The Journey Through The Chambers of the United Hearts: The Pursuit of Holiness
Synopsis - St. Joseph’s Vestibule
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[ 9 minutes]:
St. Joseph’s Vestibule
Entryway to the First Chamber of the United Hearts
The Vestibule of Grace and Entryway to the First Chamber of the United Hearts is Truth Itself and is replete with every grace each soul needs towards his personal conversion. St. Joseph is always there present - calling and inviting souls into the Light of Truth and into the United Hearts. It is their invitation to conversion of heart and a place of decision where the soul decides to either pass through the Doorway of God's Mercy or return to the world.
St. Joseph invites every soul - all sinners and all nations - into this Vestibule of Truth. The souls most distant from this Entryway are the ones most steeped in the compromise of Truth.
The moment a soul hears the call to conversion of heart, he stands at the threshold of the First Chamber – Salvation - Holy Love – Immaculate Heart of Mary. It remains an act of free will to choose to enter this Vestibule of Grace. The conviction of heart in the Truth is vital to every conversion.
St. Joseph welcomes each soul with love, patience and understanding. The soul is convicted of the Truth of his iniquities and is washed in the humility of his own errors. The soul is so enamored with God's Divine Will that his only peace is to pursue a deeper relationship with God - this is what leads him through the Doorway of God's Mercy. The grace of conversion is given to the soul, but the decision is weighed on the scale of free will. St. Joseph gently urges each soul into the Flame of Love - the Immaculate Heart of Mary - the First Chamber - to
be purged of their greatest iniquities. St. Joseph gives the soul the courage to desire personal holiness which is God's Will for each soul. St. Joseph, as a faithful and fierce protector, encourages souls to step into the First Chamber where their spiritual journey begins and continues.
St. Joseph never grows weary of welcoming the sinner - the soul - to his conversion. Every effort is made by Heaven and the holy souls in Purgatory to bring souls through the First Door, for it is that doorway to the First Chamber - Holy Love - that determines their eternal fate. Angels are sent to protect and guide every precious soul once he enters the Vestibule of Grace. The soul who surrenders most completely is given the greatest graces to persevere in self-surrender. Do not be discouraged in any effort towards personal holiness - some have to enter the Vestibule of Our United Hearts over and over again. There is no certainty in the world because of the unpredictable nature of man's free will. Therefore, let your security be your own spiritual journey through the Chambers of Our United Hearts. Every soul needs to first accept the necessity of the journey to surrender to it, just as Blessed Mother accepted the flight into Egypt - then the grace is given to succeed. Until the soul turns with a contrite heart to the experience St. Joseph invites him to, he will continue to be restless, uncertain and feel unfulfilled.
Please understand what importance the Seal of Discernment * plays in this ongoing conversion process. It is this Seal which assists the soul in defining the Truth. This Entryway or Vestibule into Our United Hearts is the first step in any conversion process. Truth must convict the heart before any change can take place. Therefore, understand that self-complacency is Satan's weapon which he uses to thwart Truth in the heart. No one should be satisfied with where he is spiritually. Once the soul realizes and accepts his errors, he is admitted to the First Chamber of the United Hearts - the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Then, within the Flame of Her Heart, he is purged of his iniquities. Throughout these Sacred Chambers, the soul who seeks to travel deeper must participate in an ongoing conversion. This moment-to-moment conversion is the soul's 'yes' to placing God first in his heart and trampling underfoot disordered self-love. At the end of each day, each soul is called back into the Vestibule of Grace to make a self-examination of conscience. There, they will be able to see what is holding them back from a deeper journey through the Chambers. Then, they will pass, once again, through the Doorway of Jesus' Mercy.
* On March 18, 2013, Maureen, asked Jesus if this Seal can be given to anyone who reads the Messages:
Maureen: "I'm wondering about this Seal you are giving people who come onto the property with sincere hearts. …if anyone reads the Messages – does that mean they automatically receive the Seal?"
Jesus: "Only if, for some extenuating circumstance, they cannot make it to the site. It would be a serious problem preventing their journey here. The soul needs to make this determination himself."
Maureen: "Tell me again about the Seal and why people should have it."
Jesus: "First of all, they should view it as a gift from Me. It is a Spiritual Seal - not visible – but a Seal that helps them discern the state of their own soul, and also discern good from evil in the world. The only requirement is a sincere heart. I told you before that a sincere heart is a heart open to the Truth."