The Journey Through The Chambers of the United Hearts: The Pursuit of Holiness

Synopsis - Revelation of the United Hearts


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Revelation of the United Hearts

The depth of the United Hearts Revelation

January 13, 1999

"I have come - Jesus, the Word born Incarnate. I wish to reveal to you the depth of the United Hearts Revelation. As My Mother's Heart is the Refuge of Holy Love, so My Own Sacred Heart is the Kingdom of Divine Love. Thus, the United Hearts represent both Refuge and Kingdom – security in tribulation and victory over evil. We are united. We share everything. She is always in Me. I am always in Her – spiritually and emotionally."

The goal of all spirituality is to be united with the Eternal Father's Heart

July 3, 2000

"I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. I wish to express this Truth to you concerning the United Hearts Revelation. Our United Hearts – that is My Mother's Immaculate Heart within My Sacred Heart – is embraced by the Divine Will of God, which is the Heart of the Eternal Father. Once the soul begins the spiritual journey through the Chambers of My Heart, he is moving ever closer to the reality of this Divine Will and Eternal Heart. The goal of all spirituality is to be united with the Eternal Father's Heart. It is His Divine Plan for all humanity. It is the reason each one has been created. It is the fulfillment of My Mission on earth."

"Make it known."

The greatest grace that will ever come to the Ministry

October 3, 2000

"The greatest grace that will ever come to the Ministry is the complete and irrefutable United Hearts revelation."

This is why the Revelation of the United Hearts has been given

January 25, 2007

God the Father appears as a large Flame. He says: "I am God the Father. All praise be the Holy Trinity. I am the Eternal Good from Whom all good emanates."

"During these times in which there is a crisis of conscience, you must make known these Messages of Our United Hearts. For this reason, the United Hearts Revelation has been made known during these latter days – that all hearts be united in love to Our United Hearts."

"I will send all the grace – all the angels you need – when you make the effort. I will give you courage and perseverance. I will give you circumstances and time in which to evangelize, for I am All Good. I Am Who Am."

This is why the Revelation of the United Hearts has been given

February 23, 2007

I (Maureen) see a large Flame form around the tabernacle and then advance towards me. I understand that It is the Heart of God the Father. He says: "Let us give praise now to Jesus, My Son, ever present in the tabernacles of the world."

"I tell you, while there is much talk about living in My Divine Will, most do not understand how to accomplish this goal. This is why the Revelation of the United Hearts has been given to the world. The Chambers of the United Hearts are a step-by-step journey into My Divine Will and the Flame of My Heart. You cannot jump from the ground to the top of the ladder without climbing the ladder. You cannot jump into My Divine Will by saying you are there without surrendering to the spiritual journey first. Today there is too much talk about the goal and not enough talk about how to attain it."

"The spiritual journey through the United Hearts must become familiar to all."

Make this Revelation known

May 25, 2012

I (Maureen) see a Great Flame. From It, I hear a Voice. "I am the Eternal Father – the Eternal Now. I desire people know Me and love Me, for I am the Source of All Love and All Good. I am He Who creates everything from the smallest grain of sand, to the highest mountain, to man's free will. I am the Source of Mercy that frees man from sin; that allows choices and makes My Will the Umbrella of all creation."

"It is I Who form the Revelation of the United Hearts. It is I Who brought it into the world to bring peace and harmony into the hearts of all and between mankind and God. Do not forsake My Purpose. Make this Revelation known as it is given to the world by the Source of All Truth. Do not be dissuaded from belief by who believes or disbelieves. Those are earthly standards. Believe because I ask it of you. Do not continue to search out reasons to disbelieve. You are answerable to the Eternal Now. I do not need to search your heart to know you. I formed your heart."

"Believe now. Be consecrated to Our United Hearts. Spread this devotion."

The United Hearts will lead the way into the New Jerusalem

June 11, 2018

"I am the Father of all Ages. For all eternity, I have known the United Hearts Revelation would come to light in this generation. The United Hearts will lead the way into the New Jerusalem. I have seen this generation being called to return to obedience to My Commandments. I have known that My Commandments would be disrespected."

"I can only lend support to those who pursue a deeper relationship with Me."