The Journey Through The Chambers of the United Hearts: The Pursuit of Holiness

Chapter 3


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Chapter 3.

The Goal of Perfection in Holy Love

In Chapter 2, we focused on the five major steps that Our Lady outlined toward making this journey. Both Blessed Mother and Jesus had emphasized in July of 2007 how important it is, (in the journey of personal holiness), for our hearts to be always steeped in the three theological virtues of faith, hope and love; for it is by persevering in these virtues that one's desire for personal holiness can bring about a personal spiritual change, (as well as a change in the spirit or heart of the world), from self-love to Holy Love and then, peace.

For this to occur, the soul must first work toward achieving the goal of perfection in Holy Love that can only come about by entering into the Immaculate Heart of Mary, (the First Chamber of the United Hearts). Then, the soul must strive to imitate the unconditional Divine Love of Jesus as represented in advancing through the Chambers of the United Hearts.

The goal of achieving perfection in Holy Love, (i.e., perfection in the vocation of holiness), was discussed by Blessed Mother in a Message on August 27, 1993, in which She says:

"All are called to a vocation of holiness, but few pursue it with sincerity. Little daughter, Jesus sends Me to invite you to be a prisoner of My Immaculate Heart – a captive of love. Reflect how each action would take on renewed meaning if you were thus confined. You would do nothing from a selfish motive but give everything to God. This is what true holiness is. And so, I call all of My children to this lofty, yet attainable goal. It is here in My Heart that your crosses are transformed into grace. The deeper the soul is drawn into the recesses of this Heart, the sweeter and more pure the nectar of grace that is mediated. Therefore, I tell you, the more you love, the more holy you become."

Thus, Blessed Mother says for us to reach perfection in Holy Love, our goal is to love everyone unconditionally – even enemies. On October 17, 1996, Our Lady comes as Our Lady of Guadalupe and says:

"I come as always, in praise of Jesus, My Son. Dearest children,... Holy Love is the narrow door. Perfect yourselves in Holy Love, so that you may enter. Let your goal and prayer be to love everyone unconditionally, as My Son loves you. You cannot accomplish this alone, but only through grace. God's Divine Will is My grace."

Holy Love is…

• "The Two Great Commandments of Love – to love God above all else and to love neighbor as self."

• "The fulfillment and the embodiment of the Ten Commandments."

• "The measure by which all souls will be judged."

• "The barometer of personal holiness."

• "The Gateway to the New Jerusalem."

• "The Immaculate Heart of Mary."

• "The First Chamber of the United Hearts."

• "The Purifying Flame of Love of Mary's Heart that all souls must pass through."

• "The Refuge of Sinners and the Ark of these last days."

• "The source of unity and peace amongst all people and all nations."

• "Holy Love is God's Divine Will."

"Realize that only evil would be opposed to Holy Love."

(Jesus – November 8, 2010)

In a Monthly Message to All People and Every Nation in 2003, Jesus gave a Message detailing the importance of integrating faith and hope into Holy Love in the soul's goal of achieving perfection in Holy Love and thus, personal holiness. On December 5, 2003, Jesus says:

"I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. My dear brothers and sisters, if your faith does not proceed from a heart steeped in Holy Love, your faith will prove superficial in times of temptation and doubt. It is only when you live in Holy Love that you can more readily see evils that come clothed in goodness. This is the reason so many are tricked and misled by those that abuse their authority. Humility does not take advantage of title or position, nor hold a hidden agenda in its heart. Those who seek the journey into the Chambers of Our United Hearts must surrender first their own will and become childlike in their faith. Today it is true that the human heart is given over to excesses. I speak of excessive self-love which fathers excessive sensuality, materialism, hunger for control and ambitious pride. At no time in history have these excesses been more widely spread – the reason being telecommunications and advance technology in modes of travel. The believer can easily see how Satan has taken good and twisted it to fit his needs. The remedies and solutions I offer for the most part go unattended – prayer, sacrifice – … and most of all, adherence to Holy Love. These strong remedies which would turn back the wrath of God are mainly ignored for their simplicity, and because they require a certain amount of self-surrender. Those devoted to excess want to take and not give; and so, understand that when disaster, wars or any injustice comes, it is the direct result of excessive inordinate self-love. These same excesses have visited My Church, as well, for it is not immune to error.… If I were not Truth Itself, I would not point this out. As it is, in truth I tell you, much is yet to come. I have come to tell you that the simplicity and beauty of this Message proves its origin is Heaven itself. The Message is a holy refuge for My Remnant Faithful… My brothers and sisters, today once again, I invite you into My Mother's Heart which is Holy Love itself. Imitate Her Heart. Holy Love is the way out of every situation and the sum total of every solution. Abide in love and you will abide in the Divine Will of the Eternal Father."

Looking at these Messages, the biggest step toward achieving the goal of perfection in Holy Love, through the journey of personal holiness, lies at the entry into Our Lady's Immaculate Heart. Jesus emphasized this point in a Message given on February 10, 2006. Jesus says:

"Today I have come to help you see that the most important step in personal holiness lies at the threshold of entry into the First Chamber – the Immaculate Heart of Mary – Holy Love. It is upon this threshold the soul is engaged in the greatest spiritual warfare. It is at the entrance of My Mother's Heart the soul decides to believe or disbelieve in these Messages. Some souls lie permanently vanquished at the threshold, giving in to the pride of disbelief. Others see the spiritual benefit they are being offered. They pick up the key to the Chamber of Holy Love, which is the title and ejaculatory prayer, 'Mary, Protectress of the Faith and Refuge of Holy Love, come to my aid.' Thus, they are admitted and led deeper into the Chambers of Our United Hearts."

It is important for us to realize that the goal of perfection in Holy Love and thus, personal holiness, is the main purpose Jesus came among us as a man and sacrificed His life for our salvation. As mentioned in a Message on August 12, 2007, Jesus says:

"My child, please understand that My goal is to win souls over to this spiritual journey. It does not concern Me what label, or if any label, is placed upon peoples' response to the call to personal holiness. The arguments in the world today against My call center on labels – is it approved – is it ecumenical? I am calling everyone, and excluding no one, from the journey through Our Hearts. I offer the Confraternity as a vehicle to this end… Do not squabble amongst yourselves as to how to make the journey, or as to who can make the journey. Only follow Me!"

Jesus reiterates the importance of the Confraternity of the United Hearts in His goal to win all souls over to the spiritual journey of personal holiness, when on August 31, 2009, Jesus says:

"I desire the entire Confraternity – the entire journey into Our United Hearts – be made ecumenical, uniting all people and all nations to Our United Hearts; for this is a journey into personal holiness that all are called to. It is a path of salvation, unity and peace. Do not be put off by those who say they do not approve of this spirituality. I, your Jesus, call each one and all into the innermost recesses of My Heart. It is only through purging of faults and failings and an illumination of conscience that this journey can be made. Just as I call all people and all nations onto this spiritual path of sanctification, I call everyone – no matter their faith – onto this property (Maranatha Spring and Shrine) where grace abounds. I exclude no one. My Mother's Heart opens to you here. She awaits your arrival."

Jesus gave us the Confraternity of the United Hearts as the means by which all people of every nation may achieve the goal of perfection in Holy Love in the journey of personal holiness. He emphasized this on July 15, 2010. Jesus says:

"I desire that the Confraternity of the United Hearts of the Most Holy Trinity and the Immaculate Heart of Mary be easily accessible to all. Therefore, with this one prayer and a movement of the free will, the soul can consider himself a member of the Confraternity. This must be the impetus to live a life consecrated to personal holiness through Holy Love. There are other devotional practices that the soul can follow in pursuit of this personal holiness which are outlined in previous instructions. This is the prayer:"

Prayer to Become a Member of the Confraternity

"Most Holy Trinity, in union with the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I consecrate my heart and my life towards the goal of personal holiness through devotion to You. I commit every thought, word and deed to the practice of Holy Love in every present moment. Amen."

(Jesus – July 15, 2010)

On May 29, 2011, Jesus gave a Message that stressed the importance of trust in order to prosper in holiness and thus, the goal of perfection in Holy Love. Jesus says:

"I tell you in all truth that the soul who does not trust Me can never find true peace. Furthermore, the soul who claims he trusts Me but does not live in Holy Love in the present moment is lying to himself. Holy Love begets trust. Trust is always ready to surrender any burden to My Divine Providence. Do not say one thing but believe another. You are tricking yourself if you do so. Do not hold in your hearts personal agendas unknown to anyone. This leads to guile. In Holy and Divine Love be united – always united. Do not squander the present moment through guilt or worry. Remember, trust is the foundation of faith. If you follow these guidelines, you will prosper in holiness. Your faith will be strengthened and I will bless you abundantly."

In the next Chapter, we will focus on many of the distractions and obstacles, (some of which Jesus mentions above), that can hinder or block our goal of perfection in Holy Love and the journey of personal holiness through the Chambers of the United Hearts.

The Way of Perfection in Holy Love

Once again, I (Maureen) see a Great Flame that I have come to know as the Heart of God the Father.

He says: "Children, these Messages come to you as an incentive to pursue the path of personal holiness – the path which leads to Heaven. Do not presume that you are already holy enough. In each soul there is an area of darkness which needs to be enlightened by the Truth. It often takes a heroic effort in humility and love to recognize and correct these faults."

"Every soul needs to pray for deeper humility and deeper Holy Love in order to progress deeper into perfection. The path of deeper personal holiness is often strewn with obstacles which must be overcome with prayer. The secret to this is to first recognize what the obstacles are so that the soul can overcome them."

"There are things Satan does not want you to know. I offer this Truth to you to assist you along the path to Paradise."

Read 1 Thessalonians 3:11-13

Now may our God and Father himself, and our Lord Jesus, direct our way to you; and may the Lord make you increase and abound in love to one another and to all men, as we do to you, so that he may establish your hearts unblamable in holiness before our God and Father, at the coming of our Lord Jesus with all his saints.

(July 11, 2019)