The Journey Through The Chambers of the United Hearts: The Pursuit of Holiness

Chapter 8


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Chapter 8.

First Chamber of the United Hearts: The Immaculate Heart of Mary — Holy Love — Salvation

In a soul's journey Within these Messages of the United Hearts Revelation, we are all given the graces from St. Joseph's Vestibule of Grace necessary for following the straight and narrow path toward perfection in personal holiness; thus, toward attaining salvation and sanctification – our means of reaching eternal life or Heaven; (in what Heaven calls the New Jerusalem). Blessed Mother affirmed this in a Message on April 27, 2013, in which She says:

"The Revelation of the United Hearts and the Chambers therein, all the graces attendant to this Mission and this site – these are all given to draw you, My children, into deeper personal holiness."

On May 26, 2013, on the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity, Jesus gave a Message in which He described the significance of the United Hearts Revelation and how important it is for us to follow this spiritual journey of holiness through the Chambers of the United Hearts. Jesus says:

"The depiction of the United Hearts Revelation portrays the Holy Trinity in union with the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Perfection in holiness is most easily accomplished through the spiritual journey of the Chambers of Our United Hearts. These Chambers are like a road map to union with the Will of My Father which is Perfection Itself. Every home should have the Complete Image of Our United Hearts on display as a reminder of this spiritual journey. The Image which bespeaks unity, brings unity to families who earnestly pursue this spiritual journey."

On November 29, 2012, Jesus gave a Message in which He says:

"I have come to ask you to be My Victory in the world. Do this by being Holy Love. Be Holy Love by journeying through the Chambers of Our United Hearts. If you will do so, you will be living in the New Jerusalem. The New Jerusalem is present in every heart that lives in Holy Love through the journey of these Sacred Chambers. Indeed, this journey is the road map to the New Jerusalem."

In the October 3, 2000 Conversation with Divine Love, Jesus explained this road map or journey of the soul into the United Hearts:

"I am going to describe for you in simplistic terms the journey into the United Hearts. In this parable the United Hearts are represented by a great house. The soul who wishes to enter the house (the First Chamber) must use a key. This key represents the soul's free will. When he uses the key (that is surrender to the call to love) he enters the antechamber of My Heart which is My Mother's Immaculate Heart – Holy Love. Once inside this 'vestibule' the soul is curious about the rest of the house (that is, the Chambers of My Heart – Divine Love). He finds another door in front of him. Once again he must turn the key and surrender more deeply to Me – this time to holiness. Within the house finally the soul is anxious to explore the other rooms (Chambers of My Heart). Each Chamber remains secluded behind a locked door. Each room (or Chamber) the soul seeks entrance to requires a deeper submission of his own will. If he is sincere and perseveres in his efforts he will reach the most secluded room – the Fifth Chamber of My Heart. Here is pure peace, love, and joy. It is in this, the tiniest room of all, that the soul finds complete union with the Divine Will of My Father. Such a soul settles into this little Chamber not wishing to be found or noticed. His only pleasure is in being there. He is in the present moment always. Take time to meditate upon this house I have shown you."

It is Heaven's desire that souls not only know of this spiritual journey through the Chambers of the United Hearts; but also fully enter into this journey, for it is the only sure way to salvation and sanctification. Jesus encourages us to do so, as He says in a Message on February 17, 2000:

"I have come to help you see that just as your salvation depends on Holy Love, your perfection in holiness depends on your surrender to Holy Love. The more you are perfected in love, the more closely you are united to the Divine Will of My Father. Verily I tell you, union with the Divine Will is perfection in Holy Love. I desire every heart become a tabernacle of Divine Love... No one passes through the narrow gate outside of Holy Love; for who can abide with Me in My Father's Kingdom that does not love God and neighbor? So, I have come to help you understand the choices you must make to attain salvation. Through My Mother, I have given your salvation the title of Holy Love. Through My Words to you, I help you to see that your sanctity is the perfect fulfillment of Holy Love – it is Divine Love. I invite every soul to pass through the Chambers of Divine Love and to imitate My Heart of Hearts. How I desire souls understand the Inner Sanctum of My Divine Heart that suffered, died, and was buried for them."

Saint Thomas Aquinas emphasizes the Truth of these words of Jesus in a Message on February 7, 2013, when he says:

"Please allow my words to you today to resonate in your soul. Scripture has it that faith, hope and love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love. Holy Love is Truth. Therefore, understand that Truth will live on into eternity. Truth will be, and is the foundation of the New Jerusalem. Those who do not live in Truth cannot claim victory over sin. Any compromise of Truth breaches the foundation of the New Jerusalem in the heart. Jesus desires all be one with Him. This is why these Messages and the spiritual journey through the Chambers of the United Hearts have been imparted to this generation."

On her feast day of October 16, 2011, St. Margaret Mary Alacoque expanded upon what St. Thomas explained, when she says:

"From the beginning of time, the Father held the Revelation of the Chambers of the United Hearts in the Bosom of His Divine Will, waiting to reveal it to this generation – at this site. The Chambers are a deliverance, a conversion and purification of heart so desperately needed in a world given over to self-love. No one can live in Holy Love outside of the Chambers of the United Hearts. Each Chamber is a progression in Holy Perfection. Every Chamber purifies the soul in the Eyes of God, taking the heart deeper into self-knowledge and convicting the soul of all that opposes Holy Love. The Flame of Holy Love that is Our Mother's Heart, (the First Chamber) burns through each Chamber, for here is an all-consuming, purifying Heart of Love. Those who seek personal holiness with a sincere heart may think it is just a journey between themselves and God, but in reality, all who seek personal holiness are plunged into the Chambers of the United Hearts – there to be purified in the Flame of Holy Love, for Our Heavenly Mother is a part of every ongoing conversion."

St. Thomas affirms this point in a Message he gave on March 23, 2013, in which he says:

"I desire that souls begin to grasp this Truth and to act on it, as it pleases God. The only way to spiritual perfection is in and through perfection in Holy Love… There is no other way to holiness and to perfection in the spiritual journey. This is why the First Chamber in the journey through the United Hearts is given over to Holy Love purification of iniquity through the Flame of Love which is Our Mother's Heart. Souls are called to be one with Holy Love from the cradle – indeed, from conception – for this is the model of sanctification. This spiritual perfection is the foundation of the innermost longing of every heart."

On January 14, 2002, St. Thomas Aquinas gave a Message to help the world understand the First Chamber of the United Hearts and its importance. St. Thomas says:

"I have come to introduce to the world the First Chamber of the United Hearts of Jesus and Mary. It is the Immaculate Heart of Mary – Holy Love. It is God's Will. Jesus described Heaven to us, when He walked the earth, as a precious gem worth more than any – a gem so precious that we should give up all we own to possess it. That gem, indeed Heaven itself, is Holy Love. Yes, Holy Love is that precious – that important. For without our 'yes' to Holy Love there is no salvation. Holy Love is the Two Great Laws of Love – love God above all else and your neighbor as self. These are the Commandments Jesus said we must follow if we wish to reach Heaven."

St. Thomas says that we must choose (say 'yes' to) Holy Love to attain Heaven. This is not an easy process, however, for Satan tries to tempt us away from choosing Holy Love. Jesus gave us a Message during a Rosary Service on November 26, 2012, to help us choose Holy Love, when He says:

"My brothers and sisters, when you choose to enter Our United Hearts and you step into the First Chamber, which is the Immaculate Heart of My Mother, you are stepping into Pure Love. Within this Pure Love, you will see everything in your own heart which opposes Holy Love, and you will be given the grace to love more perfectly." (This is the grace for conversion.) "Take this step. Choose the Heart of My Mother."

In another Rosary Service, Jesus gave a Message on February 8, 2013:

"My brothers and sisters, when you decide and choose to begin the spiritual journey through the Chambers of Our United Hearts, you will be given every grace and enhancement that you need; every encouragement will be yours even if you go over and over into the First Chamber."

Heaven has let us know, through these Messages on the Revelation of the United Hearts, that entrance to the First Chamber cannot be bypassed, as Jesus tells us in a Message on August 12, 2007:

"I call all people, all nations into the Chambers of My Heart. I call attention, in particular, to this universal call by sounding the trumpet blast universally into the First Chamber. Do not be mistaken – the First Chamber cannot be bypassed. It is the basis and foundation of all the others. No one progresses spiritually without first being purified in the Flame of My Mother's Heart."

And, again, in a Message Jesus gave on December 6, 2012:

"In this journey, the most important step is the First Chamber – My Mother's Immaculate Heart. It is in this Chamber, faults and sins are recognized and burned away by the Purifying Flame of Her Heart. Without this effort, the soul cannot advance through the Chambers or increase in holiness. Pray for the desire to begin this journey by plunging your heart into this Flame of Perfection." (Flame of Holy Love)

On February 11, 2013, the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes, Our Lady reminds us of the importance of prayer when we begin this spiritual journey, as She says:

"Dear children, today I urge you to remain united in the spirit of prayer. Be united in the Tradition of Faith and learn to seek My Protection in every circumstance. Remember, My Immaculate Heart is the Gateway to the New Jerusalem. No one can pass into the New Jerusalem without first being purified of their iniquity through the purifying Flame of My Heart."

Now, to help us enter into the First Chamber, Heaven has provided us with two beneficial prayers:

(1) The Consecration to the Flame of Holy Love given by Our Lady on April 16, 1995:

Consecration to the Flame of Holy Love

"Immaculate Heart of Mary, humbly, I ask that You take my heart into the Flame of Holy Love, that is the spiritual refuge of all mankind. Do not look upon my faults and failings, but allow these iniquities to be burned away by this purifying Flame."

"Through Holy Love, help me to be sanctified in the present moment, and in so doing, give to You, dear Mother, my every thought, word, and action. Take me and use me according to Your great pleasure. Allow me to be Your instrument in the world, all for the greater glory of God and towards Your victorious reign. Amen."

(Our Lady – April 16, 1995)

(2) The Prayer to Mary, Protectress of the Faith, which is the Key to the Immaculate Heart of Mary:

(Please refer to the Message Jesus gave about this prayer on October 16, 2000 on page 44 in Chapter 6, in summarizing the role of conversion of heart in the blueprint to holiness through the Chambers.)

Key to the Immaculate Heart of Mary

"Mary, Protectress of the Faith and Refuge of Holy Love, come to my aid."

(Jesus – February 10, 2006)

One year earlier, on the feast day of the Saint of the Sacred Heart, St. Margaret Mary Alacoque, October 16, 1999, Jesus, after discussing the importance of surrender of self-will to the Divine Will, (see Chapter 5), began to reveal to the world the inner workings of the Chambers of His Sacred Heart, starting with the First Chamber – the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Jesus says:

"The first door the soul must open is perhaps the most difficult. Through the Flame of My Mother's Heart the soul recognizes its faults and failings. By a movement of free will, he decides to overcome his weaknesses – to let them be burned away through the Flame of Holy Love. Yes, the first doorway to Divine Love is Holy Love. It is the purgative stage. The soul may open this door, quite committed to the path he sees before him, but because he gives in to Satan's temptations, he finds himself outside the first door again. Over and over, he may have to recommit to Holy Love. Finally, he will be less tempted to old weaknesses. He will recognize them and avert them. Now he can approach the first door to Divine Love."

Jesus tells us that we must choose, by our free will, to be purged of our faults and failings by the Flame of Holy Love – a kind of purgatory on earth – but that we are given all the graces we need to progress through the First Chamber, if we choose to, for that is the Divine Will for us.

In a Message Jesus gave us on November 10, 1999, He explains further the intricacies of His Sacred Heart as He says:

"I wish to reveal to you the entirety of My Heart. My Heart is the Divine Will of the Eternal Father. It is Divine Love and Mercy. I have revealed to you the many Chambers of My Heart. But, today I have come to share with you that the First Chamber – that of Holy Love, My Mother's Heart – is the Chamber I pour My greatest graces into. You may wonder at this, thinking the souls in My Most Intimate Chamber of this Sacred Vessel are receiving the choicest graces. They are indeed the choicest graces reserved for very few. But, the greatest abundance of grace flows from the First Chamber, for it is here the soul must respond to his conversion and move towards holiness. I give, through My Mercy and Love, every opportunity for each soul to say 'yes.' My Tenderest Compassion stands ready to welcome every soul who is attracted to Me. The other Chambers of My Heart form the soul in holiness, perfection, and sanctity – but the First Chamber is salvation."

This First Chamber is termed, salvation, for Holy Love is our salvation, which Blessed Mother has shown by Her Immaculate Heart to be the perfect example. This was explained by Her (see Chapter 6) in a Message given on May 5, 2000 in which She said:

"I have come to call you into the only eternal Refuge – for this Refuge is your salvation. No one enters Heaven except through the portal of My Heart, which is Holy Love. For who can be admitted who will not love God above all else and his neighbor as himself?"

Hence, we have in the Immaculate Heart of Mary, the first stage or step taken in the journey of personal holiness toward the goal of union with God and His Divine Will (Fifth and Sixth Chambers of the United Hearts).

In a Message on May 20, 2000, these steps or stages were described in detail as dictated by St. Anthony of Padua, who said:

"Here is the way of salvation, holiness, perfection, and sanctity, simply put." (Listed here is only the part of the Message that pertains to the First Chamber of the United Hearts.) "Step 1: Salvation. "Surrender to Holy Love, which is the Two Great Commandments of Love. In this surrender the soul is taken into the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Her Heart is the Spiritual Refuge of all mankind and the Gateway to the New Jerusalem, which is the Heart of Jesus. In this surrender, the soul begins to see his greatest sins and faults. Also, in this Heart of Mary, the soul begins to recognize the power and importance of the present moment."

We will now look at the information Heaven provides to help souls to a deeper surrender to Holy Love (conversion) and overcoming the souls' most flagrant faults so as to progress into the Second Chamber of the United Hearts, which is Divine Love and Holiness. We begin with a summary given by Jesus in a Message on August 24, 2000 in what He calls a Primer on the Chambers of United Hearts, in which He says:

"I have come to begin to unfold the Primer on the Chambers of My Heart. The Chambers of My Heart are represented in the Image of Our United Hearts. Our United Hearts represent a spiritual journey from the moment of conversion to Union with the Divine Will. Further, this Union of Our Hearts represents a shared Passion and Triumph. The Immaculate Heart of Mary is the Gateway to the New Jerusalem. My Sacred Heart is the New Jerusalem. The Immaculate Heart of Mary is Holy Love. My Sacred Heart is Divine Love. The spiritual journey begins with Holy Love. Holy Love (the First Chamber, sanctification / salvation) is: The Immaculate Heart of Mary; The Two Great Commandments of Love; The Gateway to the New Jerusalem; The First Chamber of the Sacred Heart of Jesus; The Purgative Stage. In this Chamber, glaring faults and sins are revealed to the soul. He chooses either to surrender to Holy Love (conversion) or to continue in error. If he chooses conversion and overcomes his most flagrant faults, he can move into the next Chamber of My Heart and Divine Love."

As we mentioned in Chapter 6, the process of trustful surrender to Holy Love (or ongoing conversion of heart) through the Chambers of the United Hearts is the blueprint or road map, if you will, to follow toward personal holiness and sanctification. This is a great grace in itself, as our Lord has revealed to us the inner sanctum of the Chambers of His Sacred Heart (the United Hearts). St. Thomas Aquinas explained this road map in a Message given on August 28, 2001:

"I have come to help you understand that the Revelation of the Chambers of the United Hearts is a school of theology. If you searched the depths of Scripture or the heights of theological study, you would not find a more concise path towards salvation culminating in union with the Divine Will. Jesus has given the world, through you, a seemingly simple spiritual road map. He has only just begun to expound upon the depths of this journey. You may never understand yourself the complexities of this Revelation, but I am here to tell you that the entire journey is based on trustful surrender through love. If you remember this, you will begin to ferret out all that opposes this maxim in your own heart. Then you will see the obstacles Satan places before you that hinder your journey through these Sacred Chambers."

Jesus says these obstacles Satan places before us are a revelation of our faults that we are called by Heaven to repent from so as to increase in personal holiness. In a Message given on November 28, 2003, Jesus says:

"My brothers and sisters, the soul whose faults are revealed to him is being called to conversion and into the First Chamber of Our United Hearts which is Holy Love. It is only his repentance that allows him to pass through the door of this Heart. Then the soul is cooperating with the grace that is being given and My Victory is beginning in him. I desire all souls enter the Heart of My Most Holy Mother so that they can be purified and come to Me in My Heart of Divine Love."

Again, as we had learned from Chapter 6, this process of ongoing conversion and repentance of the soul has to occur first through the Immaculate Heart of Mary and Her Purging and Purifying Flame of Holy Love. Repeating, from Chapter 6, the Message given on October 20, 2000, Jesus says:

"The United Hearts Revelation represents the complete spiritual journey from the first moment of conversion of heart to complete union with the Divine Will of God. My Mother's Immaculate Heart is Holy Love, which is the Two Great Commandments – love God above all else and your neighbor as yourself. When the soul begins to live these commandments in his own heart, he has taken the first step that of conversion. He is in the First Chamber of Our United Hearts the Immaculate Heart of My Mother. The key to entering this Chamber undaunted is the invocation to Mary, Protectress of the Faith. When My Mother is so invoked, Satan takes flight. The subsequent Chambers on this journey towards perfect union to the Divine Will are all within My Sacred Heart, which is Divine Love. My Mother's Heart is the Gateway to the New Jerusalem. My Heart is the New Jerusalem. My grace is attendant to and in perfect proportion with the soul's efforts to pass through the Chambers of My Heart."

Jesus tells us that the way toward union with the Divine Will of God is contained within these innermost Chambers of His Sacred Heart and that to progress through these Chambers requires the soul to have a deepening awareness of self and the desire to surrender everything of one's own will to Holy Love – to the Divine Will – every present moment. This is what conversion of heart entails, as Jesus reveals to us in a Message on December 28, 2000:

"My messenger, to you and through you, I have opened the door to the innermost Chambers of My Heart. You must know and help others to comprehend that the only way to progress through these Chambers is through a deepening awareness of self – that is, becoming aware of the flavor within your own soul contrary to Holy and Divine Love. This takes honesty and courage. If a person cannot accept that he has an area in his heart that is not perfected in love, then he cannot repair the error either… The areas of pride in your soul need to be overcome little by little. It is easy to feel overwhelmed if you look at all the spiritual cleansing your soul needs. But you are not cleaning the household of your soul alone. I will help you. No one becomes humble or forgiving in thought only and is genuinely humble – forgiving. I have to work in the heart for true humility to take root. But just as the soul cannot accomplish this virtue alone, I cannot put humility in the heart without the soul's assistance. The soul with courage has to admit where his house needs to be cleaned, where pride is winning out. Then he and I can together conquer the pride. So many are unwilling to even look for the dusty areas of their heart. It is a painful discovery to some to first realize their own imperfections. But I will sustain them if they would only be humble enough to ask. Even with My assistance, they need courage to recognize and overcome Satan who tries to convince them they are fine as is. So I have come to ask you to pray for those who desire to advance into My Heart but refuse the path of spiritual cleansing."

St. Thomas Aquinas elaborated further on spiritual pride in a Message given on September 10, 2001. St. Thomas Aquinas says:

"That which Heaven is teaching here – the Revelation of the Chambers of the United Hearts – is much of what Jesus taught in the temple. Of course, He did not refer to the Immaculate Heart as Holy Love, but still and all, it is the same spiritual journey Jesus attempted to lead the Pharisees on. He did not achieve His goal as they were steeped in spiritual pride. This spiritual pride tells a person he has all the answers. He is satisfied with where he is spiritually. In a word he is sanctimonious. The message and the fruits it bears may be all around him, and yet he does not see it. Spiritual pride is deadly. It is like trying to reach a destination blindfolded, refusing to be led or to remove the blindfold because the soul presumes he knows his way. Everything about trustful surrender which embraces this message has to do with free will. If through spiritual pride the soul thinks he is in the right place spiritually, he will not move his will to enter the First Chamber. Believe me, this profound Message carries with it abundant grace to enter the First Chamber. All that is needed is a humble 'yes'."

As we see from these Messages, because of spiritual pride, the soul places obstacles or detours (his own free will creates with Satan's promptings) to hold back or prevent himself from both entering into the First Chamber of the United Hearts and progressing through subsequent Chambers in the spiritual journey of personal holiness. We addressed this aspect of pride in Chapter 4 – Obstacles and Distractions. It was explained that whenever the soul opposes Holy Love by placing himself before or ahead of God and neighbor, the soul is guilty of disordered or inordinate self-love (pride). Hence, if the soul is desirous of entering into and progressing through the Sacred Chambers of Our Lord's Heart, he must trustfully surrender, in humility and faith, his self-love and self-will to Holy Love and the Divine Will. This process, known as conversion of heart, begins in the First Chamber – the Immaculate Heart of Mary – through the perfect example of the Blessed Mother's humility and faith exhibited in Her Heart. This point was made in a Message given on the Revelation of the United Hearts on January 25, 2001, in which Jesus says:

"I have come to further dictate to you the secrets of Our United Hearts – salvation, holiness, perfection, conformity and unity. In the world today the vast majority of the world's population remains unconverted; that is, they do not pursue their own salvation. Conversion comes through the grace of My Mother's Heart. Thus, the Immaculate Heart of Mary is the First Chamber of Our United Hearts. It is the antechamber to holiness, perfection, conformity and unity. The Heart of My Mother is Holy Love – the Two Great Commandments – to love God above all else and his neighbor as himself. No one attains salvation who will not abide by these Two Commandments. And so, with or without knowing this, the soul who seeks his own salvation must gain entrance to the First Chamber of Our United Hearts – Holy Love – My Mother's Heart. Once the soul gains admittance to My Mother's Immaculate Heart, his most glaring faults are brought to light through the Flame of Holy Love – The Flame of Her Heart. If he perseveres in grace, these faults will be burned away and the soul will be allowed to pass into the Second Chamber of Our Hearts which is personal holiness. Now he is entering Divine Love and My Divine Heart."

Thus, as the soul enters the First Chamber of the United Hearts – the Immaculate Heart of Mary – it is purged of its greatest faults through the Flame of Our Lady's Heart. This is a spiritually painful process, much like what the soul experiences in the Purifying Flames of Purgatory, for it is in this Flame of Holy Love that the soul is shown what thoughts, words and actions stand in the way of his spiritual progress in holiness.

This self-knowledge is a great grace which comes from the Immaculate Heart of Our Lady and which cannot and should not be bypassed, as Our Lord said on April 5, 2006, in a Message to All People and Every Nation. Jesus says:

"Do not be mistaken to think that the Refuge of My Mother's Immaculate Heart is given to just some or a few. The Refuge of Her Heart is for all. It is Holy Love. Therefore, I come today to help you to see that every heart is being called into this Sacred Refuge with great urgency. Do not think that you can skip this precious first step in your personal holiness and jump right into Divine Love, which is My Sacred Heart. It is only through the intercession of My Mother's Heart all souls can enter and imitate Divine Love. My Mother prepares each heart by purging the greatest iniquity from the soul through the Flame of Her Most Pure Heart. No one enters Divine Love who does not imitate Holy Love. It is presumption and self-righteousness that urges souls to think they are more virtuous and holy than they are. This is why you must pray every day, even hourly, to accept truth and humility in your own heart. Satan has spread a blanket of confusion over the world. For this reason, most are not even aware of the real path they are following."

Gradually, then, as the soul is purged of self-love which is replaced by Holy Love, he begins to see that love of God deepens his trust in God. The more the soul trusts God, the deeper the surrender of self-will to the Divine Will and the more at peace the soul becomes due to an increasing desire to be conformed to and in union with God's Will. Jesus describes this process of surrender in a Message given on February 14, 2001. Jesus says:

"I tell you that the intimacies of My Heart are not open to those who pursue holiness through the intellect. It is only through spiritual surrender of the human will the soul is admitted to these Sacred Chambers. Thus, it is a cooperation between creature and Creator. The soul surrenders and the door to the Chambers is opened. I know what the soul surrenders with what depth he surrenders, and I know, too, what he hangs on to. I see how he accepts the grace of self-knowledge or how he rejects it. I judge the merit of his surrender according to the merit of his surrender to the Law of Love. Some souls impede their own progress in the Chambers of My Heart by judging others' faults and disregarding their own. The one who thinks himself blameless has not entered the First Chamber."

So, in the First Chamber the soul not only tries to overcome his greatest faults and iniquities, he also tries to get to know Jesus more intimately so as to love Him more and thus deepen trust and surrender to God more. This can be done by avoiding worldly distractions and occasions of sin, by studying Scripture and these Messages of Holy Love, by leading a sacramental life (if Catholic), and by being generous in corporal and spiritual works of mercy, thereby keeping the focus off of self-love and self-will and placing it on Holy Love and the Divine Will. This is the way toward perfecting the Holy Love in the heart of a soul – just like a golfer who works on perfecting his golf swing.

Once inside the Immaculate Heart of Our Lady – the First Chamber, the soul thus becomes purified and perfected in Holy Love through a process of passing through compartments or chambers in the Purifying Flame of Holy Love, as described in a Message by Blessed Mother on May 9, 2011:

"I have come to describe to you the Flame of My Immaculate Heart – the Flame of Holy Love – The First Chamber of Our United Hearts. There are different compartments or chambers, if you will, within this Flame. The first and most intense area of this Flame is for souls just beginning to discover their own iniquities. Many spend long years in this part of the Holy Flame, for pride does not permit them to admit their own guilt and weaknesses. Gradually, as the soul discovers the purpose behind many of his actions and sinfulness, he passes to the next area of the Flame of My Heart which is repentance. Here he may fall victim to a scrupulous conscience which is a favorite trap of Satan. With humility, he will overcome this obstacle. The less intense part of the Flame of My Heart is for the most repentant soul. This soul seeks God's Mercy with a resolve to do better. This is the highest part of the Flame of My Immaculate Heart. Having passed successfully now through every part of the purifying Flame of Holy Love, the soul moves willingly to the Second Chamber of Our United Hearts and begins his journey to perfection in Divine Love. These, then, are the stages of purification through the Flame of Holy Love. Each stage lends itself to passage into the next."

As can be seen here, as the soul surrenders more and more to Holy Love in the present moment, he progresses through the compartments of the Flame of Our Lady's Immaculate Heart, being purified of self-will and perfected in the Divine Will. This process of the soul's surrender then continues as he prepares to enter the Second Chamber of the United Hearts – Holiness – the Flame of Divine Love.

Thus, as the soul surrenders more of his free will to live in Holy Love, the more he is transformed toward conformity and union with the Divine Will. This was explained in a Message given on May 15, 2006, in which St. Thomas Aquinas says:

"I have come to help the world understand more deeply the Flame of Holy Love. This is the Flame which you ask in prayer to burn away your iniquity. Here is how it works. This Flame of Holy Love, which is the First Chamber, first sheds its light upon the areas of sin in the person's life. Gradually the soul chooses to avoid these sins and to live in Holy Love. The more he chooses Holy Love, the more his free will is melted and transformed in and through the Eternal Divine Will. This transformation continues moment by moment until the Sixth Chamber when the Divine Will lives within the heart."

This is further explained by Jesus in His step-by-step description of each Chamber in a Message on February 1, 2001 – Revelation of the United Hearts, as Jesus says:

"If love is the entrance to each Chamber of My Heart, please understand then, that it is only by a deeper surrender to love that the soul can be transported from one Chamber to another. In the First Chamber, the soul must decide to love God more than sin. That is his salvation – the Heart of My Mother. In the Second Chamber, the soul loves God and neighbor even more and seeks holiness."

Thus, as the soul prepares to enter the Second Chamber, his conscience becomes more open as to how he uses the present moment; and strives to surrender, as God desires, more of his own will to the Divine Will. Jesus tells us the cooperation He desires of us in this regard, and how intellectual pride can block or hinder the progression of the soul through the Chambers of His Sacred Heart (refer to the Message of February 14, 2001).

As the soul progresses through the Chambers of the United Hearts through deeper surrender to the Divine Will, he experiences a more fervent desire to be drawn and immersed completely into the Divine Will – the Sixth Chamber. Jesus tells us that, although it is hard to comprehend, this experience is felt by the soul from the very beginning as he enters the First Chamber of the United Hearts; for the Divine Will encompasses all of the Chambers.

Jesus explains this experience in a Message, followed by another Message given with further explanation by St. Margaret Mary Alacoque, both given on April 2, 2003. Jesus says:

"The Sixth Chamber – the Will of My Father – clothes all the other Chambers, and yet to reach it you must pass through all the other Chambers – for the Sixth Chamber is the Highest Heaven. So, how can you pass through it but not be contained in it? In order to get into the First Chamber which is Holy Love, the soul must, to some degree, pass into My Father's Will for Holy Love is the Divine Will as is every Chamber. At the beginning, the Will of My Father acts as a sieve filtering out iniquity and self-will, and helping the soul to hang onto the Will of God. With each successive Chamber, more of the soul's own will slips through the 'sieve', and more of the Divine Will fills the soul. The souls that do reach the Sixth Chamber – the Highest Heaven – either, in this life or the next are consumed with the Divine Will and no longer exist alone only in God."

And, again, on April 2, 2003, St. Margaret Mary Alacoque says:

"The Sixth Chamber is the embrace of the Heart of God which is the Divine Will. The soul feels the embrace of the Father's Heart increase as his soul is drawn deeper into the Chambers of the United Hearts. This being so, please see that as the soul is drawn into the First Chamber, he feels the Father's embrace begin. Each subsequent Chamber allows the soul to feel the Father's embrace increase. The Eternal Father tries to draw each soul into the Highest Heaven."

Therefore, in the First Chamber of the United Hearts – the Immaculate Heart of Mary – we begin to experience the goal and desire of the soul to be in union with God as best exemplified through the profound, perfect union of Our Blessed Mother, in Her humanity, with Her Son, Jesus, the Second Person of the Holy Trinity; and it is only through Holy Love – the Immaculate Heart of Mary – that this union of human and Divine can be accomplished.

In a Message given by Jesus on May 25, 2001, Jesus says:

"Holy Love is the title I give to the Two Great Commandments of Love – to love God above all else and your neighbor as yourself. This is the virtue which shines through every virtue, for without Holy Love in the heart, every virtue is but superficial. My Mother's Immaculate Heart is Holy Love. In the Flame of Love the Flame of Her Heart pronounced faults are burned away from the face of each soul who surrenders to love. Holy Love My Mother's Heart is the First Chamber of My Sacred Heart. This is so, for We are united in spirit, each one to the other. We are thus united, for our love for each other is perfect without flaw. Through the Chambers of My Heart the soul is continually called to a deeper surrender to love a more perfect love. The goal of My call is union with the Divine Will, for My Father's Will is Perfect Love. The peace every heart seeks is Holy Love. The peace the world seeks is unattainable except through Holy Love."

Jesus tells us that this goal of His call for every heart to be in union with the Divine Will is the only way to have true peace in every heart and in the world. However, for this to become a reality, every heart must first seek out Divine Mercy beginning in the First Chamber – Our Lady's Immaculate Heart. Jesus tells us this in a Message given at the Midnight Service at the United Hearts Field on March 30, 2008 for Divine Mercy Sunday, as Jesus says:

"My Father desires that a bond of love be established between His Heart and the heart of all mankind. This is the goal of all these Messages, of all the graces given here, and of the journey through the Chambers of Our Hearts. This cannot take place until the heart of man is cast into the Ocean of My Divine Mercy. To do so, each soul must open his heart to self-knowledge, recognizing his own iniquity. In order to reach the pinnacle of Divine Love, the soul must first seek out My Mercy, for My Mercy is intrinsic to Divine Love. In the First Chamber, My Mother's Heart, which is Holy Love, the soul is tendered the grace to acknowledge his sins and turn with a repentant heart to My Mercy. Then, through Divine Mercy, he is led through the subsequent Chambers. I tell you, Divine Love and Divine Mercy come together in Unitive Love. Both Love and Mercy are sorely tried by a generation that opposes Creation itself. Each time God's Divine Will is opposed the whole world suffers. Every time a prayer rises to Heaven from the heart or a Message is received from Heaven or an apparition from Heaven takes place, the negative force of sin is opposed."

As the soul, through surrender of self-love in the Purifying Flame of the Immaculate Heart – the Flame of Holy Love, is able to trust in Divine Mercy and Divine Love, he will find that he will rapidly progress into the Second and subsequent Chambers of the United Hearts and, as a result, experience the true peace for which he yearns.

Jesus explains this process to be much like the purification of the soul in the Flames of Purgatory, although less spiritually painful and more rapid. In a Message on October 22, 2009, Jesus says:

"The tabernacle of My Heart opens quickly easily to the one who approaches Me through the Flame of My Mother's Heart. For it is this Flame of Holy Love that illuminates the soul of all error and purges the human heart of guilt and unforgiveness; then the soul can, with freedom, move swiftly into the subsequent Chambers of Our United Hearts. Trust in My Mercy trust in My Love propels the soul forward quicker than any suffering of Purgatory. This cherished trust grows deeper as the soul advances into My Heart. Peace is always the barometer of such trust. The more the soul trusts in itself, the less peace he has. True peace is the fruit of trust in Divine Mercy and Divine Love."

We can surely understand the importance of the Flame of Holy Love in the Immaculate Heart of Mary – the First Chamber of the United Hearts – as the soul begins the journey of personal holiness toward union with and immersion in the Divine Will. This importance is further highlighted in a Message given on May 10, 2011, as Jesus says:

"I invite all people to understand more deeply the Flame of Holy Love that is My Mother's Heart. The journey through this Torch of Love is the journey to conversion. Thus, understand the conversion of the world has been entrusted to the Flame of Holy Love. No one begins this journey outside of the invitation of grace. No one perseveres in this journey except in his free-will choice to accept grace. The reason this Mission has been able to persevere through such unusual trials and obstacles is the continual call to conversion I offer the world through Holy Love. My call is the hope of a spiritually apathetic world. My Mother's Heart and the Flame of Holy Love are the spiritual resources of this age before I return. This is the age of preparation before My return the age of love engulfed in My Mercy."

This continual call of all souls toward conversion back to God through the journey of personal holiness, which begins in the First Chamber, is often emphasized by Heaven, as in a Message given at the Midnight Service at the United Hearts Field on June 22, 2001 for the Feasts of the Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart, as the Blessed Mother comes as Refuge of Holy Love and says:

"I come to you tonight as My Son has sent Me to seek your conversion. Many of you have lukewarm hearts. Still others are not practicing their faith. The journey to your conversion in this present moment is paved with love. The heart that surrenders to My call to holiness through Holy Love becomes My instrument in the world. Through such a heart I am able to begin, continue and complete My Victory. The journey into the Chambers of My Son's Most Sacred Heart is the only preparation you need for the future. When you surrender to Holy Love you begin the journey, and it is a sign to Satan that you belong to Me. Though the adversary will test you, he cannot win you over if you remain within this call to Holy and Divine Love which is the journey into these Sacred Chambers."

It is evident, from these Messages of the Revelation of the Chambers of the United Hearts, that Heaven is giving humanity every opportunity toward attaining salvation and is providing a clear path or blueprint toward that end, while also alerting us of Satan's desire to thwart or divert humanity from achieving this goal. The importance of following this spiritual journey of holiness is explained in a Message given on January 12, 2011, as Jesus says:

"For who else but Satan would come against My call to live out My Commandments of Love? Who else would oppose prayer and sacrifice? Who else would cast aspersions upon this call to reclamation of the soul of humanity? But it is time to move beyond all the negatives, and pursue the spiritual journey through the Chambers of the United Hearts. Each soul has the responsibility of reviewing his relationship with his Creator through the Commandments of Holy Love. Whether he believes in this Mission or not, he is obliged to live in Holy Love, for Holy Love is his judge. No one can hold himself above this call. It is the soul's perfection in Holy Love which determines the depth of his personal holiness. This call is not lessened by the soul's inability to believe in it. This call to live in Holy Love is a constant. Holy Love is the Heart of My Mother and the Ark of this new Covenant of Love. The Ark of this final Covenant is not physical but spiritual. The physical presence of this Mission in the world (the property, the Messages, conversions, and healings) are doorways to the Ark of the new Covenant of Love. The presence of Divine Love in and through these 'doorways' is the ultimate call into the Divine Will of My Father. You can readily see, then, why evil is so opposed to My call here. But I continually ask that you ignore those who try to dissuade you from listening to and believing in My call here, and live the Messages wholeheartedly."

In the next Chapter, we will focus on examining the United Hearts Revelation Messages on the Second Chamber of the United Hearts – Holiness – Divine Love. As we begin to explore the spirituality of this Second Chamber of the United Hearts as well as the subsequent Chambers, it may be appropriate to always review and keep in our minds and hearts the following Message given on October 24, 2001, as St. Thomas Aquinas says:

"Today you have been invited on a journey – a journey which leads to your sanctification and to Heaven itself. Our Lady's Victory and the Triumph of the United Hearts are in your hands now, for the battle will only be won through love. When you allow Holy Love to consume your heart, Our Lady is already triumphant in your heart. But you must spread the victory to other hearts by making this journey known. Do not waste time trying to evaluate which Chamber you are in. To do so would be presumption. Jesus alone is the Judge. Just keep moving forward as you would on any journey. Do not be satisfied with where you are on the journey. The goal is perfection through love. Nor should you be discouraged by comparing your journey in love to another, for I tell you, each one's journey is different."