The Journey Through The Chambers of the United Hearts: The Pursuit of Holiness

Synopsis - Fourth Chamber


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The Fourth Chamber of the United Hearts

Sanctification / Conformity with the Divine Will


The Fourth Chamber is the last Chamber necessary for entrance into Heaven. It is conformity to the Divine Will of the Heavenly Father and the Chamber of sanctification - the ultimate goal of every soul and of all spirituality. It is comprised of the living martyrs of love.


The soul that seeks conformity with the Will of God enters this fourth Chamber after he has successfully surrendered his will to a virtuous life of Holy Love in the present moment.


The soul is gently drawn into the Fourth Chamber as the depth of virtue increases in the soul and he begins to practice heroic virtue; that is, he is virtuous without regard to cost to himself. When you discover God's Will in your own heart, you will be in the Fourth Chamber.

The way to come into the Fourth Chamber of Jesus' Sacred Heart is to abandon yourselves to Him - accepting all things as from the Hand of God. If you see this as impossible, then ask for His assistance for it is He who calls you into His Father's Will.

In this holy abandonment you will have no worry, for all your concerns will be surrendered to Him and you will have no fear, for you will trust in His Provision.

It is a difficult Chamber to enter as so much of the soul's own will must be surrendered.


The soul in the Fourth Chamber is able to accept all things as from the Hand of God - that is, God's Will for him - and he is embraced by Love and embraces Love. He has been perfected in Holy Love and always trusts in Divine Providence. He no longer lives for himself, but Jesus lives through him. Love, trust, surrender and peace become deeper and more profound in his heart. He does not know fear.

The soul who resides in the Fourth Chamber desires to be in this Chamber more than anything else. He knows full well his littleness before God and makes a conscious effort to execute God's Will in every present moment. He does not question the why and the wherefore of moment-to-moment events in his life. He has no more wants, for his will is annihilated and one with the Divine Will. He is conformed to the Will of God the Father - it has become his nourishment in the present moment - few moments slip past without effort to become united with the Divine Will. When he experiences any trial, he returns it immediately to Jesus. Therefore, Jesus and the soul share each cross together.

The Fourth Chamber is like a cloak that protects you from ambiguity, confusion, anger and sadness. Beneath this cloak is Blessed Mother's Mantle of Love. What a sublime place to be - never dissatisfied, ambitious or fearful - wanting only what God offers you in each present moment.


Do not be discouraged if your every effort is not worthy of this Fourth Chamber. Your whole life is a spiritual journey. Unlike the athlete, age is not your enemy.


It is within the Fourth Chamber of Jesus' Heart that Jesus experiences His Passion and death as every Mass is celebrated. His greatest sorrow, the one that bitterly occupies the Fourth Chamber of His Heart, is the sacrileges and outrages that He suffers in His Real Presence in the tabernacles of the world.

No one enters the Kingdom of Heaven who is not conformed with the Divine Will of God - the Fourth Chamber. If this state of conforming is not attained here in the world, the Flame of Holy Love reaches into Purgatory and the Divine purification takes place there. So you see, everyone in Heaven, happily, has reached the Fourth Chamber of the United Hearts.

Each soul in invited to see that their home is in Heaven; that is also where their heart should be. The soul is at peace that lives this way. It is in this attachment to eternal bliss that the soul begins his conformity, and then union with the Divine Will of God.

Trust is so important to the soul who aspires to the Fourth Chamber. If the soul does not trust in God's Mercy, he leaves himself open to guilt. Guilt is the inability to forgive self or to believe that God can forgive sins of the past. Understand that God's Mercy is perfect, all-embracing and complete. He wants to forgive you. He does not condemn. It is the soul who chooses condemnation.

When you surrender it means you have a holy indifference as to the outcome of a situation. This is the nugget of Truth that allows you to live in conformity to the Divine Will. Surrender is always surrounded by trust. You trust that God has an infinite, eternal plan that will bring good from any turn of events. Therefore, you remain indifferent as to the outcome, knowing God, Who is Love, will engineer the best outcome. Read Romans 8:28