The Journey Through The Chambers of the United Hearts: The Pursuit of Holiness

Chapter 11


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Chapter 11.

Fourth Chamber of the United Hearts: Sanctification / Conformity with the Divine Will

At the end of Chapter 10, mention was made that prior to entering into the Fourth Chamber, (also known as Sanctification or Conformity with the Divine Will), the soul must first be fine-tuned in holiness by being tested in the virtues over and over like refining gold in a purifying fire to remove its impurities. As was seen in a Message from March 18, 2000, such souls must be martyrs of love, suffering with our Lord as He suffered and continues to do so – in Holy Love and Holy Humility – if they are to transition from the Third to the Fourth Chamber of the United Hearts.

Jesus makes this point very clear in a Message from February 7, 2000, when He says:

"It is within the Fourth Chamber of My Heart that I experience My Passion and Death as every Mass is celebrated... The souls whom I choose from the Third Chamber (to enter into the Fourth), therefore, must suffer with Me as victims – just as I suffered and continue to do so; (for)... it is only those who are most perfectly united to the Will of My Father whom I invite into this Chamber. These are the ones who are simplistic, humble, and have been perfected in Holy Love."

Just as in the Gospels, Jesus tells us how all His disciples must take up their crosses and follow (imitate) Him in His Sacrificial Love if they are to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

We begin this Chapter, then, revealing the spirituality of the Fourth Chamber of the United Hearts, (also known as Sanctification or Conformity with the Divine Will), which brings souls into the Kingdom of Heaven. In the same Message from October 20, 1999, that was examined at the end of Chapter 10 (as we closed out our discussion on the spirituality of the Third Chamber, also known as Perfection in the Virtues); Jesus tells us the conditions required of souls to enter into the Fourth Chamber of His Heart as He says:

"The souls, and few there are, whom I select from the Third Chamber as My saints and martyrs of love, come into the Fourth and most intimate Chamber. They have been perfected in Holy Love. They have purged themselves of the smallest fault or attachment which has been an obstacle between their heart and Mine. They have successfully defeated Satan in his discouragements. These are the souls that are able to accept all things as from the Hand of God – that is, God's Will for them. These souls always trust in Divine Providence. The virtues have been honed and fine-tuned in their lives. They no longer live for themselves, but I live through them. It is such as these, that upon their death, I lay at My Mother's feet as sweet flowers to console Her, as many of Her children slip to perdition. These souls reach the Highest Heaven, their sanctity secure in Me. It is to this perfection each soul is called, created, and chosen. I do not place any obstacle between any soul and his sanctification. It is the soul himself who chooses obstacles, or chooses only God's Will in the present moment."

Accepting all things as from the Hand of God involves conforming to God's Will and, thus, a trustful surrender of the soul's free will to God's Will. In order for this to occur, however, we must be disposed to being martyrs of love as was given in a Message on July 27, 2006, in which Jesus says:

"When you are a true martyr of love, no errand of My Heart is too great for you. Everything you give in this martyrdom is given with childlike simplicity, and I am able to change events, offer graces – even challenge ideals that I could not have done without your help. You see, when you give out of pure love, only seeking to please Me, the veil of justice that is ready to tear is held in place by the angels. My Justice is withheld and My Mercy continues to pour upon earth, offering contrition to every sinner and a way out of Satan's traps. Is it not worth it, then, to pray and sacrifice for even more love to fill your own heart and, so too, the heart of the world? I appeal always to those who have chosen to love Me so that I can continue to approach every sinner."

Hence we see that in order to enter and then abide in the Fourth Chamber of Jesus' Sacred Heart (the United Hearts), the soul must, (as in the other Chambers of the United Hearts), trustfully surrender his heart to Jesus' Sacred Heart. This is explained further in a Message given on March 7, 2001, in which Jesus says:

"When you surrender it means you have a Holy Indifference as to the outcome of a situation. This is the nugget of Truth that allows you to live in conformity to the Divine Will. Surrender is always surrounded by trust. You trust that God has an infinite, eternal plan that will bring good from any turn of events. Therefore, you remain indifferent as to the outcome, knowing God, Who is Love, will engineer the best outcome. Even when I was lost in the Temple, My Mother surrendered the outcome to God. She knew, full well, He had a plan and She accepted this plan blindly in trust. In order to trust, the soul must be humble and loving. If these two virtues are not in the heart, every other virtue will be superficial – false. I see through every pretense. I will not help the proud soul to surrender. I bend down to the lowly and assist them in their needs."

This Message also reminds us that everything the soul does every present moment in trustful surrender that allows him to abide in the Fourth Chamber is done out of Holy Love. Jesus reminds us of this in a Message He gave on March 12, 2001, in which He says:

"I have spoken much to you...about surrender surrender of your own will – surrender to the Divine Will of God. Understand that your will and your wants are the same. Because you see the future with human eyes, that is, imperfectly – what you want may not be what God sees you need. You were created to know and love God, and to share eternity with Me. Your wants very well may not lead you to this end. But the Will of My Father is perfect, eternal and all-encompassing. How foolish not to trust in His Will for you, then. If you do not trust it is because you do not love as you should. Love is the virtue that shines through every virtue, especially trust. The soul that trusts only in himself – his wants and his efforts – is like a ship without a rudder cast about on the sea of self-love. It is tossed upon the waves of empty goals and aimless efforts, never finding the port of peace. But the soul who accepts all things as from the Hand of God is already at peace. His wants are My Wants. His will is My Will, which is always the Will of My Father in Heaven. Love, trust, surrender and peace follow in this order. The more Holy Love comes to perfection in your heart, the more you trust – the more you surrender, the more you are at peace."

This is also why St. Thomas gave us a Message on July 16, 2008, about the importance of trust for the soul who aspires to enter the Fourth Chamber. St. Thomas says:

"I will explain to you why trust is so important to the soul who aspires to the Fourth Chamber. If the soul does not trust in God's Mercy, he leaves himself open to guilt. Guilt is the inability to forgive self or to believe that God can forgive sins of the past. Understand that God's Mercy is perfect, all-embracing and complete. He wants to forgive you. He does not condemn. It is the soul who chooses condemnation. Believe in these truths."

After the Message of October 20, 1999, describing all the conditions required for the soul to enter into the Fourth Chamber, Jesus gave us a few Holy Love Messages to explain further some of those conditions. For example, in a Message given on November 16, 1999, to describe the soul who surrenders to the Will of God in the present moment, Jesus says:

"I wish to describe to you the soul who surrenders to the Will of God in the present moment. Such a one is embraced by Love and embraces Love. Such a soul does not question the why and the wherefore of moment-to-moment events in his life. He only gives praise to God in all things, knowing and trusting that grace is always with him and all he needs. This is a true martyr of love, annihilating his own will for the sake of the Divine. Such a soul moves swiftly through the Chambers of My Heart and into union with Me. It is this surrender that I call all souls to embrace. This is the Fourth Chamber of My Heart – the Chamber every soul in Heaven enjoys."

Then, in further describing the state of the soul who continually resides in the Fourth Chamber, Jesus explains the need for that soul to live in humility, meekness (simplicity), and spiritual littleness. In a Message given on December 18, 1999, Jesus says:

"Child, I desire now to describe to you the depths of the soul who resides in the Fourth Chamber of My Sacred Heart. Such a soul desires to be in this Chamber more than anything else. Through his desire to be united with Me, he has surrendered all his own wants – that is to say, his own will. Such a soul knows full well his littleness before God. He does not seek laud or recognition for any good deed, for he knows all goodness flows from God. In his humility, he desires hiddenness. He longs for littleness in the eyes of the world. Thus, the soul is steeped in humility and meekness. When the soul experiences any trial, he returns it immediately to Me. Therefore, we share each cross together. The soul in the Fourth Chamber of My Heart does not know fear. He is always at peace, even in the midst of the greatest trial. In every present moment such a soul sees God's Holy and Divine Will. The Fourth Chamber of My Heart is the ultimate goal of every soul, though few attain it. Each Chamber preceding this Fourth and Last Chamber makes the soul desire perfect union more and more. This Fourth Chamber is comprised of the living martyrs of love."

Jesus reiterated this Message at the Saturday Missionary Servant of Holy Love (MSHL) Evening Prayer Service on December 18, 1999, as He says:

"My brothers and sisters, abandon yourselves to Me. In this Holy Abandonment you will have no worry, for all your concerns will be surrendered to Me. You will have no fear, for you will trust in My Provision. This is the way to come into the Fourth Chamber of My Sacred Heart."

Again, Holy Abandonment (trustful surrender) is the key to entering through the door between the Third and Fourth Chambers just as it is between every Chamber of the United Hearts.

In a Message given on August 8, 2000, Jesus says:

"My messenger, I come today to elaborate on the Fourth Chamber of My Heart. It is a difficult Chamber to enter as so much of the soul's own will must be surrendered. The iniquities of habit must be burned away and the light of Divine Love must burn unceasingly. The soul is conformed to the Will of My Father. It has become his nourishment in the present moment. Few moments slip past without effort to become united with the Divine Will. I am ready to assist each soul in this journey through the Chambers of My Heart."

In Jesus' promise that He would assist us in our journey through the Chambers of His Heart, He had provided us earlier with a Message to encourage us to pursue this journey into holiness, when on January 10, 2000, Jesus says:

"I have come to encourage you. Let us compare the spiritual journey with that of an athlete. An athlete takes many steps before he is hailed as a champion. He may make many sacrifices and endure vigorous training until one day all things work together bringing him to his best effort. Now he always remembers the taste of victory and makes it his goal and his pursuit from then on. The soul too, who endeavors towards sanctity, must put forth much effort and make numerous sacrifices. He must practice virtue and endure many tests. If he perseveres, the soul, like the athlete, is victorious. In that special moment when human effort and Heavenly grace come together, the soul is transported to the Fourth and Innermost Chamber of My Heart. His trophy is not cast of metal, but is sweet union with his God. He may not remain long in this Chamber but, like the athlete who tastes victory, the soul longs for this union with every breath. He may become weak in one area of his spiritual life and have to re-shape his heart over and over, just as an athlete must maintain a strong body. But the sweetness of the soul's victory – no matter how brief – lingers with him. Like a favored melody, the memory of this most Intimate Chamber drifts back into the soul over and over calling to him. Do not be discouraged if your every effort is not worthy of this Fourth Chamber. Your whole life is a spiritual journey. Unlike the athlete, age is not your enemy. Every present moment is a new opportunity to win sanctity."

In Chapter 10, in discussing the spirituality of the Third Chamber, we had looked at a few Holy Love Messages that emphasized the importance of practicing the virtues diligently in order for the soul to be perfected in the virtues and progress through the Chambers, especially the Third Chamber. Reference was made to a Message Jesus gave on April 7, 2000, in which He discussed the four Chambers of His Sacred Heart and how each successive Chamber takes the soul deeper into Divine Love so that as the depth of virtue increases in the soul, he begins to practice a heroic virtuous life – that is, a life without regard or cost to self. In other words, the soul is perfected in Divine Love; in the martyrdom of love. It is then that the soul is gently drawn into the Fourth Chamber of our Lord's Sacred Heart, which is conformity to the Divine Will of the Father.

This was further explained by St. Thomas Aquinas in two Messages he gave on July 24, 2002, the first of which he says:

"I have come today to give you this illustration of a soul's journey into the Fourth Chamber of Divine Love. The ladder (St. Thomas is standing next to) represents the Third Chamber of the United Hearts which is the perfection of virtue. Each step is a virtue. The side railings that the soul must cling to in order to climb up this ladder represent humility and love. Every virtue is fastened to Holy Humility – Holy Love. If it is not, it becomes unsteady and weakened. The virtue itself becomes false. The soul who is trying to climb, easily slips backwards. I give you this graphic to show you how important humility and love are in the spiritual life. God, you know, is never fooled by exterior pretense. He sees clearly into every heart. Indeed, humility is knowing that you are nothing more than you are in the Eyes of God. True Holy Love is loving God's Divine Will in the present moment. Neither of these virtues can be acquired through the intellect, but only in the heart; that is, you are not loving and humble by thinking that you are. These virtues come through the soul's cooperation with the action of the Divine Will in their lives. Both of these virtues require a lessening of self-love. The more the soul loses sight of self, the more God fills the void. These two virtues work together in the heart to lead the soul into the Fourth Chamber. One cannot work apart from the other. Without them the other virtues do not enter the heart. I reveal this to make the climb easier. Pray to be open always to God's Will for you."

As St. Thomas says at the end of this Message, the goal of the soul is to be always living in unity with God's Will every present moment. As we have seen in previous Chapters, St. Anthony of Padua had described in a Message given on May 20, 2000, five steps the soul takes in proceeding along the way of salvation toward unity with God's Will. Three of these steps were already discussed here: Step 1: Salvation, in Chapter 8; Step 2: Holiness in Chapter 9; and Step 3: Perfection in Chapter 10. In Step 4, which he calls Sanctification, St. Anthony says:

"This Chamber of Jesus' Divine Heart embraces those who have successfully conformed to the Divine Will of God. There are still two entities: the soul who continually seeks conformity and is successful in this; and the Divine Will of God."

Since sanctification is the primary focus of this step in the way of salvation, which is also symbolized as the Fourth Chamber of the United Hearts, reaching conformity with the Divine Will of God is synonymous with being sanctified – being a saint. Jesus states this in a Message He gave on February 21, 2000, providing us with a spiritual description of the Fourth Chamber of His Sacred Heart as He says:

"Understand that My Heart is unlike any other. For herein lies no boundary or restriction of time, as you know it on earth. Within the Fourth Chamber of My Heart, united to the Divine Will of My Father, are all the angels of Heaven – Yes! – myriads upon myriads of angels. Moreover, within this Chamber is every soul in Heaven. Think of it! Every saint is here in My Heart – in the Will of the Father. This is why I tell you, you can obtain Heaven on earth when you live in My Father's Divine Will. All the other Chambers are but preparation for this Fourth Chamber. In the other Chambers, the souls are trying to conform to the Divine Will through conviction of conscience and elimination of self-love. But the victory and sanctification of every soul is this cherished Fourth Chamber of My Most Sacred Heart."

This Message was later verified by St. Thomas Aquinas in a Message he gave on August 2, 2006, in which he says:

"I have come to help you to understand (that) the Kingdom of Heaven spoken of in the Gospel today (Matt. 13:44-46) is one with the Kingdom of the Divine Will. No one enters the Kingdom of Heaven who is not conformed with the Divine Will of God. It is the Flame of Holy Love – the Flame of our Mother's Heart – which purifies and conforms the heart to be conformed with the Divine Will of the Heavenly Father. If this state is not attained here in the world, the Flame of Holy Love reaches into Purgatory and the Divine purification takes place there. So you see, everyone in Heaven, happily, has reached the Fourth Chamber of the United Hearts."

To sum up what has been said so far about the spirituality of the Fourth Chamber, in a Message given at the Monday St. Michael Shield of Truth Prayer Service on July 30, 2007, Jesus says:

"My Heart is All-Merciful and Loving towards those who are devoted to the Chambers of Our United Hearts. My brothers and sisters, I want to draw you deep into the Heart of the Eternal Father, for therein lies your sanctification. When you reach the Fourth Chamber through meritorious works and prayers, then you are conformed to the Will of My Father, and it is there that your sanctification lies. Come into the Divine Will then; I will help."

As we continue our discussion of the Fourth Chamber (also known as Sanctification or Conformity with the Divine Will), we have, as was mentioned in Chapter 10 with regard to the Third Chamber, a few Messages that were given by Jesus in late August, 2000, which He called a Primer on the Chambers of the United Hearts. In this Primer, Jesus gives us some basic bullet points summarizing what takes place within the soul in each of the Chambers.

Regarding what takes place in the Fourth Chamber, Jesus tells us in a Message He gave on this Primer, on August 26, 2000:

"The Fourth Chamber of My Heart (sanctification) is:

Conformity with the Divine Will of God;

The soul makes a conscious effort to execute God's Will in every present moment."

Thus, in everything, the soul who abides in the Fourth Chamber searches out and complies with God's Will, which is Holy Love.

As was mentioned in Chapter 10, besides the Primer on the Chambers of the United Hearts which Jesus gave us in August, 2000, in January and February of 2001, Jesus also dictated a series of Messages in which He revealed what He called the "Secrets" of the Five Chambers of the United Hearts (prior to the revelation of a Sixth Chamber in 2003). These Messages were published in a small booklet called, The Revelation of Our United Hearts: The Secrets Revealed.

In this booklet regarding what occurs in the soul while in the Fourth Chamber, on January 29, 2001, Jesus reveals the following:

"I have come to describe to you the Fourth Chamber of Our United Hearts. This is the Chamber of sanctification. The soul that seeks conformity with the Will of God enters this Fourth Chamber after he has successfully surrendered his will to a virtuous life of Holy Love in the present moment. In this, the Fourth Chamber of Our United Hearts, there are still two distinct wills – man's will and the Divine Will. Man's will can be likened to gelatin in a mold. An effort is being made in this Fourth Chamber to overcome every semblance of sin – even small sinful habits – in order to transform the human will into the likeness of the Divine Will. The soul is able to accept all things as from the Hand of God."

Jesus explained in a later Message how He realizes the difficulty souls in the world may find living in the Fourth Chamber when he (the soul) must accept all things as from the Hand of God. In a Message He gave on August 12, 2004, Jesus says:

"I invite all to understand that when you accept all things as from the Hand of God, you are living in God's Divine Will – the Fourth Chamber. Do you see this as impossible? Then ask for My assistance for it is I who call you into My Father's Will. The Fourth Chamber is like a cloak that protects you from ambiguity, confusion, anger and sadness. Beneath this cloak is My Mother's Mantle of Love. What a sublime place to be – never dissatisfied, ambitious or fearful – wanting only what God offers you in each present moment. Aspire to this."

In aspiring to sainthood, therefore, it might be good to help us realize what Heaven says regarding holiness and sanctification in this spiritual journey through the Chambers of the United Hearts. In a Message given on December 9, 2005, on the Feast of St. Juan Diego, St. Thomas Aquinas says:

"God is with you. I desire to share further insight with you. There is a difference between being holy and being a saint. The holy person has entered the First Chamber – the Immaculate Heart of Mary. He hungers for God, but has many areas of self-love still in his heart. One trap that Satan lays for such a one is the soul's desire to be known as holy. Of course, each soul in the First Chamber has unique temptations. He should pray every day that they be shown to him. Only in this way can he be perfected. The Second and Third Chambers are the ones that deepen holiness and perfect the soul in Holy Love. As this occurs, his spirit becomes peaceful. As the soul advances to the Fourth Chamber – Conformity to the Divine Will – he slowly moves towards sanctification. He thinks less about how people, places and things affect him. His focus is on the Divine Will of God the Father. There is no fanfare – no outward sign – announcing the soul's personal sanctification. It is between the soul and God. Unless the soul is first holy, he does not desire sanctification with a sincere heart. Many desire to be known as saintly, but few attain this goal in Truth. Sanctity does not come with title, position or vocation, but with simplicity and humility, such as Juan Diego had."

In this description of the spiritual journey through the Chambers of the United Hearts in which St. Thomas explains the progression from holiness to sanctification, he is also helping us to come to a deeper understanding that God has prepared for us not just one level of Heaven (as explained by the Fourth Chamber and our reaching sanctification), but also, higher and deeper levels or experiences of Heaven (a Fifth and Sixth Chamber of the United Hearts).

In a Message he gave on April 13, 2005, St. Thomas Aquinas says:

"I have come to explain these truths to you. You understand in your heart that each present moment in each person's life is individual just as each person's life experiences are individual. These present moments will never be repeated in anyone's life. When they pass, they are gone forever. It is how the soul spends the present moment that determines his eternity. Therefore, see that the present moment has eternal effects. If the soul responds positively to the graces God gives in the present moment and loves God with his whole heart and neighbor as self, he will have a greater reward in Heaven than the soul that wastes the present moment. Now, in a similar way, every soul's eternity is experienced in an individual way. This is how the Highest Heaven is experienced by souls in the Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Chambers. The Highest Heaven in the Fourth Chamber is experienced in a different way than it is in the Sixth Chamber. Say you are listening to a symphony. The symphony is perfect. The musician appreciates it in a much more complete way than the ordinary person. Yet, they both appreciate it to the fullest of their ability. It is the same with Heavenly reward. The soul that is conformed to the Will of God (Fourth Chamber) is living in the Highest Heaven possible for him. The soul united to the Will of God (Fifth Chamber) or even immersed in the Heart of the Father (Sixth Chamber) experiences an even more profound Highest Heaven."

Jesus further emphasized the importance of what St. Thomas Aquinas had explained in his discussion of a Fifth and Sixth Chambers beyond the Fourth Chamber of the United Hearts when on April 16, 2005, Jesus gave a Message in which He says:

"For all time I have held these words in My Most Sacred Heart for you to record. Every present moment is woven into a great tapestry which comprises the soul's eternity. It is the cooperation between the free will of the soul and God's Divine Will that determines his eternal reward or punishment, as the case may be. No two souls experience eternity in the same way, just as no two souls ever experience the present moment in the same way. The present moment is the summary of each one's past – his joys, victories, response to temptations and so on. All of this comes to play in the present moment. So then, each one has separate difficulties or ease in responding to the grace or temptations in each present moment. The soul's response – for or against God's Will which is Holy Love – determines his reward or punishment in eternity. Even though My Mercy forgives the repentant heart, if the soul made many poor decisions against love in his life, he will not experience the same Heaven as one who tried always to live in Holy Love. Therefore, understand that no two souls experience eternity in the same way, for no two experience the present moment in the same way. Understand, then, that to be in the Fourth Chamber or any of the Chambers in this life or in eternity is a unique experience for each soul."

This Message Jesus gave can, thus, help us better understand a Message He gave on February 25, 2007, in which He explained to us the Complete Image of the United Hearts and the role the Holy Spirit plays in our lives in helping guide us in our spiritual journey of holiness and sanctification through the Chambers. In that Message, Jesus says:

"My Father has revealed to the world that the Light surrounding Our United Hearts is, in fact, the Holy Spirit Who inspires and enlightens souls to come into Holy and Divine Love, and to pursue only the Will of My Father. The Holy Spirit desires that when a soul enters Our Hearts, he be held captive, so to speak, always desiring a deeper Chamber, a greater understanding of this mystery and deeper union with the Divine Will. While it is only necessary that souls conform with My Father's Will in order to reach Paradise, each one is being drawn into complete immersion in the Father's Will from his first step into Holy Love. So, understand in your spirit that the Fourth Chamber is the last Chamber necessary for entrance into Heaven; but because My Father loves each soul He created so deeply, He offers even more. He offers the Highest Heaven – immersion in His Divine Will (Sixth Chamber). Further, I caution, human reason and intelligence will not help you understand the mystery of this Revelation of Our United Hearts. You must pray for truthful discernment and wisdom, which can come to you only from the Holy Spirit."

St. Thomas Aquinas further elaborated on this Message from Jesus later when, on July 27, 2007, he gave a Message in which he says:

"Today, Jesus sends me to further help you understand the spiritual journey through the Chambers of the United Hearts. The Father and the Son are the only Ones Who can determine what Chamber the soul is interacting with in any given moment. The Truth is that in any present moment, the soul may be interacting with more than one Chamber. He may be increasing in virtue (Third Chamber), while at the same time he is being purged of some fault (First Chamber), which is contrary to the same virtue. All the strengths of the First, Second, Third and Fourth Chambers unite in the Fifth and Sixth Chambers. So, you see, very often the soul may be cooperating and advancing in many Chambers at once. The truly humble soul does not see himself of even being worthy of the First Chamber, however. As I tell you this, realize that the spiritual journey is multifaceted. What determines each one's depth of holiness is the amount of Holy Love in his heart in every given present moment."

Realizing that there are Fifth and Sixth Chambers that go deeper within the Fourth Chamber of Jesus' Sacred Heart, then, the soul must understand how he may be disposed to experience these deeper levels of intimacy with the Divine Will. On July 11, 2008, St. Thomas Aquinas gave a Message which provides the key of how the soul may do so as he says:

"When you pray, ask Jesus for the grace of loving God's Divine Will. This is how to come into union with the Father's Divine Will (Fifth Chamber). Those in the Fourth Chamber, those conformed to the Divine Will, are accepting of the Father's Will, but they have not come into the realm of loving all that He permits and ordains. In order to love God's Will, the soul needs to be deep into trust of the Divine Provision. This trust is built on love, humility and perseverance. When you ask to go deeper into the Chambers, then, Jesus is unable to refuse you."

A few days later, on July 15, 2008, St. Thomas Aquinas gave another Message in which he pointed out two obstacles that prevent the soul from going deeper within the Fourth Chamber and may even cause the soul to slip out of that Chamber, as he says:

"I have come to help you see that in order for the soul to make progress in his journey through the Chambers, he must leave behind anxiety and unforgiveness. These two things alone cause more souls to slip out of the Fourth Chamber where they are desperately trying to accept and conform to the Divine Will. If the soul should reach unity with the Divine Will, the Fifth Chamber, he is less likely to succumb to anxiety and / or unforgiveness, for he is now falling in love with the Father's Will, which comes into his heart as trust. In the Sixth Chamber, which is immersion in the Father's Will, the soul does not succumb to any bad fruit spawned from lack of trust."

The key, therefore, to reaching the Fifth Chamber and going further is trust – more specifically, trustful surrender, just as it is in the other Chambers. Jesus explains this in a Message on August 20, 2001. Jesus says:

"The innermost depths of My Heart are only attainable through trust. The reason so few souls are admitted to the Fifth Chamber of My Heart, that is – union with the Divine Will – is that in some small way they fail in trust. They may perfectly conform to the Will of God in every way possible and reside in the Fourth Chamber of My Heart, but in the end, there is some area of their lives they have failed to surrender to Me... I reserve this Final Chamber for the ones who are resigned to accept everything as from My Father's Hand. These souls do not struggle against God's Will, but accept what comes, waiting to see what good will come from each situation. (Read Romans Ch. 8)"

We finish this discussion of the spirituality of the Fourth Chamber of the United Hearts (Conformity with the Divine Will – Sanctification) with a Message given by Jesus that will lead us into the next Chapter in which we will focus our attention on the United Hearts Revelation Messages that reveal the deeper spiritual nature of the Fifth Chamber, (also known as Union with the Divine Will.) In this Message given by Jesus on April 10, 2000, He says:

"The Chambers of My Heart are a progression in surrender to the Divine Will. There are the Four Chambers of My Heart. But, and this is what I desire that you understand, there is also a Fifth Chamber. The Fifth Chamber of My Heart is secretly hidden within the Fourth Chamber. It is the Kingdom of the Divine Will within your own heart. It needs to be discovered by the soul as he dwells within the Fourth Chamber. Some souls in the Fourth Chamber do not discover this inner Kingdom, which is My Heart within them. Though they are in union with the Divine Will, this discovery of the Fifth Chamber remains elusive. The souls who do discover My Kingdom within them are already in the New Jerusalem. The Fifth Chamber, then, is not your heart moving deeper into My Heart, but the discovery of My Heart within your own."

In Chapter 12, we will explore more deeply the Holy Love Messages Heaven has given revealing how we may attain this spiritual union with the Divine Will every present moment in this spiritual journey and what this may mean for us in attaining our eternal heavenly goal of union with God.