The Journey Through The Chambers of the United Hearts: The Pursuit of Holiness

Chapter 6


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Chapter 6.

Conversion of Heart — The Blueprint to Personal Holiness through the Chambers of the United Hearts


In Chapter 5, we looked at the important role of trustful self-surrender or self-abandonment to Holy Love, which is the key to entering and progressing through the Chambers of the United Hearts. In this Chapter, we continue to examine how ongoing trustful surrender of self-will to Jesus and the Father's Will is necessary in order to progress through these Chambers; for it is by God's ever-present grace of faith that one can turn to and more deeply trust in God in all things – hence, bringing about an ongoing conversion of heart.

This ongoing, deeper conversion of heart begins with the grace afforded us by our prayer to Mary, Protectress of the Faith – which is the important key to the First Chamber, Her Immaculate Heart. In this process of journeying deeper in trustful surrender of self-will to the Divine Will, we will see how the Messages of the Revelation of the Chambers of the United Hearts are a kind of blueprint or pathway to follow toward personal holiness and sanctification.

In Messages given by Jesus on October 16, 1999 and, again, on October 17, 1999, (see Chapter 5), this blueprint or pathway to holiness became revealed, as Jesus said how the door to each Chamber of His Sacred Heart is unlocked through surrender of self-will dependent upon the degree of submission to and compliance with the Divine Will. Then, a Message of December 3, 1999 gave further details as Jesus said:

"My sister, each soul receives the grace of the Chambers of My Heart according to his desire and conformity to the Will of God. Both of these desire and conformity to God's Will require detachment from self and surrender to Me. When I see the soul's efforts in this regard, I take them and lay them at the Feet of the Father the Father of all generations. He receives these efforts, according to their worthiness, as burnt offerings. He then directs Me as to what Chamber of My Heart the soul should gain admittance. This is why I have said the soul gains entrance to each Chamber according to his free will. In the world, freedom has become a convoluted term in many instances, and has become a misnomer for sin. But man was given free will by God to choose or reject salvation that is, to choose or reject the Chambers of the United Hearts. For herein is the battle line between good and evil. Do not be surprised then, when Satan opposes your choices. Be a sign in the world of your choice to enter Our United Hearts and advance through the Chambers."

The blueprint for holiness becomes established in the soul when our love of God deepens our trust in Him. The more we trust Him, the deeper our surrender. In a Message from December 4, 1999, Jesus says:

"I have come to teach you how it is that everything spiritual your holiness, your depth of holiness, even your salvation is based on your love for Me. At the moment of your judgment, I will see into your heart. At that moment, which is one with your last breath, I will see the presence of Holy Love or absence thereof in your heart... To be holy, to choose holiness, you must first choose Holy Love. The depth of your love determines the depth of your surrender. I will explain. You cannot surrender completely to someone you do not trust completely. You cannot trust completely if you do not love completely. Lack of surrender inhibits the soul's advancement through the Chambers of My Divine Heart. Everything goes back to the depth of Holy Love in the soul's heart. When you surrender you accept. You accept God's Will for you in the present moment, whether it is a difficult situation, difficult personal relationship, or a spiritual trial. Each difficulty comes with sufficient grace. If you surrender trials to Me, you will receive the fullness of grace to assist you. The more you hold back, the more I hold back... The ones who advance swiftly through the Chambers of My Heart accept all I have given you."

What becomes evident is that the soul's path to holiness and true freedom is dependent upon the willingness to surrender self-love and self-will to Holy Love and the Divine Will. In a Message of January 3, 2000, Jesus confirms this as He says:

"Tonight, I have come to help you see that the quickest way to move deep into the Chambers of My Sacred Heart is through poverty of spirit. It is through this self-abnegation that you move swiftly along the path of simplicity and humility. Thus, I am able to take you into the most intimate Chamber of My Sacred Heart."

Jesus tells us that with open, docile hearts and free will surrendered to the Divine Will, we make our souls ready to accept making changes in our lives and in our hearts, as we become convicted in our consciences as to our spiritual weaknesses. This conviction of heart and openness to conversion is what leads to being perfected in holiness and in Holy Love. In a Message given on February 17, 2000, Jesus says:

"I have come to help you see that just as your salvation depends on Holy Love, your perfection in holiness depends on your surrender to Holy Love. The more you are perfected in love, the more closely you are united to the Divine Will of My Father. Verily, I tell you, union with the Divine Will is perfection in Holy Love... So, I have come to help you understand the choices you must make to attain salvation. Through My Mother, I have given your salvation the title of Holy Love. Through My Words to you, I help you to see that your sanctity is the perfect fulfillment of Holy Love it is Divine Love. I invite every soul to pass through the Chambers of Divine Love and to imitate My Heart of Hearts. How I desire souls understand the Inner Sanctum of My Divine Heart that suffered, died, and was buried for them."

Here, we see how Jesus encourages souls to look to Blessed Mother and Her Immaculate Heart as the example of perfection in Holy Love, which is the First Chamber – salvation.

On May 5, 2000, in a Monthly Message to All People and Every Nation, Blessed Mother came with Jesus to encourage souls with the desire to seek holiness and salvation, as She said:

"Today, with a Mother's love, I am calling all of My children to come into My Immaculate Heart Refuge of Holy Love. Many of you spend much time and are greatly distracted about your physical well-being and security. I tell you, all this is passing. I have come to call you into the only eternal Refuge for this Refuge is your salvation. No one enters Heaven except through the portal of My Heart, which is Holy Love; for who can be admitted who will not love God above all else and his neighbor as himself? Do not let your hearts be earthbound then, My dear children; but, like a bird lifted on the wind, take flight to My Heart, the only certain, eternal Refuge… I have come to be with you today, not only to bring you My Grace and many miracles, but to ask (for) your continued prayers and your continual conversion in the present moment. For it is by such efforts I am able to withhold the Hand of Justice… Come to Me as a member of My spiritual army, armed with many sacrifices, prayers, and penances. Then, as a member of My army of victim souls, I'll lead you deep into Chambers of the Heart of My Divine Son."

Jesus then gave a Message on July 26, 2000, in which He gave us the guideline by which we may enter into the Chambers of His Sacred Heart and quickly advance. Jesus says:

"I have come to share with you the secret for hasty and certain advancement through the Chambers of My Heart. It is humble acceptance of all things as from the Hand of God. Thus, it is surrender to God's Divine Will. In this surrender, every virtue comes into play. In this surrender, self-will is annihilated. The soul does not need to take account of which Chamber he is in. He only needs to accept the moment in the way My Father wills it. You may think this sounds too easy to be the key to your sanctity, but look closely and you will understand it is not easy, and not even possible without Heaven's assistance. Ask for the grace, then, to realize the importance of this request this Heavenly guideline. As you attempt to accept God's Will, you will quickly see your shortcomings and weakness in certain virtues."

As we saw in Chapter 5, from a Message on September 4, 2000, in a Conversation with Divine Love, Jesus talked about the role of conversion in the blueprint to a soul's salvation and holiness. Jesus says:

"The moment a soul hears the call to conversion of heart, he stands at the threshold of the First Chamber My Mother's Heart Holy Love. To the world this journey may seem foolhardy; but to the simple heart, it is a path laid in gold. My Mother meets the souls who stand precariously on this threshold of conversion and salvation. She extends to them every grace they need to accept Her invitation to enter the first portal of Our United Hearts… Indeed, the threshold to the First Chamber is the most decisive in the entire spiritual journey."

On October 16, 2000, Jesus says:

"All of what Heaven would reveal began with the Key to the Immaculate Heart of Mary – the prayer to Mary, Protectress of the Faith. This simple prayer admits the soul into the First Chamber of Our United Hearts, which is the Immaculate Heart of Mary. With faith protected and Satan laid waste, the soul opens his heart to Holy Love…The key to the innermost Chambers of My Heart is trustful surrender. Without this, the soul cannot come deeper into My Heart of Hearts. Therefore, see that the depth of trust in the heart is also the depth of holiness."

In summarizing the role of conversion in the blueprint to holiness through the Chambers of the United Hearts, on October 20, 2000, Jesus says:

"The United Hearts Revelation represents the complete spiritual journey from the first moment of conversion of heart to complete union with the Divine Will of God. My Mother's Immaculate Heart is Holy Love, which is the Two Great Commandments love God above all else and your neighbor as yourself. When the soul begins to live these (Two) Commandments in his own heart, he has taken the first step that of conversion. He is in the First Chamber of Our United Hearts the Immaculate Heart of My Mother. The key to entering this Chamber undaunted is the invocation to Mary, Protectress of the Faith. When My Mother is so invoked, Satan takes flight. The subsequent Chambers on this journey towards perfect union to the Divine Will are all within My Sacred Heart, which is Divine Love."

It cannot be emphasized enough how important the invocation to Mary, Protectress of the Faith is for the soul to enter into and advance through the Chambers of the United Hearts; for it is only by Her Holy Humility and role as Protectress of the Faith that the soul, in Truth, can see his flaws and lack of virtue, yet surrender all weaknesses for conversion and advancement through the Chambers. Jesus brings this to the forefront on November 14, 2000, in a Conversation with Divine Love. Jesus says:

"My messenger, the focus of the United Hearts Revelation is personal conversion in the present moment. Yes, moment-to-moment conversion. The person who claims, 'I am converted, I am holy,' has taken little stock of what is in his heart. The one truly committed to this Message sees clearly his flaws and lack of virtue. For it is only in light of this knowledge he is able to increase in holiness, surrender with a greater effort all weaknesses, and advance in the Chambers of My Heart. I am little consoled by the self-satisfied. These are the ones who identify error in others' hearts, but are blinded by pride as to their own errors. My consolation is in the humble-hearted. Such a one prays to console Me, not because he desires consolation. He does not try to impress others with his holiness. All grace that passes between My Heart and his remains between us. I wait for such as these to come to Me."

Thus, as Jesus Himself said on December 28, 2000:

"You must know and help others to comprehend that the only way to progress through these Chambers is through a deepening awareness of self that is, becoming aware of the flavor within your own soul contrary to Holy and Divine Love. This takes honesty and courage."

As Jesus has given us these Messages of the Revelation of the Chambers of the United Hearts, it becomes apparent how Heaven has provided a clear path or blueprint for the soul to follow in order to achieve personal holiness and sanctification, and thus, entrance into the Kingdom of God. This is verified in a Message from Jesus on January 15, 2001. Jesus says:

"Today, I have come to help you understand why Holy Love is the path of salvation. No one enters My Father's Kingdom who does not love God above all else and his neighbor as himself. My Messages to you concerning the Chambers of My Heart are as a blueprint to Heaven, holiness and sanctity. There are many who do not know this path or my plan. For them, salvation is more complicated, holiness elusive, and sanctity an unrealistic goal. It is as though they are trying to build a house without a blueprint. Besides this, they have no power tools. These power tools I give you are the virtues. So you see, through this Message I have drawn for each soul a blueprint and am willing to give him power tools, as well, to construct his own house or heart of Holy Love. The more closely he follows My Plan, the more perfect his house will be."

Obviously, for the soul to follow Jesus' Plan more perfectly, he must have confidence in and trust both Jesus and His Plan. Again, this can only happen when the soul surrenders his will to the Divine Will. Jesus elaborates on this point when on March 16, 2001, Jesus says:

"Today, I tell you, I long to draw you deep into the Chambers of My Sacred Heart. It is so with each soul. The Inner Sanctum of My Heart cries out to all. Once I told you that you see trust as a small thing, but I see it as all. This is so because the Chambers of My Heart are confidence. Unless you have confidence and trust in Me, you cannot approach even the First Chamber – Holy Love. You are wondering how this is. Every morsel of trust you have in Me is a fruit of the love you hold in your heart for Me. It is through this love which leads to trust, you are able to surrender your will to me. The more you surrender your will, the more I am able to fill you with the Divine Will. This is the entire spiritual journey of Our United Hearts."

As we conclude this Chapter, we look at a Message given by Jesus to help people better understand what this journey of personal holiness through the Chambers of the United Hearts is about. On April 14, 2001, Jesus says:

“I have come to you so that the world will understand that the journey into the Chambers of My Sacred Heart is at once a crucifixion and a resurrection a crucifixion because to enter even the First Chamber, the soul must die to his own will and surrender to the Divine Will. Each successive Chamber requires a deeper surrender. It is also a journey of resurrection, for the soul who surrenders his will allows love to be victorious in his life. Thus is

he brought from the death of sin to eternal life."

In the next Chapter, we will explore the Messages revealing the meaning of the Vestibule of Grace where St. Joseph stands welcoming

souls into the spiritual journey through the United Hearts.


Before and after Communion I (Maureen) was given the following vision. There was a narrow road which I understood was the narrow path of holiness that leads to Our Lady's Heart. Branching off this road were many side roads. These side roads seemed to go up to Our Lady's Heart at first, but then took a sharp turn downwards towards earth and away from Mary's Heart.

Jesus said, "The side roads are the temptations of everyday life that each soul has. Satan's angels try to lure the soul from the straight and narrow path to My Mother's Heart. At first glance, the temptation looks good and the soul is deceived into thinking he is still on the good path. But as he is led farther and farther from holiness, he gets farther and farther from the Refuge of My Mother's Heart." He continued, "Pray to be shown the temptations in your life which are obstacles to holiness."

(July 9, 1993)

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