The Journey Through The Chambers of the United Hearts: The Pursuit of Holiness

Chapter 9


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Chapter 9.

Second Chamber of the United Hearts: Divine Love — Holiness

We will now examine, in detail, those United Hearts Revelation Messages given by Jesus, Blessed Mother, and some saints (e.g., Saints Thomas Aquinas and Anthony of Padua) having to do with the spirituality of the Second Chamber of the United Hearts, which Jesus also labels as Divine Love or Holiness. Blessed Mother gave a Message on September 18, 2013, to encourage us to see that as we surrender more and more to Holy Love in the present moment, we move from the First Chamber (Her Immaculate Heart) into the Second in which we are provided with many graces that help us to know Jesus more intimately in His Divine Love and Mercy and which open awareness of our conscience as to how we use the present moment created and given us by God. Blessed Mother says:

"Dear children, your personal holiness needs to be your prized possession. This is your personal relationship with God the Father, Jesus and Me – all nurtured by the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Love and Truth. You have been given the spirituality of the Sacred Chambers of Our United Hearts here at this site. Let this journey be your guide and path to follow towards the Divine Will. Do not let anyone or anything stand in the way of your deep and ongoing journey in holiness. These days, the world holds holiness in low esteem and refuses to conform to such a concept. But you, My children, have been brought along this sure and certain path of Holy and Divine Love."

We have to always remember that God wants our trustful surrender to His Divine Will every present moment – not just sometimes. When we become more aware of such a prized grace God gives us in our personal holiness toward a closer personal relationship with Him, we develop a greater desire to increase in virtue and to further pursue holiness to a deeper level. And in this pursuit of holiness, the soul first realizes in the Second Chamber how certain habits and attachments to worldly things affect us and how they can get in the way of our concern for the welfare and needs of others first. This point is explained by St. Thomas Aquinas in a Message on September 24, 2007. He says:

"I have come to tell you that the first and most basic step in holiness is to regard others' needs first. In doing so you must not look upon how everything affects you yourself, but how everything affects those around you. When you are concerned mainly for yourself, this is a sure sign of inordinate self-love. Such an attitude quickly carries you out of the First Chamber and away from humility of heart. Be solicitous and accommodating towards the needs of others, and trust in God's Provision in your own needs. This is the first and most basic step in personal holiness. Disordered self-love is the inspiration of all sin and has its roots in evil. Love of God and neighbor is the basis of all holiness."

Jesus tells us that if the soul wishes to pursue holiness, then he must empty himself of self-love in the process known as self-abandonment or self-surrender. In a Message from July 8, 1999, Jesus says:

"I have come to help you understand that some people pursue holiness with their intellect and not their heart. This is the meaning of love. Love must first be in your heart and then in the world around you. If Holy Love is in your heart, then you surrender your will to Me. It is only in this way I can fill you with grace and virtue. This means you have no 'wants' of your own. It does no good to imitate the virtues or to seek the company of holy people if you have not emptied yourself completely. You may want to be holy and virtuous, but it is not possible to demand such grace from Me. It is only possible through self-abandonment."

Thus, as love of Jesus begins to consume our hearts, we find ourselves able to trust Him more and more for we know that He wants only what is best for us – our salvation. We begin to have a 'Holy Indifference' as to what takes place in every present moment and every situation. Holy Indifference is a trust that in everything, God works for our good so that we let God take control over every situation, knowing in our hearts that what we think is best for us or what we think should be the outcome of any situation is best determined by God. This is a trustful surrender and emptying or dying to self so that the soul is at peace with himself no matter the outcome of a situation.

Jesus describes the details of how this trustful surrender takes place in the Second Chamber in part of a lengthy Message He gave on October 16, 1999 describing the first two Chambers of His Sacred Heart in relation to the prayer He gave on the 'Consecration to Divine Love' (see page xvii). In this Message, Jesus says:

"My sister, there are many Chambers in My Heart of Hearts, which is Divine Love. The door to each Chamber is unlocked through self-will, self-surrender. Each doorway leads you deeper into Divine Love – deeper into My Heart – until the soul reaches the deepest, most intimate Chamber of Divine Union, and compliance with the Divine Will of God... Through the Flame of My Mother's Heart, the soul recognizes its faults and failings. By a movement of free will, he decides to overcome his weaknesses – to let them be burned away through the Flame of Holy Love. Yes, the first doorway to Divine Love is Holy Love (First Chamber). It is the purgative stage. The soul may open this door, quite committed to the path he sees before him, but because he gives in to Satan's temptations, finds himself outside the first door again. Over and over he may have to recommit to Holy Love. Finally, he will be less tempted to old weaknesses. He will recognize them and avert them. Now he can approach the first door to Divine Love (Second Chamber). Once through this doorway, a great peace comes upon the soul. He is able to go deeper into prayer. He is more aware of the grace of the present moment. Indeed, he is able to recline in My Heart and find a respite herein. He does not take joy in so-called worldly pleasures anymore. His joy is in Me. The soul drifts along in this sea of calm, recognizing more frequently the difference between his wants and his needs. In this Chamber the soul has few wants… Study all I have said thus far concerning the Consecration to Divine Love."

Once the soul has entered the Second Chamber, after being immersed in the sea of calm, he may become more aware of certain habits or attachments to the world that can become obstacles toward using God's grace of the present moment to progress further in personal holiness to the next Chamber. This is brought out in a Message on October 17, 1999, in which Jesus says:

"Now the First Door – Holy Love – reveals your glaring faults. The Second Chamber of My Heart asks your more perfect surrender. In this Chamber, little flaws in love come to light. After the soul drifts on the sea of calm when he is first admitted to the Second Chamber, he is able to see certain habits or attachments that hinder him from going deeper into Divine Love – My Heart. Waves of emotion toss him to and fro. At one moment the soul experiences dryness. The next moment he receives consolation. If he perseveres in overcoming his small attachments and inordinate habits, he will be ready to move into the Third Chamber of My Heart."

Besides this awareness of little faults or habits and attachments, in a Message given on January 27, 2000, Jesus says:

"Now as they enter the Second Chamber of My Divine Heart, I pour into them knowledge of the virtues, an awareness of the depth of each virtue in their own heart, and a hunger to increase in virtue. For such as these it is not enough just to reach salvation. These souls thirst for holiness, thirst to please Me and draw closer to Me. To them this thirst seems unquenchable. As the virtues deepen, they move closer to the next Chamber of My Heart."

This hunger to increase in virtue is further described in a Message on January 31, 2000, in which Jesus says:

"When a soul moves from Holy Love into Divine Love and the Second Chamber of My Heart, he receives a longing for a deepening of the virtues. The soul is developing a desire for holiness, but is uncertain as to how to attain it. It is during the soul's stay in this Chamber that My grace comes to him, enticing him to a more devout life. When the soul's spiritual desires become spiritual needs from a more pure love, the soul moves into the Third Chamber of My Heart."

Regarding the soul's deepening of virtue, in a Message given on March 2, 2000, Jesus says:

"The more the soul surrenders to Me through love, the more I surrender to him. If you are surrendering, then a life steeped in virtue will be a sign to all that you are Mine. The more you surrender to virtue, the more the virtue becomes a part of you."

In further describing what takes place within the heart in the Second Chamber, Jesus says in a Message on April 7, 2000:

"As the soul is made more loving under the commandments of love, it moves into Divine Love and the Second Chamber of My Heart. Here the soul receives much illumination and interior changes take place within the heart. The soul develops a private relationship with Me."

In a Message given by St. Anthony of Padua on May 20, 2000, he describes the steps the soul takes in going deeper in the journey of holiness through the Chambers. In Chapter 8, Step 1: Salvation, was described as the First Chamber of the United Hearts. In Step 2, which he describes as Holiness, the Second Chamber, St. Anthony says:

"Entrance into the Sacred Heart of Jesus (Divine Love) (occurs) through deeper surrender to love. The soul begins to equate Holy and Divine Love with the Divine Will of God. He aspires to personal holiness by greater surrender to God's Will, which is always Holy Love in the present moment. He begins to understand that his will is directed by what he holds in his heart."

It is this aspiration for deeper personal holiness that moves the soul forward through the Chambers, and the Flame of Divine Love, which burns away all apathy and complacency, cleansing the soul of the littlest of attachments. As Jesus said in a Message on October 20, 2000:

"The Second Chamber represents pursuit of holiness." This is why the Second Chamber, which is Divine Love, is also known as Holiness.

In the series of Messages given by Jesus in late August, 2000, which He called a Primer on the Chambers of the United Hearts, He provided a Message on August 25, 2000, summarizing what takes place within the soul in the Second Chamber. Jesus says:

"Here, My messenger, is the Second Chamber outline for the Primer. As the soul surrenders more deeply to Holy Love, he passes into the Second Chamber of My Sacred Heart, which is Divine Love. This is what takes place within the soul in this Second Chamber which is holiness:

The present moment is purified through a commitment to Divine Love.

The soul surrenders his health, appearance and comforts.

The soul begins to distinguish between his wants and his needs."

Also, in a series of Messages given in late January, 2001, which are used in a booklet entitled, The Revelation of Our United Hearts: The Secrets Revealed, Jesus provides a detailed explanation of the Inner Sanctum of the Chambers of His Sacred Heart. In the Message He gave for the Second Chamber on January 26, 2001, Jesus explains:

"I invite you to see that each Chamber of My Sacred Heart is approachable only through a greater submission of free will. Thus, as the soul approaches the Second Chamber of My Heart, he begins his martyrdom of love; that is, he dies to his own free will as a sacrifice of love. In the Second Chamber of My Majestic Heart – The Flame of My Heart – the soul pursues holiness. The Flame of Divine Love reveals small flaws of character that separate the soul from Me. In this Chamber of My Heart the soul is more aware of the present moment. He understands the past must be committed to My Mercy – the future to My Provision. He opens himself up to the grace of the present moment. The souls in the Second Chamber of My Heart are becoming more aware of the Eternal Father's Will for them and most accepting of My Father's Will. Then as they surrender more and more to the Divine Will in the present moment, they prepare themselves for entrance into the Third Chamber of My Sacred Heart."

Overall, then, this part of the spiritual journey of holiness – the Second Chamber – is designed to pursue perfection in holiness, striving to be spiritually perfect as our Heavenly Father is Perfect – Perfect in Love. In striving for this perfection in holiness, also known as sanctification, we realize how important the desire to have the virtues of Holy Love and Holy Humility reign in our hearts must be. This is explained in a Message given on June 15, 2002, in which Jesus says:

"I am helping you to understand that the soul can only move deeper into the Chambers of My Heart with the pass keys of deeper love – deeper humility; for it is the deepening fulfillment of these two virtues that draws the soul to sanctity. So, with a movement of his free will, the soul must desire to be more perfect in Holy Love and Holy Humility. When this desire comes from a sincere heart, the way will be shown. No one can sincerely desire to be more holy and not be given the grace to achieve deeper holiness. Therefore, I tell you, desire holiness with your whole heart, and I will help you find it."

St. Thomas Aquinas reiterates this point in a Message on March 22, 2004, in which he says:

"I have come to tell you that self-knowledge is the handmaid of perfection. The soul that is willing to look into his own heart and is humble enough to ask for assistance in overcoming his faults is the one who will mount quickly to perfection. If you seek to be holy, the Lord will help you to recognize those habits and failings you must overcome to increase in holiness."

Thus, in striving for perfection in holiness, through humility, the soul willingly surrenders more and more to the purifying Flame of Divine Love.

In a Message given on March 8, 2003, St. Thomas Aquinas also explains the cumulative effect of the purification process in holiness that occurs most intently in the First and Second Chambers, as he says:

"I have come to help you see that all the grace obtained in one Chamber of the United Hearts is carried into the next Chamber and deepened. In other words, the soul enters the First Chamber and is purified of his iniquity through Holy Love. When he enters the Second Chamber – holiness in the present moment – the purification he experienced in the First Chamber abides with him and continues. As he seeks to be holy in the present moment, he is even more aware of the slightest fault or iniquity, and strives to overcome them. Gradually, the soul is drawn into the Third Chamber which is perfection of the virtues. The virtues are deepened through an awareness of imperfections in the present moment – the First and Second Chambers. And so it goes until the Kingdom of God – the Kingdom of the Divine Will – is established within the soul itself through union with the Divine Will. So you see, this spiritual journey is like building a house – a spiritual refuge – within the human heart. One block builds upon another until the Kingdom of the Divine Will is enthroned within the heart itself."

As we have seen previously, trustful surrender or abandonment to Jesus and thus, to the Divine Will, in every present moment is the means by which the soul progresses rapidly in this journey of holiness through the Chambers toward perfection in love. This is expressly stated in a Message given on October 27, 2002, in which Jesus says:

"My brothers and sisters, abandon yourselves completely to Me, for this is the way to accept My Father's Will for you in every present moment. This is the building block and the foundation of your holiness in every present moment. It is in this way I call you to perfection."

Throughout this journey of personal holiness through the Chambers of the United Hearts, Our Lord continually encourages us to move forward and persevere through the obstacles, distractions and difficulties in our perfection in love that we encounter along the way, as in the following Message given on August 15, 2003, in which Jesus says:

"I have come to help you see that every present moment carries with it a lesson in holiness and grace to move deeper into My Sacred Heart. I never abandon you. In the midst of every difficulty is My Provision… Think of the people that are disconnected with the Divine Will of My Father. The current of grace between My Mother's Heart and such as these is short-circuited – burned out. They are left to fend for themselves. They become insecure, greedy and fearful. Not so with the children who walk in the light of grace. They are the ones who can abandon themselves to Me. The path of Providence opens before them. They prosper in the light of love – moving deeper into My Divine Heart."

Finally, as the soul continues along in the journey of holiness through the Chambers of the United Hearts, Our Lord tells us that the soul should not be afraid or too proud to seek out His assistance in overcoming any attachments, habits or faults in striving toward perfection in holiness. In a Message given on June 24, 2005, Jesus says:

"I have come to help all to see that to remain in the depths of My Heart means you must continually strive for perfection in holiness. To achieve this, always strive for littleness – to be hidden and to hold kind and loving thoughts in your hearts for one another. Avoid factions – I do not mean friendships. I mean opposing one another in thought, word and deed. If one tries to influence you against another, avoid association with him. Such influence breeds disunity and weakens your personal holiness, as well as this Mission. When you are confronted by some personal fault, either by another or through an enlightenment of conscience, seek My assistance in overcoming the fault, for this is the humble path. Be charitable in overlooking the faults of others. I invite you to carry this Message with you, and to reread it daily until it becomes part of your heart."

As we have seen in examining these Messages on the spirituality of the Second Chamber of the United Hearts, the purification and perfection of the soul in holiness is the major focus, which, in turn, helps the soul become keenly aware of the power and grace offered by God every present moment to bring the soul to the goal of conformity and union with God's Will. So, as the soul becomes aware of the power of God's grace in the present moments God creates to draw the soul into union with the Divine Will, he also recognizes how Jesus draws that soul into the next Chamber, the Third Chamber of His Sacred Heart which is Perfection in Virtue.