your sanctity, but look closely and you will understand it is not easy, and not even possible without Heaven's assistance. Ask for the grace, then, to realize the importance of this request this Heavenly guideline. As you attempt to accept God's Will, you will quickly see your shortcomings and weakness in certain virtues. I will help you. Ask Me."

A humble openness to the process of conversion of the soul is important in the journey of personal holiness as we have seen with regard to the First and Second Chambers. This is especially so in the Third Chamber, for in order to be perfected in virtue, the soul must first recognize his flaws and lack of virtue. This point was clearly made in a Message on November 14, 2000 in a Conversation with Divine Love, in which Jesus says:

"My messenger, the focus of the United Hearts Revelation is personal conversion in the present moment. Yes, moment-to-moment conversion. The person who claims, 'I am converted. I am holy.' has taken little stock of what is in his heart. The one truly committed to this Message sees clearly his flaws and lack of virtue. For it is only in light of this knowledge he is able to increase in holiness, surrender with a greater effort all weaknesses, and advance in the Chambers of My Heart. I am little consoled by the self-satisfied. These are the ones who identify error in others hearts, but are blinded by pride as to their own errors. My consolation is in the humble-hearted. Such a one prays to console Me, not because he desires consolation. He does not try to impress others with his holiness. All grace that passes between My Heart and his remains between us. I wait for such as these to come to Me."

In another Message Jesus gave a few days later on November 26, 2000, during another Conversation with Divine Love, He revealed that in order for the soul to be perfected in Holy Love, he must try to be perfected in many virtues (especially humility), that are integral to living in Holy Love. Thus, in this Message, Jesus says:

"Child, understand that Holy Love is much like a symphony. A symphony requires the performance of many instruments to make up the whole. In Holy Love, the soul must try to perfect himself in many virtues in order to come into the bosom of the virtue of Holy Love. I have asked of you martyrdom to be a martyr of love and this is what martyrdom is: complete dying to self for love of God. You cannot achieve this on your own merit, but only with My help. It is selfish love that detracts from every virtue. Do not be distraught when I try to show you the areas of self-love in your heart, for I desire your purest effort… I will help you overcome each flaw, for your perfection is in Me and through Me."

As we have seen in previous Chapters, St. Anthony of Padua had described in a Message given on May 20, 2000, five steps the soul takes in proceeding along the way of salvation. Two of these steps were already discussed: Step 1: Salvation, in Chapter 8; and Step 2: Holiness in Chapter 9. In Step 3, which he calls Perfection, St. Anthony says:

"The soul, now rooted in Holy and Divine Love, puts all his effort into being perfected in the virtues. He practices the virtues diligently, prays for them in his soul, and when God sees a worthy effort, He infuses the soul with these virtues."

Since perfection in the virtues is the main focus of this step in the way of salvation, which is also symbolized as the Third Chamber of the United Hearts, there are a number of actions St. Anthony tells us that souls can carry out to bring about perfection in the virtues, more specifically, practicing them diligently and praying for them.

Regarding prayer and living a virtuous life desiring to be perfected in the virtues, St. Thomas Aquinas gave a Message on January 7, 2006, in which he says:

"I have come to encourage all those who seek holiness. If your spirit is comprised of all the virtues you embrace, please understand that your prayer life is the mortar that holds the bricks of virtue in place. Without mortar, bricks crumble and fall. Without prayers, virtues are replaced with weaknesses and sin. A solid brick wall is impregnable by fire. A brick wall without mortar can be easily toppled, and profaned by Satan's flames of deceit. When you neglect your everyday prayer life, you leave room for Satan to enter your heart with his suggestions. Then you fall into self-pity, egoism, avarice and more. What's more, you are not in harmony with God's Divine Will and, therefore, you do not see this happening. Your spirit becomes synchronized with Satan's agenda instead of God's Will which is a life of virtue. It is then you become the adversary's tool, which he uses to reach others. Understand, then, the impact your prayer life has not only on yourself but others, as well. If you do not pray, the motives of your thoughts, words and deeds are easily taken over by self-love."

This is the reason why in a Message on September 9, 2011, Jesus gave a powerful prayer He asks us to pray as a means of deepening our journey of personal holiness through the Chambers, by asking Mary, Protectress of the Faith and Defender of All Virtue, to protect the virtues we seek to be perfected in. Jesus says in this Message:

"Today I have come to ask souls to pray this way as a means of deepening their personal holiness:"

Prayer of Perfection in the Virtuous Life

"Dear Immaculate Heart of Mary, Protectress of Faith and Defender of All Virtue, Refuge of Holy Love, take my heart and place it under Your Maternal Gaze. Protect the virtues I am seeking to perfect. Help me to recognize any weakness in virtue and to overcome it. I surrender my virtuous life to Your charge. Amen."

(Jesus September 9, 2011)

Regarding practicing the virtues diligently, St. Thomas Aquinas also gave a Message on August 24, 2006, in which he described how important it is for the soul to know his weaknesses and shortcomings in the virtues, so as to put those weak virtues into practice and pray to perfect them so as to become more holy. In that Message, St. Thomas says:

"Virtue is a combination of the free will in cooperation with the graces received through the Heart of Mary. In order to increase in virtue, the soul must first acknowledge his shortcomings in the virtues. Then he needs to pray to overcome these faults. For instance, if the soul is given over to impatience, then he needs to pray for the grace to become patient; practice patience, and Our Heavenly Mother will gradually give him a strong gift of the virtue of patience. So you see why self-knowledge is so important. Without it, the soul cannot continue his journey into the Divine Will. Every virtue has its counter in sin, which battles against conformity to the Divine Will. Each soul has its own individual battle to fight its own flaws in virtue its own strengths and weaknesses. Every step towards perfection in virtue is opposed by evil. Satan cringes at the thought of personal holiness. This is why it is important to pray for yourself, as well as others."

Realizing how much Satan is opposed to a soul's growth in personal holiness in his journey through the Chambers of the United Hearts, God has provided the soul with the graces needed to be infused for those virtues needing them, through the Flames of Holy and Divine Love, when being purged and purified of the soul's glaring faults in the First and Second Chambers (by the Flame of Holy Love), and then perfected in the virtues by the Flame of Divine Love in the Third Chamber.

In a Message He gave on July 26, 2000, Jesus provided encouraging details about this when He says:

"I have come to help you along the continuing journey into the Chambers of My Heart. Notice that nowhere is this journey undertaken by the soul alone, but always with the assistance of My Mother and Myself. Within the Flame of Holy Love the Flame of the Immaculate Heart – the soul is purged of his glaring faults and transgressions against love. Then he is ready to be plunged into the Flame of My Most Sacred Heart the Flame of Divine Love. As the Flame of Holy Love is a purifying flame, the Flame of Divine Love is a perfecting flame. Thus engulfed in this Flame of Eternal Divine Love, the soul is perfected in the virtues and led into union with the Divine Will of My Father. No one can come into the benevolent Heart of My Father – that Heart which is His Divine Will – without first passing through the Flame of Divine Love."

Jesus provided further details on the effect His Flame of Divine Love has on the progress of the trusting soul in its journey through the four Chambers of His Sacred Heart, especially as the soul reaches the Third Chamber and is being perfected in the virtues. In a Message He gave on April 7, 2000, after discussing the first two Chambers and the analogy of the Flames of Holy and Divine Love being like a burning candle in the soul giving off an unsteady, flickering flame, Jesus says:

"The next Chamber (the Third Chamber) brings noticeable change. The progress that the heart has made in the first two Chambers comes to light. The flame of love in the heart of the soul spills out into the world around him. He is a martyr of love who strives to conform to the Divine Will of My Father (prior to entering the Fourth Chamber)."

In these Messages, then, we can see how important being perfected in virtue is in the soul's ongoing journey of holiness toward union and immersion in God's Divine Will.

As was mentioned in Chapter 9 with regard to the Second Chamber, a few Messages were given by Jesus in late August, 2000, which He called a Primer on the Chambers of the United Hearts. In a Message He gave on August 25, 2000, summarizing what takes place within the soul in the Third Chamber of His Sacred Heart, Jesus says:

"The Third Chamber of My Heart is the one in which My martyrs of love are formed. It is perfection. Thus in the Third Chamber (perfection in virtue):

The soul is given introspection as to his practice of every virtue in thought, word and deed.

He practices these virtues and fine tunes them with the help of grace.

God sees his efforts and infuses the virtues into his soul."

Hence, the Third Chamber is also labeled as "Perfection in Virtue," since everything that occurs within this Chamber of Jesus' Sacred Heart is geared toward that end. However, at this point in the discussion, it is very important to make the distinction between seeking perfection in virtue and seeking human perfection or perfectionism. The difference between the two lies in the soul's object of love and how the soul wants to please that object of his love.

In the case of seeking perfection in virtue, the soul does so to please God out of love of God and not for himself or for some worldly goal. In the case of seeking human perfection, it is just the opposite – the soul is seeking to please self in a worldly perspective and is concerned more about how the world perceives him than how God looks at him. Jesus says it best in a Message He gave on October 30, 2000, in which He says:

"I have come to discuss with you the difference between holy perfection and being a perfectionist. The one who seeks to be perfected in the virtues does so out of love of Me. The one who seeks perfectionism in the worldly sense has created a barrier between My Heart and his own. To desire holiness and perfection in the virtues is a lofty goal provided the only concern is to please God. Such a one does not concern himself for worldly esteem. He is at peace cooperating with the Divine Will of My Father. The worldly perfectionist is greatly concerned with the way others perceive him. If he should make a mistake, he is quick to make excuses and blame others. It is difficult for such a one to acknowledge his own error. The perfectionist is not content with looking into his own heart, but he can readily see the errors of all those around him. While the one who tries to be perfected in virtue loses his own will in the Will of God, the perfectionist is full of opinions which he cannot let go of readily. The perfectionist most often has himself at the center of his thoughts and motives, while the one who seeks perfection in the virtues tries to always have love of God at the center of his thoughts, words and actions. The perfectionist has trouble forgiving both himself and others. But Holy Love always makes allowances. In humility, the soul must forgive and understand that human forgiveness is a mirror of the soul's humility and a shadow of God's infinite Mercy."

In comparison, because the soul who seeks perfection in virtue does so out of love of God – unlike the perfectionist who is usually steeped in self-love and unforgiveness – he is more readily open to trustfully surrendering his own will to the Will of God. This is hard for the perfectionist to do because, again, he does not have Holy Love and Holy Humility as the core virtues that are required in living a virtuous life.

As St. Thomas Aquinas says in a Message he gave on July 24, 2002:

"Consider, once again, the ladder whose steps are the virtues and whose side rails are love and humility. When the step breaks away from the side rail, it is no longer strong. It may resemble a step, but in fact, lacks the strength of a genuine step. So it is with any virtue. The virtue is only as deep as love and humility are deep in the soul. Virtue that is not grounded in love and humility soon gives in, as it is false. Every virtue must be supported by Holy Love and Holy Humility. If it is not, the soul will not advance on the ladder of holiness, but slip and fall. Think of the virtue of patience. The soul that is not supported by love and humility easily becomes impatient. He begins to think of 'poor me' and how all things affect him, rather than on God's Divine Will in the present moment. The same is true of a failing in perseverance, meekness, and more. It is always an inordinate self-love that pulls the soul away from love and humility. Self-love, therefore, is the antithesis of the entire spiritual quest for holiness and advancement through the Chambers of the United Hearts."

Thus, in the soul who seeks perfection in virtue out of love of God, as knowledge and awareness of the depth of the virtues in his heart increases while in the Second Chamber (see Message from January 27, 2000 in Chapter 9) the soul's thirst for holiness and desire to please God will eventually thrust him into the Third Chamber once he overcomes his smallest attachments and inordinate habits.

As St. Thomas Aquinas says in a Message he gave on March 8, 2003:

"As he (the soul in the Second Chamber) seeks to be holy in the present moment, he is even more aware of the slightest fault or iniquity, and strives to overcome them. Gradually, the soul is drawn into the Third Chamber which is perfection of the virtues. The virtues are deepened through an awareness of imperfections in the present moment the First and Second Chambers. And so it goes until the Kingdom of God, the Kingdom of the Divine Will, is established within the soul itself through union with the Divine Will. So, you see, this spiritual journey is like building a house, a spiritual refuge, within the human heart. One block builds upon another until the Kingdom of the Divine Will is enthroned within the heart itself."

Jesus provided a good analogy of how a deepening perfection in the virtues contributes, along with other factors, toward the goal of establishing spiritual union with the Divine Will. In a Message He gave on July 3, 2000, Jesus says:

"I desire you understand that the Will of My Father is like a great tool chest, the chest being His Divine Will. Every tool is contained within that is necessary to lead the soul to union with His Will. The tools are the sufficient grace, the virtues, the self-knowledge all given in the proper order and measure. If used properly, the soul can construct a heart within his heart a heart united to the Heart of My Father."

And reiterating the value of perfection in the virtues contributing in the journey of personal holiness toward union with the Divine Will – utilizing the same analogy of tools (representing the virtues) in building a house (symbolizing the spiritual journey through the Chambers) which St. Thomas Aquinas provided in his March 8, 2003 Message, Jesus gave a Message on January 15, 2001, in which He says:

"My Messages to you concerning the Chambers of My Heart are as a blueprint to Heaven, holiness and sanctity. There are many who do not know this path or My plan. For them, salvation is more complicated, holiness elusive, and sanctity an unrealistic goal. It is as though they are trying to build a house without a blueprint. Besides this, they have no power tools. These power tools I give you are the virtues. So you see, through this Message I have drawn for each soul a blueprint and am willing to give him power tools, as well, to construct his own house or heart of Holy Love. The more closely he follows My plan, the more perfect his house will be. Some are master carpenters, others not so willing to learn."

In this overall blueprint, which Heaven calls the journey of personal holiness through the Chambers of the United Hearts, we have been given Messages revealing the spiritual workings of the Inner Sanctum of Jesus' Sacred Heart. For example, Jesus gave a Message on October 17, 1999, in which He explained what occurs within the soul while in the Second and Third Chambers of His Sacred Heart. (See Chapter 9 for the description of what occurs in the soul after being admitted to the Second Chamber.) In the part of the Message having to do with the Third Chamber, Jesus says:

"If he (the soul) perseveres in overcoming his small attachments and inordinate habits, he will be ready to move into the Third Chamber of My Heart. In this Chamber the virtues bloom and the fruits of the Spirit ripen. The soul may think his progress (toward union in the Divine Will) is unremarkable. But, in fact, few souls enter this Chamber and try to be perfected in love to such a degree. This is the Chamber from which I choose My saints, My martyrs of love. But it is also the Chamber where souls are most severely tested by Satan. The soul needs to use heroic virtue in this Chamber lest he slip into discouragement."

In every present moment, God infuses the grace needed for the soul to be heroic in virtue. Heroic virtue is the virtue that the soul perseveres in despite personal cost or suffering. Thus, all that would stop the soul from growing in perfection of the virtues in the present moment would be his self-will. It is then that the soul would be most severely tempted by Satan to act contrary to the virtue(s) the soul is seeking to be perfected in.

For example, if the soul is being tested in patience and meekness, Satan may tempt him with thoughts of anger or thoughts of 'poor me – I must be patient in the face of this annoyance.' If the soul is tested in humility, Satan may invoke thoughts of self-love and pride. Thus, the soul must not consider himself humble or holy, but regard all others as more virtuous than himself, thus constantly pursuing a deeper perfection in virtue.

This is alluded to in a Message Jesus gave on April 25, 2001 about the importance of the grace of each present moment in being perfected in the virtues (Third Chamber) and conformed to the Divine Will (Fourth Chamber). Jesus says:

"I have come to help you see once again the importance of the present moment. It is in the grace of the present moment that you must make the journey into the Chambers of My Heart. In the present moment, then, is your perfection in every virtue and your conformity to the Divine Will. Understand that every present moment is an opportunity of growth. Every present moment is a test of virtue. It is only in the test that virtue is perfected. If you desire to be patient, you will be given opportunities to be patient and, therefore, grow in patience. If you desire humility, you will be humbled and so it goes with every virtue. The challenge in virtue is proof of its existence or absence in the soul. But if the soul misses the present moment, he also misses the opportunity for growth and perfection."

Each day, upon arising, the soul needs to ask for the grace to be tested and perfected in virtue throughout the day.

Besides the Primer on the Chambers of the United Hearts which was given in August, 2000, to provide a quick summary of what occurs in each of the Chambers; in January and February of 2001, Jesus dictated a series of Messages in which He revealed what He called the "Secrets" of the five Chambers of the United Hearts (prior to the revelation of a Sixth Chamber in 2003). These Messages were published in a small booklet called, The Revelation of Our United Hearts: The Secrets Revealed.

An encapsulated review of all that has been discussed in this Chapter regarding the Third Chamber of the United Hearts (Jesus' Sacred Heart) can be found in the Message Jesus dictated on January 27, 2001 in the Revelation of Our United Hearts, in which Jesus says:

"As the soul decides to pursue holiness, he is made more aware of the depth or lack of depth of the virtues in his heart. Every virtue proceeds from love and humility. Therefore, the depth of love and humility in the heart dictates the depth of every virtue. Every virtue originates from the power of the Holy Spirit. A person may know how to behave lovingly and humbly, but it is all pretense unless these virtues are alive and thriving in the heart. No virtue originates in the intellect. Further, the one who desires to be known as humble, holy, virtuous is practicing false virtue. The practice of virtue needs to be between the soul and his Creator. As the soul attempts to polish the virtues in his heart and refine them in the eyes of God, he enters the Third Chamber of My Heart. In this Chamber the soul finds himself tested over and over in every virtue, for it is the test that strengthens or weakens virtue according to the soul's response. This is the Chamber that fine-tunes holiness by testing the virtues as gold in the Flame of Divine Love. As the gold is refined, the soul is prepared for the next (Fourth) Chamber of My Heart."

At the end of this Revelation of the Third Chamber of the United Hearts, it is important for us to realize that, in order for the soul to enter into the Fourth Chamber (Conformity with the Divine Will), he must be fine-tuned in holiness by being tested in the virtues over and over like refining gold in a purifying fire to remove the impurities. As was alluded to at the beginning of this Chapter, (see March 18, 2000 Message from Jesus – "those who will make themselves My little martyrs of love, I will lift high"), such souls must be martyrs of love if they are to enter the Fourth Chamber.

Jesus makes this point clear when He tells us in the Gospels how all His disciples must take up their crosses and follow (imitate) Him in His Sacrificial Love for us on the Cross, if they are to enter the Kingdom of God where He reigns. He gives us a similar Message when He reveals to us how souls must suffer with Him in Holy Love and Holy Humility if they are to enter transition from the Third to the Fourth Chamber of the United Hearts.

In a Message He gave on February 7, 2000, Jesus says:

"I have come as I desire to share this with you. It is within the Fourth Chamber of My Heart that I experience My Passion and Death as every Mass is celebrated. It is also within this Chamber, so united with the Will of God, that I suffer for priests. Thus apostasy, schism, and heresy are grieved in this Fourth Chamber, as well as priests who rash judge My Mother's apparitions in the world. The souls whom I choose from the Third Chamber, therefore, must suffer with Me as victims, just as I suffered and continue to do so. But, this does not mean every victim soul is abiding in the Fourth Chamber of My Heart. No, it is only those who are most perfectly united to the Will of My Father whom I invite into this Chamber. These are the ones who are simplistic, humble, and have been perfected in Holy Love. Abide with Me then, and I will teach you the way. I am a patient, forgiving teacher."

We end this Chapter revealing the spirituality of the Third Chamber of the United Hearts with a Message that we will also use to begin the next Chapter in which we will focus attention on the United Hearts Revelation Messages that reveal the spirituality of the Fourth Chamber, also known as 'Conformity with the Divine Will.' This Message was given on October 20, 1999, in which Jesus says:

"My sister, do you understand the deepest, most intimate Chamber of My Heart? Most cannot comprehend such unity with their Creator. This is the Chamber in which all is conformed to the Divine Will. The souls, and few there are, whom I select from the Third Chamber as My saints and martyrs of love, come into the Fourth and most intimate Chamber. They have been perfected in Holy Love. They have purged themselves of the smallest fault or attachment which has been an obstacle between their heart and Mine. They have successfully defeated Satan in his discouragements. These are the souls that are able to accept all things as from the Hand of God – that is, God's Will for them. These souls always trust in Divine Providence. The virtues have been honed and fine-tuned in their lives. They no longer live for themselves, but I live through them. It is such as these, that upon their death, I lay at My Mother's feet as sweet flowers to console Her, as many of Her children slip to perdition. These souls reach the Highest Heaven, their sanctity secure in Me. It is to this perfection each soul is called, created, and chosen. I do not place any obstacle between any soul and his sanctification. It is the soul himself who chooses obstacles, or chooses only God's Will in the present moment. What I am telling you is that every soul is capable of reaching the pinnacle of sanctity if he desires it."

In Chapter 11, we will delve more deeply into the soul's spirituality needed if he desires to abide in this most intimate Chamber of Jesus' Sacred Heart, the Fourth Chamber of the United Hearts.


"Today, I have come to discuss with you the topic of virtue, for it is efforts in the perfection of the virtues which propels the soul deeper into the Chambers of Our United Hearts. Genuine virtue is based upon Holy Love without the measure of cost to self. False virtue is practiced for all to see."

"Genuine virtue is between the soul and God, just as the journey through the Sacred Chambers is. Sincere virtue is based on Truth. False virtue is a lie."

"Some believe that by associating with a holy person, they have assimilated holiness. But, I tell you, personal holiness comes only with much effort that is hidden away from the naked eye."

"Do not be concerned for how others regard you. Only be concerned for how God judges you. This is an act of the virtue of humility."

Read 1 Thessalonians 3:11-13

Now may our God and Father Himself, and our Lord Jesus, direct our way to you; and may the Lord make you increase and abound in love to one another and to all men, as we do to you, so that He may establish your hearts unblamable in holiness before our God and Father, at the coming of our Lord Jesus with all His saints.

(Blessed Mother – July 17, 2014)