The Journey Through The Chambers of the United Hearts: The Pursuit of Holiness

Chapter 7


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Chapter 7.

The Vital Role of Saint Joseph’s Vestibule of Grace

In a soul's journey of personal holiness through the Chambers –besides obstacles to overcome – the soul is very susceptible to two particular traps Satan sets to discourage and/or to distract the soul from entering into and progressing forward through the Chambers:

1.) An evaluation or presumption on the soul's part as to which particular Chamber the soul resides in at a particular moment.

2.) Comparison of the soul's journey of holiness with that of another soul's journey.

In evaluating the soul's spirituality regarding its status within any of the six Chambers of the United Hearts, a Message was given by St. Thomas Aquinas on October 24, 2001. Part of this Message bears repeating here, as it should be reviewed anytime the soul believes it necessary for him to presume which Chamber he is in or to begin comparing his particular journey of personal holiness through the Chambers with that of another soul's journey. St. Thomas Aquinas warns against such evaluating actions when he states:

"Do not waste time trying to evaluate which Chamber you are in. To do so would be presumption. Jesus alone is the Judge. Just keep moving forward as you would on any journey. Do not be satisfied with where you are on the journey. The goal is perfection through love. Nor should you be discouraged by comparing your journey in love to another, for I tell you, each one's journey is different."

St. Thomas Aquinas tells us that, "the goal is perfection through love." In moving forward in our own journey of personal holiness, we should always be working on perfecting the Holy Love in our hearts through our ongoing conversion more to the Divine Will – just like a golfer always works on perfecting his own particular golf swing. However, in moving forward through the Chambers, we should not be discouraged and distracted from our goal by trying to determine which Chamber we are in at any present moment. Satan does not want us to be perfected in Holy Love – thus, these two traps to keep us from reaching our goal of perfection in holiness.

St. Thomas Aquinas further explains this trap set by Satan in a Message on July 27, 2007, in which he says:

"Today, Jesus sends me to further help you understand the spiritual journey through the Chambers of the United Hearts. The Father and the Son are the only Ones Who can determine what Chamber the soul is interacting with in any given moment. The Truth is that in any present moment, the soul may be interacting with more than one Chamber. He may be increasing in virtue (Third Chamber), while at the same time he is being purged of some fault (First Chamber), which is contrary to the same virtue. All the strengths of the First, Second, Third and Fourth Chambers unite in the Fifth and Sixth Chambers. So, you see, very often the soul may be cooperating and advancing in many Chambers at once. The truly humble soul does not see himself of even being worthy of the First Chamber, however. As I tell you this, realize that the spiritual journey is multifaceted. What determines each one's depth of holiness is the amount of Holy Love in his heart in every given present moment. Knowing this, understand that every present moment finds the soul in a different challenge towards Holy Love and, therefore, a different depth of holiness."

The other trap we should avoid in moving forward through the Chambers is comparing our own individual, personal journey of holiness with that of another. This is where St. Joseph's Vestibule of Grace comes into play. In a new Revelation on the Chambers of the United Hearts given by Blessed Mother in Messages given in December of 2013, She described a Vestibule of Grace to which St. Joseph attends prior to a soul's entry into the spiritual journey of personal holiness through the Chambers of the United Hearts. On December 4, 2013, Blessed Mother says:

"Today, I invite you to see that the Vestibule or Entryway to the First Chamber of Our United Hearts is Truth Itself. St. Joseph, as Guardian of the Truth, awaits the arrival of each soul in this Vestibule, where the soul is convicted of the Truth of his iniquities. Once the soul realizes and accepts his errors, he is admitted to the First Chamber of Our United Hearts, which is My Own Immaculate Heart. Then, within the Flame of My Heart, he is purged of his iniquities. Please understand what importance the Seal of Discernment plays in this ongoing conversion process. It is this Seal which assists the soul in defining the Truth. This Entryway or Vestibule into Our United Hearts is the first step in any conversion process. Truth must convict the heart before any change can take place. Therefore, understand that self-complacency is Satan's weapon which he uses to thwart Truth in the heart. No one should be satisfied with where he is spiritually. Every soul is invited into this Vestibule of Truth. The souls most distant from this Entryway are the ones most steeped in the compromise of Truth. St. Joseph is always there present – calling and inviting souls into the Light of Truth. He never grows weary of welcoming the sinner to his conversion. The Doorway the sinner must pass through to reach the First Chamber is God's Mercy."

(Drawing of St. Joseph’s Vestibule by the Visionary, Maureen Sweeney-Kyle)

And on December 5, 2013, Blessed Mother emphasized:

"The Vestibule of Grace where St. Joseph stands welcoming souls into the spiritual journey through Our United Hearts is replete with every grace each soul needs towards his personal conversion. Each one's spiritual journey is individual, as is each one's conversion experience. Still, it remains an act of free will to choose to enter this Vestibule of Grace. Once the soul chooses to enter, however, he experiences God's Love as never before. While therein, he is washed in the humility of his own errors. He is so enamored with My Son and God's Divine Will that his only peace is to pursue a deeper relationship with God. This is what leads him through the Doorway of God's Mercy. Until the soul turns with a contrite heart to the experience St. Joseph invites him to, he will continue to be restless, uncertain and feel unfulfilled. There is no certainty in the world because of the unpredictable nature of man's free will. Therefore, let your security (once you choose to enter the Vestibule) be your own spiritual journey through the Chambers of Our United Hearts (i.e., don't be concerned regarding others' journey)."

The presence of St. Joseph's Vestibule of Grace makes it easier for the soul and his free will to choose to enter the First Chamber (and also subsequent Chambers) for purification and then perfection in holiness to occur by an ever-deeper trustful surrender of that free will to the Divine Will.

The grace given in this Vestibule (to which St. Joseph attends), is also to help the soul from being distracted or discouraged, (as St. Thomas Aquinas had explained in his Message of October 24, 2001), away from pursuing this noble goal of holiness or perfection in love, which these Chambers afford. Jesus describes this benefit of the Vestibule of Grace in a Message given on December 6, 2013, in which He says:

"Do not be discouraged in any effort towards personal holiness. Some have to enter the Vestibule of Our United Hearts over and over again. Each time, they must hold themselves accountable for even the smallest grievance against Holy Love. At the end of each day, I call each soul back into the Vestibule of Grace to make a self-examination of conscience. There, they will be able to see what is holding them back from a deeper journey through the Chambers. Then, they will pass, once again, through the Doorway of My Mercy. The conviction of heart in the Truth is vital to every conversion. No one who seeks holiness can be self-satisfied. But, sanctimony is very often the pitfall of those who are attempting to make the journey through Our Hearts. This is a compromise of the Truth which grieves My Mournful Heart and inhibits true holiness. Do not try to impress anyone with virtue or even gifts of the Holy Spirit. This is a flaw and propels you out of any Chamber of Our Hearts back into the Vestibule. Conversion of heart is offered in every present moment to all."

As Jesus describes it in this Message, the more the soul chooses to surrender to Holy Love in the present moment, moving from one Chamber to the next, (e.g., the First to the Second Chamber), the more he becomes aware of the smallest worldly attachments or grievances against Holy Love that may impede his progress through the Chambers, thus requiring the Vestibule of Grace again to help him in his conviction of heart and conversion toward greater holiness. This is what occurs most frequently as the soul moves from the First Chamber (purified of his greatest faults) and into the Second Chamber where, through self-knowledge and coming to know Jesus better, he becomes more aware of how these smaller habits or attachments require a deeper conversion of heart if he is to become more intimately aligned with the Divine Will.

The Vestibule of Grace assists the soul's conviction of heart and then ongoing conversion of heart as St. Joseph himself said in in a Message he gave on December 7, 2013. St. Joseph says:

"The Vestibule where I stand is a place of decision (with the soul's free will) where the soul decides to either pass through the Doorway of God's Mercy or return to the world. The grace of conversion is given, but the decision is weighed on the scale of free will. If the soul accepts the grace of conversion and, with a repentant heart passes through the Doorway of Divine Mercy, he finds himself in the Immaculate Heart of the Virgin (First Chamber of the United Hearts), therein to prosper in holiness. The Sacred Heart of Jesus mourns the loss of those souls who, through the compromise of Truth, reject God's Mercy and return to the world. Your prayers and sacrifices make the decision to pass through the Doorway of Mercy more appealing to those whose fate weighs in the balance."

Jesus Himself also embellished on this Message further in a Message He gave on December 8, 2013 – the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. Jesus says:

"The Welcoming Grace (of the Seal of Discernment) offered in the Vestibule of Our United Hearts is an invitation to acceptance of the initial conversion of heart for all who enter. However, throughout these Sacred Chambers, the soul who seeks to travel deeper must participate in an ongoing conversion. This moment-to-moment conversion is the soul's 'yes' to placing God first in his heart and trampling underfoot disordered self-love. This is the continual ongoing path I call every soul to follow. The more self-effacing the soul becomes, the deeper his journey into the Chambers of Our United Hearts. For some, this journey is more difficult than for others. Some are more deeply entrenched in the allurements of the world and have lost sight of God and what pleases Him. These are the ones who disregard their eternal salvation. So today, I draw you back into the reality of the Truth and why I call you into the Vestibule of Our United Hearts. Without your willingness to love and serve God, there will be no conversion of heart for you, and you will always be an unbeliever. Without your conversion, you will not see salvation."

If the soul is to move from one Chamber to the next, the soul must choose to surrender all (even the smallest) of worldly attachments and grievances against Holy Love, which the Vestibule of Grace will help the soul in his journey of ongoing conversion. Greater self-knowledge given the soul with the grace of the Vestibule of St. Joseph, and the greater desire to know Jesus and become aligned with the Divine Will, the deeper conversion of heart will the soul undergo.

St. Joseph provides an encouraging Message for souls desiring this deeper conversion of heart when on January 25, 2014 – the Feast of the Conversion of St. Paul, he says:

"I come to you today, on the Feast of the Conversion of St. Paul, to tell you that the Vestibule where I await souls inviting them into the United Hearts, is their invitation to conversion of heart. There I await and pray, that by entrance into this Vestibule, more will respond in a positive manner and the Remnant will be strengthened."

Again, as St. Thomas Aquinas had said in the Message of October 24, 2001, the goal in the spiritual journey is "perfection through love." This goal is most keenly experienced when the soul moves from the First Chamber into the Second Chamber and first becomes aware of (and cooperates with) the graces necessary to progress through the journey of holiness deeper into the Divine Will to ultimately be in union with the Divine Will.

In a Message given on January 20, 2014, the Blessed Mother talks about this experience of graces received from St. Joseph's Vestibule of Grace from Her perspective of being the First Chamber, and how the Vestibule of Grace helps propel the soul along in this journey of pursuing holiness toward union with the Divine Will of God. She says:

"Every soul is created to be united with the Divine Will of the Father; yet, how easy it is to get lost along the way through flaws in your spiritual life. This is why, during these confusing times, God has graciously provided the spiritual journey through the Chambers of Our United Hearts, which ultimately leads to His Divine Will. The more the soul adheres to this spiritual journey, the more quickly he will embrace and be embraced by the Divine Will. Begin to see every present moment as an opportunity of grace with its favors and challenges – all designed by God to lead you into His Will. The more you cooperate with these graces, the easier your journey will be. It is as though grace is the fuel you need to propel you forward. No one on a journey would be wise to refuse fuel. Dear children, use the road map God has given you for your spiritual journey. St. Joseph is calling you into the Vestibule of Grace which opens on the First Chamber – My Immaculate Heart."

The more the soul cooperates (surrenders his free will to the Divine Will), through St. Joseph's Vestibule of Grace, the easier the journey through the Chambers becomes.

See how St. Joseph calls each soul into the Vestibule of Grace which opens into the First Chamber of the United Hearts – The Immaculate Heart of Mary – Holy Love – Salvation.

From this point forward, we will be exploring the Messages Heaven has given the world on what Jesus said on October 3, 2000, to a Conversation with Divine Love, is "the greatest grace that will ever come to the Ministry" (and to the world) in "the complete and irrefutable United Hearts Revelation."

Nightly Examination of Conscience

(Dictated by Blessed Mother – July 20, 1998)

• "Did I return Love for Love? (God's love for me back to Him).

• Did I find fault with anyone in thought or word when it was not my duty to do so?

• Did I transgress another's rights according to any of the Commandments?

• Have I tried to be an example of Holy Love and Holy Humility in my daily life?

• Have I allowed Holy Love and Humility to lead me deeper into the virtues: simplicity, prudence, patience, fortitude, and perseverance?

• Am I living the message only on my lips (for others to see - superficially); or do I have the message in my heart, thus having a private relationship with Jesus through Mary?

• Did I use the world - people, places, and things – to promote the Message of Holy Love?

• Have I allowed the element of time to manipulate me, or do I use time wisely for the glory of God?

• If I am Catholic, do I know the Church laws and obey them? Am I faithful to my state of life? * If I am Catholic, did I make good use of the sacraments?

• Did I accept and embrace the crosses in my life as part of God's Will for me; or do I rebel against the cross, thus losing grace for souls?

• If I receive special graces in any form, did I broadcast it to others unnecessarily; or do I realize I am undeserving and thank God for it?"

How to Easily Examine Your Actions

"At the close of the day, the soul needs to examine his actions. He can easily do so by fixing his conscience on the merit of his intentions throughout the day. Were his intentions focused on pleasing Me or pleasing self? Did he always have love in his heart - an edifying love that reflected love of My Commandments? Make certain the intentions of your thoughts, words and deeds are a reflection of Holy Love."

(God the Father – June 6, 2019)