The Journey Through The Chambers of the United Hearts: The Pursuit of Holiness
Synopsis - First Chamber
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The First Chamber of the United Hearts
Salvation / Holy Love / Immaculate Heart of Mary
The spiritual journey of a soul begins with this Chamber which is the First Chamber of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the Immaculate Heart of Jesus’ Holy Mother Mary – the Flame of Holy Love, the two great Commandments of Love, and the Gateway to the New Jerusalem. No one can come to Jesus except through Her Heart, which is Holy Love. It is the introduction and key to all the other Chambers which are Divine Love and cannot be bypassed as it is the basis and foundation of all the others. It is the Chamber in which souls through the Flame of Holy Love – the Light of Truth - gain self-knowledge, repentance for sins, are cleansed of iniquities and purged of inordinate desires and conduct. The grace given in the First Chamber strips away falsehood and illuminates the Truth. The treasure of Her Heart is self-knowledge which is the conviction of conscience that opens the doorway to perfection of all the virtues.
Jesus calls all people, all nations into the Chambers of His Heart and calls attention, in particular, to this universal call by sounding the trumpet blast universally into the First Chamber. The following souls can enter: ones who respond to the universal call into the Chambers of Jesus' Heart; ones who seek their own salvation and surrender to Holy Love - willing to love God above all else and neighbor as self - following God's Will for salvation; ones who begin their surrender / acceptance to the Divine Will and have confidence and trust in Jesus; ones who recognize their faults and are open to conversion and do not think themselves blameless; and ones who hunger for God and have many areas of self-love still in their heart.
When the soul uses his free will to surrender to the call to love, he enters the antechamber of Jesus' Heart which is the Immaculate Heart of Mary - Holy Love. By a movement of free will, the soul decides to overcome his weaknesses - to let them be burned away through the Flame of Holy Love. All that is needed is a humble 'yes'.
This simple prayer – the prayer to Mary Protectress of the Faith – the key to the Immaculate Heart of Mary – admits the soul into the First Chamber of our United hearts, which is the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
'O Mary, Protectress of Our Faith, hear our prayer and ask Your Beloved Son to receive our Faith into His Sacred Hands. Ask Him to hide our Faith in His Wounds and protect it from all evil. Amen.'
As the soul is drawn into the First Chamber, he feels the Father's embrace begin. When you step into the First Chamber, you are stepping into Pure Love and you will see everything in your own heart which opposes Holy Love and you will be given the grace to love more perfectly. Your most glaring faults are brought to light. Through the Flame of Holy love - the Flame of the Immaculate Heart of Mary - the soul is illuminated to see his soul as it stands before Jesus and it begins to recognize the power and importance of the present moment. The soul is tendered the grace to acknowledge his sins and turn with a repentant heart to Jesus' Mercy. It is Holy Love - that precious First Chamber - that enables the soul to recognize the kindness of God the Father's Provision and put it to use. It is in this Flame of Holy Love the soul is shown what thoughts, words and actions stand in the way of its spiritual progress. The Flame of Holy Love burns away the soul's most glaring iniquities and gives him the desire to increase in holiness and move forward into the subsequent chambers.
Herein find your respite from the sorrows of the world. Seek this Chamber where you can clearly define good from evil. This Chamber is the strength you need to pursue a closer relationship with Blessed Mother. She will protect you from the concerns of the world herein. You will be clearly shown good versus evil. You will be less tempted to old weaknesses - you will recognize them and avert them – and can now approach the first door to Divine Love - the Second Chamber. You will be purified and made presentable to Jesus. You will be given every grace and enhancement that you need; every encouragement will be yours even if you go over and over into the First Chamber. If you persevere in grace, faults will be burned away and you will be allowed to pass into the Second Chamber.
The time will come when the First Chamber - the Purifying Flame of Blessed Mother's Heart - will consume the world. In that moment, each one will be given the opportunity to step into the First Chamber and to begin the journey. Pray that all cooperate with this profound grace.
The best preparation for the future is Holy Love in the present moment. The heart, so pre-disposed, faces every difficulty in and through the grace of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Blessed Mother will not forsake you in any need.
Note: Contemplate the 'HOLY LOVE ALPHABET' given on June 7, 2011 by St. Catherine of Sienna.