The Journey Through The Chambers of the United Hearts: The Pursuit of Holiness
Synopsis - Second Chamber
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The Second Chamber of the United Hearts
This Second Chamber is holiness. When the soul passes into the Second Chamber he is now entering Divine Love and Jesus' Divine and Majestic Heart - the Flame of His Heart - where the soul pursues holiness.
Passing from Holy Love to Divine Love, the soul has been convicted in his conscience and purified of his most glaring faults. The soul that enters is making a sincere effort to live in Holy Love, receiving the anointing of the present moment. That is to say, he is made most aware of the grace offered in the present moment.
As the soul surrenders more and more to Holy Love in the present moment, it is made more loving under the commandments of love. In other words, it has successfully passed through every part of the purifying Flame of Holy Love in the First Chamber and now moves willingly into the Second Chamber which opens his conscience as to how he uses the present moment. This is where he begins his journey to perfection in Divine Love.
Once through this doorway, a great peace comes upon the soul. As souls enter the Second Chamber of Jesus' Divine Heart, He pours into them knowledge of the virtues, an awareness of the depth of each virtue in their own heart and a hunger to increase in virtue. The soul receives a longing for a deepening of the virtues. The soul is developing a desire for holiness, but is uncertain as to how to attain it. These souls thirst for holiness, thirst to please Jesus and draw closer to Him. To them this thirst seems unquenchable.
It is during the soul's stay in this Chamber that Jesus' grace comes to him, enticing him to a more devout life. After the soul drifts on the sea of calm when he is first admitted to the Second Chamber, he is able to see certain habits or attachments that hinder him from going deeper into Divine Love - Jesus' Heart. The Flame of Divine Love reveals small flaws of character that separate the soul from Jesus. The soul is more aware of the present moment and understands the past must be committed to Jesus' Mercy - the future to His Provision. He opens himself up to the grace of the present moment.
The soul receives much illumination and interior changes take place within the heart. Waves of emotion toss him to and fro. At one moment the soul experiences dryness. The next moment he receives consolation. He begins to understand that his will is directed by what he holds in his heart. The Soul begins to equate Holy and Divine Love with the Divine Will of God and is becoming more aware of the Eternal Father's Will for them and most accepting of His Will. He aspires to personal holiness by greater surrender to God's Will,
As the soul seeks to be holy in the present moment, he is even more aware of the slightest fault or iniquity and strives to overcome them. Little flaws in love come to light. Within the soul the present moment is purified through a commitment to Divine Love.
The soul develops a private relationship with Jesus and is able to go deeper into prayer. He is more aware of the grace of the present moment and is able to recline in Jesus' Heart and find a respite herein. The soul loves God and neighbor even more and seeks holiness. He begins to distinguish between his wants and his needs and has few wants. He surrenders his health, appearance and comforts. He does not take joy in so-called worldly pleasures anymore - his joy is in Jesus.
When the soul enters the Second Chamber - holiness in the present moment - the purification he experienced in the First Chamber abides with him and continues. If he perseveres in overcoming his small attachments and inordinate habits, he will be ready to move into the Third Chamber. The Second Chamber opens the way to the Third, Fourth and Fifth Chambers of Jesus' Heart.
As the soul decides to pursue holiness, he is made more aware of the depth or lack of depth of the virtues in his heart. As every virtue proceeds from love and humility, the depth of love and humility in the heart dictates the depth of every virtue.
To enter through the ‘Door’ of each Chamber, requires greater surrender, commitment, compliance and submission to the Divine Will. In doing so, the soul surrenders more to virtue which allows the virtue to become more a part of him. As the virtues deepen, the soul moves closer to the next Chamber. So you see, each Door is the Divine Will, but entrance to Each Chamber requires greater surrender and commitment.